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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 Victoria PN Interview
樓主: nancytnf

Victoria PN Interview [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-3 14:29 |只看該作者

I have to say all I said was the truth that I know and I didn't make up any story...it looks like that it is now an incident of 羅生門..you are right that everyone in the classroom is very anxious and everyone did push a bit their kids during the interview but my memory tell me that there was no kid behind me during the dancing session (in fact, there were few fathers instead of  moms stood behind me during that session).

And for my session, what I saw was some parents even danced/ shaked their bodies together with their kids and everyone looked  happy even it was really crowded there, and there were really some parent try to make their kids move abit (I am also one of them ) but no one was knocked down.... and to be rational if you are the teacher there, if there was a parent knocked down 3 BBs, do you think you will just watch it happen and do nothing to stop that mom?

If the case you mentioned is the truth, I think parents/ teachers would talked nicely to that mom and ask her to be careful but not just talk to each other, knocked down 3 bbs is really serious and it seems a bit doesn't make sense that no one stop people doing that to others.....

I know I could not make you change your words no matter what I say and stop you from accusing me :( ....but if the case really happen like what you said, please tell "that mom" I am sorry for blocked her way at the round up session and call her fat lady here. But she really blocked my BB not like what you said and what I talked here was just her, not few moms, if you are just witness and not involved, pls do not 抺黑me for calling moms as fat ladies....

原帖由 starfish 於 09-3-3 11:58 發表

The truth is I was also in AM 9:30 session in HH interview:)  

I saw a lady knock down 3 BBs at her back when her girl was already stood in the front during the singing session.  The mum pu ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-3 14:33 |只看該作者
Maybe Starfish is the "fat lady" 僖僖媽媽 mentioned lor .... (just kiddings!!)

原帖由 winwin2 於 09-3-3 14:01 發表

點解你咁肯定你見到o個個lady係僖僖媽媽?佢好似冇講過佢係in 9:30am?

我只係以事論事, 而且以君匯港為例, 同一時間有成8間房interview, 你又點知你係同佢同一間房同一時間interview?

interview都過左,  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-3 16:01 |只看該作者

我同僖僖媽媽一齊上過PLAY GROUP,

如果你一口咬定係僖僖媽做的, 點解當日唔出聲?? 而家件事都過左, 講黎有什麼用??
算吧啦 !

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-3 20:33 |只看該作者

Do you still remember me?  My son is in the same playgroup with your girl.  Did your girl perform well that day?  I hope all the babies in our group can get into PN.

原帖由 winwin2 於 09-3-3 14:01 發表

點解你咁肯定你見到o個個lady係僖僖媽媽?佢好似冇講過佢係in 9:30am?

我只係以事論事, 而且以君匯港為例, 同一時間有成8間房interview, 你又點知你係同佢同一間房同一時間interview?

interview都過左,  ...
我時刻都記掛著我那未能來到世上的bb, 他永遠在我心裡某個角落.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-3-3 20:57 |只看該作者

Interview results?

Anybody got accepted yet ?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-3 21:34 |只看該作者

Yes, I remember you.  Is your son called Jimmy?

My girl did not perform quite well during the interview.  She nearly cried while singing and dancing but luckily she didn't cry out.  She also did not say any words to the teachers, like hi or bye.  However, she can follow the instruction of teachers, like giving things to me.  As most of the girls in my group perform similarly, I really don't know how the teacher assess each one's performance.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-3 21:50 |只看該作者
not Jimmy, but quite near.....Jxxxy.   
Oh, she was very good already.  I know one boy in our class cried that day (I think he was not feeling well that day.)  He is a good boy and performs well during the class.   

Luck is very important for interview.  

原帖由 winwin2 於 09-3-3 21:34 發表

Yes, I remember you.  Is your son called Jimmy?

My girl did not perform quite well during the interview.  She nearly cried while singing and dancing but luckily she didn't cry out.  Sh ...

[ 本帖最後由 Eclipse_2006 於 09-3-3 22:18 編輯 ]
我時刻都記掛著我那未能來到世上的bb, 他永遠在我心裡某個角落.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-3 22:16 |只看該作者
apart from observing how the kids perform, i think the teachers were also observing how parents interacted with their children.
e.g. if the kid didn't want to dance, how would his parent help/teach him?

when the kids didn't speak / dance, the teachers will look for other things from us!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-4 13:30 |只看該作者
Did the teachers talked with you guys?  I did talked with both Expat teacher and the local teacher a lot when they appraoch my girl...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-4 13:42 |只看該作者
I have not talked with the teachers even though she praised my daughter "clever" during play toy section. I just smiled at her as all the parents in the interview did not talk to the teachers, so I don't want to be outstanding.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-4 13:50 |只看該作者
She asked about the name of my boy and my boy ignored her (and even turned away from her).   I was embarresed and asked her if this was normal for a 2-yr-old boy that was already attending the pg there.  Was my boy too shy compared to others?  I didn't talked much to her, just answered her questions about my boy.

原帖由 hihicathk 於 09-3-4 13:30 發表
Did the teachers talked with you guys?  I did talked with both Expat teacher and the local teacher a lot when they appraoch my girl...
我時刻都記掛著我那未能來到世上的bb, 他永遠在我心裡某個角落.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-4 13:56 |只看該作者
I don't know why but I just had the feelings that it's the man standing at the corner and watching the kids made evaluations of the kids, not the teachers themselves.

Do you had such a guy in the classroom at the interview?
我時刻都記掛著我那未能來到世上的bb, 他永遠在我心裡某個角落.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 09-3-4 14:01 |只看該作者
I didnt' talk to the teachers either, I think this is because my girl is a small girl (12/2007) and they are not interested in her......

during our interview, we had a teacher leading the group, while another 3-4 teachers sat aside and assess the kids and their parents..

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-4 14:05 |只看該作者
yes, in our interview also has another teacher sitting at the corner who has paper on her hand and watch the whole interview. This teacher should be the one who give points but maybe the other 2 teachers will also give comments after we left the room.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-4 22:58 |只看該作者
Frankly, I didn't approach the teachers but I believe it is a proper manner if someone comes and say Hi so you must response to her, right?

I don't intend to talk a lot but they just don't stop... Finally, I have to stop the teacher by saying I need to take care my girl...

原帖由 hihicathk 於 09-3-4 13:30 發表
Did the teachers talked with you guys?  I did talked with both Expat teacher and the local teacher a lot when they appraoch my girl...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-5 00:43 |只看該作者
That's why I think the two teachers were not responsible for evaluating kids.  They just talked to some parents casually.  But the man standing at the corrner looked very serious and busy at observing every kids.

原帖由 hihicathk 於 09-3-4 22:58 發表
Frankly, I didn't approach the teachers but I believe it is a proper manner if someone comes and say Hi so you must response to her, right?

I don't intend to talk a lot but they just don't stop... Fi ...
我時刻都記掛著我那未能來到世上的bb, 他永遠在我心裡某個角落.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-5 00:49 |只看該作者

I understand your situation.  I talked to the teacher also because my boy was very impolite to turn his face away from the teacher.
我時刻都記掛著我那未能來到世上的bb, 他永遠在我心裡某個角落.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-3-5 04:56 |只看該作者
I went through this thread and the whole nterview experience seems so horrible and competitive to me as well as some moms here.  Is it really necessary to go through all this to get our kids into a so-called nice school?  Honestly, I think it is crazy to exert so much pressure on any kids at such a young age solely for the sake of securing a seat in a school which teaches merely some elementary education.
Just my 2 cents.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 09-3-5 07:51 |只看該作者
I totally agree......but sadly this is the reality we have to face, this is the HK situation.......I myself don't like competition, nor do I want my kid to grow up in such an environment.....what I can foresee is, I WILL have to either compete now, or compete in a few years time (when they have to get into primary or secondary).......I think I would rather do this now, when the pain is LESS felt, then have to do it in the future........I really don't want to be one of those on TV every year, parents and kids crying/or queueing in front of a school to  叩門when the primary/secondary 派彩/results come out....

People might just say, send them in any school, 由得他們自由發展....but the reality is....in the future, when they find jobs in the future, believe me, bosses will look at what school they went to ......
I love my kid, if I can do something now, why not...

May be I am just thinking too much & too far!!  But I am sure a lot parents also think this way..

I really wish I can go back overseas to live, where my kid will grow up under much less pressure....free and happy.....unfortunately due to other reasons, we have to stay and sadly forced to play the GAME.....

原帖由 Bellab 於 09-3-5 04:56 發表
I went through this thread and the whole nterview experience seems so horrible and competitive to me as well as some moms here.  Is it really necessary to go through all this to get our kids into a so ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-5 11:11 |只看該作者
原帖由 stinkyrabbit111 於 09-3-5 07:51 發表
I totally agree......but sadly this is the reality we have to face, this is the HK situation.......I myself don't like competition, nor do I want my kid to grow up in such an environment.....what I ca ...

I shared with you.... totally agreed!  Very sad ...... but have to live with it.
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