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教育王國 討論區 課外活動 7 課外活動是否太多
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7 課外活動是否太多 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-9 12:35 |只看該作者

7 課外活動是否太多

My son is a K3 AM student.

I have arranged 7 activities for him as follows:-
Wed PM - English Club - 1 hr - In his own kindergarten
Thrus PM - Swimming lession - 1 hr - 1 hr travelling
Sat AM - 珠心算 - 1 hr - In his own kindergarten
Sat AM - Painting lession - - 1 hr - In his own kindergarten
Sat PM - Boy Scout - 1 hr - In living area
Sun AM - Piano - half hr - 1 hr traveling
Sun AM - Violin - half hr - just after Paino lesson

Do you think I have arranged too much to him?

I have asked him to consider whether it is too much for him.  He said yes.  

When I advised him that I prefer him to keep 3 activities (swimming, 珠心算 & violin) and consider 4 others whether he wants to keep or not, then he said he want to keep those 4 subjects and quite the 3 subjects I want him to keep.
Reason to quite:  Swimming - Need travelling time 1 hr.
                           珠心算 - Need to do homework
                           Violin - Need frequent practice daily.
Reason to keep those 4:  好玩

Any comment?

I asked what will you do if not go to such activities?  He answered 'Nothing' , then he prefer to go to such activities.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-9 13:50 |只看該作者

Re: 7 課外活動是否太多

我個仔都係讀緊高班, 佢而家每個星期都係有7樣課外活動, 雖然上課地點都係屋企附近, 但我都覺得好似好忙咁, 因為我個仔係返全日班.

星期一 : 學琴
星期三 : 公文英
星期六 : 硬筆書法班/畫班
星期日 : 專注力提升班/EQ遊戲班/珠心算

我都問過亞仔使唔使 cut 緊一兩樣, 但佢話唔想不特止, 仲話想學普通話、溜冰同埋功夫添, 舊年曾經俾佢學過溜冰、功夫及跆拳道, 可能當時細個唔專心又唔多正經, 所以停左冇學, 而溜冰就學過2堂, 咁岩個時有sars所以停課後就冇再繼續, 而家佢又話想學, 仲同我講佢會認真去學喎, 我都唔知點好.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-11-9 14:14 |只看該作者

Re: 7 課外活動是否太多

Do you think too much activities on Sunday?  I prefer to reserve at least Sunday for he to relax and family day.  

My son (K2) also has some activities, but I arrange them on Mon. to Sat., Sunday is our rest and family day (for he and for me).

[center]Our little Hannah is [/center]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-9 14:23 |只看該作者

Re: 7 課外活動是否太多

Hi Jessica,Trevormama ,

I asked such question because my husband's mother said i arranged too much for my son that have caused him too busy, hard and tired.

After I told her the response of my son, she insist me to quit 珠心算, she said 珠心算 no use. But actually I know the advantage of 珠心算, but she refused to accept my opinion. Of course it already cause some argument between us.

Basically, I want to keep those 7 courses. Only want to get some support from other mothers.

I arranged piano and violin on Sunday because teacher asked me to attend with him in order to teach him at home when there was mistake during practice.  That's why only Sunday is possible. I am a working mother.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-9 14:56 |只看該作者

Re: 7 課外活動是否太多

Trevormama 寫道:
Do you think too much activities on Sunday?  I prefer to reserve at least Sunday for he to relax and family day.  

My son (K2) also has some activities, but I arrange them on Mon. to Sat., Sunday is our rest and family day (for he and for me).

Totally agreed, I also arrange some activities for my girl on Mon. to Sat., Sunday is our family day!!!   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-9 15:04 |只看該作者

Re: 7 課外活動是否太多


For my opinion, I suggest you cut the Boy Scout, because you can join later when he grow up.  For music, you can choose only one (Panio/Violin), it takes time to practice daliy.
Now you can join 7 activities in K3, but  I don't think you can keep so many activities until P.1, so why don't give him a break and enjoy the Kindergarten life.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-9 15:22 |只看該作者

Re: 7 課外活動是否太多

Dear faifai125,

But my son said his most favorite activity is Boy Scout.

For Piano and Violin, as he only started Piano for three months, I have also advised him to quit Piano but he said he feels Violin is more difficult that Piano, so he prefer to quit Violin.  But...  he already learnt Violin over a year and will attend level 1 exam on the coming Apr.  

Actually, the existing English Club, painting lesson will be finished after he goes to P. 1 because those courses are held by kindergarten.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-9 15:36 |只看該作者

Re: 7 課外活動是否太多

You can still join as many extra curriculum as possible at K3 but when you reach P1, definetely you can't afford it anymore due to school homework and exam.  In my opinion, as long as you son likes the course, keep continue for the rest of the year and re-consider again when he reach P1.  For musical instrument, piano is the basic instrument compare to violin and it more easy to manage.  Both requires daily practice, hence, managing 2 instrument at the same time at age 5 is a tough job.  My girl also at K3 has 8 courses (Wed to Sat).  I will reduce 2 courses in Jan 05 in exchange of one. Sunday is our rest day and we go to Sunday school.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-9 16:04 |只看該作者

Re: 7 課外活動是否太多

Dear ttmama,

I also intend to do so, because after he goes to P. 1 there are only 5 courses, then I shall ask him to choose 3 out of 5 (of course depends on the school homework loading and examinations).

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-9 16:04 |只看該作者

Re: 7 課外活動是否太多

I am a K1 mom and want to arrange some course for my girl but it is very difficult to match the schedule of the course.

For my opinion, at least we should let the children has 1 kind of muscial instrument and 1 kind of sport and also they should have course in eng & PTW oral.

I would like to seek advice from parents whether the following course is necessary and what age should these course started

1. Phonics
2. 珠算

I am planning to let her learn ballet as well so many course occupying the time and also cost a lot.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-9 16:28 |只看該作者

Re: 7 課外活動是否太多


哦~ 原來係咁, 做奶奶既唔想個孫辛苦, 但做亞媽既又點會想個仔辛苦丫, 佢地係好自願地咁學, 最重要係佢地學得好開心, 開心得黎又學到野喎, 你都算好架喇, 有一半興趣班可以係學校學, 時間地點容易就.

起初我自己媽咪都話我俾咁多野個仔學, 後來佢親耳聽到亞仔講話好鍾意學, 每次見到亞仔係到講學到乜學到物, 我媽咪都覺得佢叻左, 其實除左公文同學琴要練習之外, 亞仔大部份興趣班都係玩遊戲, 可以加強佢社交能力, 佢係家中獨子, 有咁多小朋友陪佢玩, 佢又點會唔開心丫.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-9 16:39 |只看該作者

Re: 7 課外活動是否太多


如果可以就到時間, 我諗都會選擇閒日上堂, 因為亞仔返全日, 除左公文同學琴可以自己揀時間, 其他個d班都好難夾到時間, 撞岩想報個d班只係星期六、日先開班, 都會考慮一下先, 而家亞仔星期六及日都只係上午上堂, 落堂時間佢爸爸先至起床, 咁都一樣可以 family day, 仲唔使朝早起身唔知做d咩, 係屋企等佢爸爸醒

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-9 16:43 |只看該作者

Re: 7 課外活動是否太多

Hi jessica,

Whether you need to learn Piano together with your son?  My son's teacher said it will be better.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-11-9 17:50 |只看該作者

Re: 7 課外活動是否太多

I think that's really too much, especially most of the activities are packed on Sat & Sun. So, do u have family days? family outings?
Moreover, if your son is asked by the Principal during an interview, I don't think it would give the Principal a good impression cos it's really quite a "unhealthy" timetable .

My suggestion is try to cut 1 or 2 activities, and change the Sun class to weekdays since as a K3 student, your son should not have too much homework to do, right?

THRY 寫道:
My son is a K3 AM student.

I have arranged 7 activities for him as follows:-
Wed PM - English Club - 1 hr - In his own kindergarten
Thrus PM - Swimming lession - 1 hr - 1 hr travelling
Sat AM - 珠心算 - 1 hr - In his own kindergarten
Sat AM - Painting lession - - 1 hr - In his own kindergarten
Sat PM - Boy Scout - 1 hr - In living area
Sun AM - Piano - half hr - 1 hr traveling
Sun AM - Violin - half hr - just after Paino lesson

Do you think I have arranged too much to him?

I have asked him to consider whether it is too much for him.  He said yes.  

When I advised him that I prefer him to keep 3 activities (swimming, 珠心算 & violin) and consider 4 others whether he wants to keep or not, then he said he want to keep those 4 subjects and quite the 3 subjects I want him to keep.
Reason to quite:  Swimming - Need travelling time 1 hr.
                           珠心算 - Need to do homework
                           Violin - Need frequent practice daily.
Reason to keep those 4:  好玩

Any comment?

I asked what will you do if not go to such activities?  He answered 'Nothing' , then he prefer to go to such activities.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-9 18:03 |只看該作者

Re: 7 課外活動是否太多

Dear Mrs. Tom,

I do consider about family day but the violin and piano teachers said I shall attend the course with him, so that I can modify his fault during daily practice, so I shall put them on Sunday.  

As my son has no lession on each Sat., so there is no problem for 3 courses on Sat, also my husband and me also need to work on Sat, so it will not cause any trouble for us.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-9 21:12 |只看該作者

Re: 7 課外活動是否太多


我都有陪個仔學琴, 因我本身唔識彈琴, 練琴時都知佢彈得岩唔岩, 我唔使返工所以可以選閒日同佢學琴.

佢之前同我講想學埋小提琴, 我考慮左一段時間都係決定暫時只學鋼琴, 鋼琴及小提琴都要花時間去練習, 想佢專心一意學好一種樂器先, 遲d先再打算.

其實你星期日陪佢一齊去學琴, 係一個唔錯既親子活動, 都算係 family day 節目一部份啦, 你個仔或會享受同你一齊既親子時間, 我覺得辛苦既似係你, 平時要返工假期要利用休息同佢去上堂.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-10 05:56 |只看該作者

Re: 7 課外活動是否太多

I have the same concern.
My daughter is in K2.
Her schedule is:
Monday - 1 hr painting
Tue - 1 hr Phonics
Fri - ballet
Sat - 1 1/2 English, 1/2 hr Piano & 1 hr Swimming
Sun - Sunday School and 1 hr Poem Reading (Parents and Daughter)
My daughter said that she like all the activities. She doesn't want to quit any classes.

Any comments??

Rank: 2

發表於 04-11-10 10:03 |只看該作者

Re: 7 課外活動是否太多


I think 7 types of activities are too many for K2 girl.  Two are enough i.e. drawing and one music instrument playing, or swimming + a quiet activity.  She will be very tried to learn 3 activities in one day.  You can play & read with her at home, instead of fully occupy the time with activities.

Just a sharing.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-10 13:36 |只看該作者

Re: 7 課外活動是否太多

Dear Jessica,

Thank you for your support.  You can understand my feeling.  As we are their parents, we almost think that Sunday will be occupied by our children, so there is no problem for me to learn piano and violin with him on Sunday. I also treat it as family activities.  He also feels that I can clear what he faced and learned during lessons, so that I can assist him to solve his problems.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-10 13:49 |只看該作者

Re: 7 課外活動是否太多

Dear Monica,

Agree you comment, unfortunately, I am a working mother.  so I almost play and read with him at night and on each Sun.
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