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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 女拔面試, 2分30秒, 多謝$40/分鐘
樓主: mycarrie

女拔面試, 2分30秒, 多謝$40/分鐘 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-17 11:56 |只看該作者
Hey SmallTungmama,

Have you done the interview in DGJS? My kid just get it done in last week and the show time is 5 minutes only!!!!!

However, I noted that so many parents are not well prepared. I saw a daddy has no shocks and a other mommy wears slipper (the style for shopping in wet market). Oh, my god...It just a basic manner. I really don't understand what they think!!!!

原帖由 SmallTungmama 於 08-10-17 11:33 發表

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-17 12:12 |只看該作者
Not yet this year for my youngest one.

Good Luck!!!

原帖由 E.D. 於 08-10-17 11:56 發表
Hey SmallTungmama,

Have you done the interview in DGJS? My kid just get it done in last week and the show time is 5 minutes only!!!!!

However, I noted that so many parents are not well prepared. I s ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-17 13:01 |只看該作者
WELL said E.D.

I tell you a good comparison. I was at St Stephen's interview last weekend. For some strange reason, (not intended by the school )... my daughter ended up sitting in a GROUP for over 35 minutes. The first part of the "interview" which I don't think is really the interview, they have two teachers in a classroom, puts your child in a group of 6 .... ask them to read, draw or colour. The teacher then goes to each child and talks to them, make contact with each one.... some parents think that's starting to "calculate" points, but I personally don't think it is.

But after 20 minutes, the teacher in that room started looking impatient as NO ONE came to get this group of kids to the next stage of the interview. The teachers went out 3 times at least... to check what's going on. I didn't say anything, but my daughter was getting really bored as she did EVERYTHING that was on that table already..... and STILL waiting.

Then finally afte 35 minutes, they took this group upstairs, and then had the "real" interview.

So, judging from this, many parents say St Stephen's interview was almost 1 hour long.... however, little do you know, the first part was just "wasting" my daughter and our time.

In actual fact, the "real"interview was no more than 10 minutes either. They watched a video, then asked my daughter some questions, and in a group some questions.

How's THAT for fairness ?

In most cases, if you really look at it, the interviews PER person is no more than 5 minutes... even Good Hope, (can't include the drawing picture) ACTUAL questioning.... is no more than 5 minutes.

Same with ALL the other schools I have interviewed..... don't count the time when your child disappear from you..... as the actual interview time. The actual questionning... is really what DGJS ' interview is based on.

As your everything else is and should have been clearly presented by the application form, report card, and portfolio.

原帖由 E.D. 於 08-10-17 10:29 發表
To all parent who is shooting DGJS (too many people say DGS, DGS is the secondary school).....What do you want to prove???

Okay. let's say DGJS has no interview or a 1 hour interview is implemented f ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-17 13:34 |只看該作者
我今日結果去左禮賢, 無去女拔面試

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-17 13:37 |只看該作者
原帖由 MY2GIRL 於 08-10-17 09:20 發表
Hello 咁多位,
我女兒昨天到dgjs interview, 我計左時, 我女入去見校長係有十分鐘既, 而且校長出來接d小朋友都好 nice, 十分鐘後帶返佢地出來都仍然係好好笑容 o 所以我覺得大家對人既觀點與角度唔同, 實有人滿意同 ...

校長可能見到家長們咁大反應, 順應民情, 要加時作賽.  如是者, 校長和工作人員實屬慘情, 虛耗時間更多.  把百多小時近一個月的面試時間用在真正教育改進方面更能得益.

問題不是一分鐘或一百分鐘, 是教育變質, 令大家無謂付出更多, 任何方面壓力更大, 更苦了孩子, 未真正入學已受吹谷.

[ 本帖最後由 囝囝爸 於 08-10-17 13:42 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-17 14:04 |只看該作者
我上星期都响St Stephen's interview但成個過程(包括小朋友睇書畫畫,跟住叫家長响下面等)都係半個鍾,之前有個post都係講St Stephen's interview D家長通常都係半個鍾攪掂,可能突然有事所以你要咁耐

原帖由 Pianokc 於 08-10-17 13:01 發表
WELL said E.D.

I tell you a good comparison. I was at St Stephen's interview last weekend. For some strange reason, (not intended by the school )... my daughter ended up sitting in a GROUP for over 3 ...

發表於 08-10-17 14:41 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-17 15:07 |只看該作者
真係唔明, 係咪D人想間學校o向收到你地份申請書之後就reject你, 話唔受你玩, 唔需要黎in 咁先開心呢?

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-17 15:23 |只看該作者
Yes, it is exactly what I noted.....

Same case, I bring my kid to St. Paul Co-ed in weeks ago. She stayed in the interview room about 1 hour but she told me that she read 3 books inside there and the principle (may be teacher) just ask few questions and that's it. So you can see the real interview time (I mean face to face) is just 5 to 10 minutes is very common.

原帖由 Pianokc 於 08-10-17 13:01 發表
WELL said E.D.

I tell you a good comparison. I was at St Stephen's interview last weekend. For some strange reason, (not intended by the school )... my daughter ended up sitting in a GROUP for over 3 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-17 15:27 |只看該作者
haha...., reject immediately after go through the profolio and school record.....maybe it is what they want, hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

原帖由 細粒豬 於 08-10-17 15:07 發表
真係唔明, 係咪D人想間學校o向收到你地份申請書之後就reject你, 話唔受你玩, 唔需要黎in 咁先開心呢?

發表於 08-10-17 16:00 |只看該作者
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發表於 08-10-17 16:03 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-17 16:28 |只看該作者
下??真係會有咁諗法o既人架原來, 但係咪心o個句呢??
老實講,  俾著我, 除非自己個女張成績表真係好差, 否則都應該俾個機會我呀, 見完唔like, 出黎唔望我, 唔收我都ok 架, 咁多人黎in, 唔通真係要個個都收皆大歡喜o羊, 個個人收生標準唔同o麻, 又要睇眼緣呢, 人選你你選人o者, 可能到時你收左我, 我又唔想讀架.....但只係交左form就話唔受我玩, 好hard feeling 架喎~~

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-17 16:41 |只看該作者
o羊叫俾個false hope你呢? 依家請你黎interview , 無話實收架, 間間學校都係咁架啦, in完唔收你就話人俾個false hope你? 講唔通喎.......
仲有呢, 話唔定in左好短時間o個d 最後係收左呢? 依家個個都唔知個結果, 只不過係有人唔忿氣in得個女咁少時間, 個女都未表演曬就俾校長請出黎, 要o向到呻下咁o者, 但第時真係入到, 又會唔會俾個女讀呢? 呵呵~~~
算啦, 既然覺得呢間學校唔係自己杯茶, 又何必咁上心呢?我本來都費時介入呢個topic, 大家平心討論無所謂, 但見有d人好無禮貌, 所以忍唔住要抒發下~~

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-17 16:43 |只看該作者
hm.....when i applied SPN for my daughter last year, just received a waiting list letter without given a 'face-to-face' interview with the Principal... all criteria was just based on what i wrote on the application form and a 4R photo of my daughter.........so what do you  think of this School then?

I don't feel angry for not being picked as once i decided to take part in the game, i had to follow the rules set by the School.....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-17 16:44 |只看該作者
有個FORUM話唔係個個都係校長IN嫁! 我朋友個女IN 了約十分鐘 , 好彩只問了4個問題, 因為佢唔多識廣東話..
原帖由 wisekid2007 於 08-10-17 16:03 發表
I think it will be much better than just giving them a false hope and waste their valuable time but in fact there is no intention to really assess the kid's potential or capability when the kid is not ...

發表於 08-10-17 16:52 |只看該作者
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發表於 08-10-17 16:54 |只看該作者
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發表於 08-10-17 16:59 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-17 17:09 |只看該作者
i just walk by.

I think the previous style of Paul boy interview might fit parents expectation.

parents sit in front of the principal room with the door opened. And you can listen to the whole interview.  it takes about 15 minutes and you can know all the questions and answer.

be frank, why worry, remember Danny Chan has a song lyrics

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