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教育王國 討論區 聖瑪加利男女英文中小學 Outside English Course
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Outside English Course [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-9-8 16:01 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Do SMC students want to take outside English course ?
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-8 16:50 |只看該作者
學校英文課程已經不錯, 基本無需再在外面上英文課.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-9-8 23:16 |只看該作者
Hi G-Ma,

我有朋友的女讀德望,但他要出外補英文,是否 SMC 的英文課程比德望好呢?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-8 23:34 |只看該作者

Your friend's case has limited relevance to SMC.

SMC is a school that puts heavy emphasis on English.  It adovates live learning by means of using English as the medium of instruction, hiring more NET teachers and admitting non-Chinese students (>20%).  The school itself has created an excellent environment for English learning, not just the syllabus.

原帖由 kls12 於 08-9-8 23:16 發表
Hi G-Ma,

我有朋友的女讀德望,但他要出外補英文,是否 SMC 的英文課程比德望好呢?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-9 09:47 |只看該作者
I called my girl school teacher to see how many subjects were taught by NET in P1. She told me only English and I'm a bit disappointed. What  the impression I got from my friend ( his son study in SM)  before except Maths and Chinese all others are by NET.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-9-9 10:02 |只看該作者
Even the teachers are not NET, they speak English during the morning assembly, class teacher period and all the lessons (except Chinese Language & Life Education). That's the reason why students have greater explosure in learning English everyday.

If you know some of the teachers in the EMI school, you should know that not all the EMI schools provide English environment to the students. some of them are "掛羊頭,賣狗肉"

[ 本帖最後由 sara 於 08-9-9 10:16 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-9 10:58 |只看該作者
We should not be too concerned on whether other classes are conducted by NET teachers or not.  Many of the non-native English speakers speak very fluent and accurate English.

Besides, English is just one subject in school and our kids have to learn others as well.

Teaching of English by NET teachers and provision of an English speaking environment are good enough for our kids to master the skills of spoken and written English.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-9 22:51 |只看該作者
我囡囡讀小一時佢英, 數, 常都係由NET教, RS, ART都係由ABC教.  呢兩年因為學校提早咗`教MODERN LANGUAGES, 好多NET都放多咗時間教外語, 所以其他科就交由其他老師負責.  唔好睇佢地係中國人, 好多都係ABC, 有D可能中文都唔識.  始終SM既英語環境真係好好.

原帖由 pink-l 於 08-9-9 09:47 發表
I called my girl school teacher to see how many subjects were taught by NET in P1. She told me only English and I'm a bit disappointed. What  the impression I got from my friend ( his son study in SM) ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-9-10 09:24 |只看該作者
上年P.1時是一個NET & 一個中國人做 Class Teacher, 但今年已經是由兩個中國人做 Class Teacher, 我不知道其中一個是否ABC, 因為還未到Parents Talk, 沒有機會交談。

我記得上年因為要由P.1開始學Modern Language, 所以是加學費最利害的一年, 接近18-19%, 解釋要請更多NET, 如果只是由現有的NET Teacher, 重新調配, 而增加中國老師教其他科目, 為何又要加那麼多的學費?

G-Ma你囡囡升P.3, 我囝囝升P.2, 學費我跟你差好遠, 但好羨慕你地小一時英, 數, 常都係由NET教, 上年和今年我地都只有英文由NET教咋......

原帖由 G-Ma 於 08-9-9 22:51 發表
我囡囡讀小一時佢英, 數, 常都係由NET教, RS, ART都係由ABC教.  呢兩年因為學校提早咗`教MODERN LANGUAGES, 好多NET都放多咗時間教外語, 所以其他科就交由其他老師負責.  唔好睇佢地係中國人, 好多都係ABC, 有D可能 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-10 12:30 |只看該作者
hi idylo,

其實我囡囡果年都係得佢果班大部份科目係由net教, 其餘班都係由abc老師教.  不過abc老師d英文都好好.  我囡囡到第二學期轉group 時跟咗一位abc老師, 我覺得佢仲教得仲好過net, 因為佢有net既口音, 但有中國人既要求, 呢位老師好勤力, 好認真, 改簿寫好多comments.  你知net比較free, 亦自由慣, 所以好多時候好鬆手同求其d, 改簿無咁嚴謹.  

所以唔一定係net教就最好, 我覺得最重要係學校營造到一個好好既英語環境, 每日都有英文課, 學生一定有機會接觸到net teachers, 學校亦好注意學生既英文發音, 只要英文底子打得好, 咁其他科目既老師唔係net(只要係英文教)都唔係好大問題既.

我地小三都係2位中國人做class teacher, 不過有一位係abc.  今年我地都係得英文同mordern languages係net教.  學校今年開埋小六, 咁net teachners既時間亦要多教幾班, 所以都好難再兼顧其他科目.

原帖由 idylo 於 08-9-10 09:24 發表
上年P.1時是一個NET & 一個中國人做 Class Teacher, 但今年已經是由兩個中國人做 Class Teacher, 我不知道其中一個是否ABC, 因為還未到Parents Talk, 沒有機會交談。

我記得上年因為要由P.1開始學Modern Language,  ...

[ 本帖最後由 G-Ma 於 08-9-10 14:59 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-10 14:38 |只看該作者
I totally agreed with G-Ma.  I used to work in an international financial institution in which English was the most frequently used medium of communication (as there were a lot of English speaking collegues in various working level).  Even the tea lady could speak English (learnt on the job).  Hence, the most important thing is the enivronment.  

I do not agree NET teachers are better than ABC or local trained teachers.  It depends also on the level of committment as well as the teaching skills and techniques.  From my past experience, some native speakers did not speak in accurate gramma.

So, don't be so concerned la.  I am sure your kid will learn a lot even, comparing to local schools.  You may consider training your kid to watch English news (ATV World 7:30pm) that he / she gets even more exposure to native English.  I found the accent of most of the reporters are very clear and accurate.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-10 23:15 |只看該作者
Monkeydad & G-ma,

I know you love SM very much and same as me, otherwise we will not pay and send our kids to there.

Agreed that ABC sometime is better than NET who will understand our culture and use our desired way in teaching. However, seems what I know is most of the teachers (in our group) are Chinese rather than ABC. To me I look ABC as NET as they can speak English in native manner. I don't mind to hv some Chinese but just hope the % of ABC or NET vs Chinese lessons is around 60/40. As this was the information I got fm my friends.

Of course, we can let them watch English TV, but do you think it really work better than teacher? Otherwise parents will not pay so much money to let their kids to attend outside native English speaker course.

To be frank the English exposure in SM is much better than normal school.  Hope they can hire more ABC in the future.

Good to share with you all :)

Rank: 4

發表於 08-9-11 09:40 |只看該作者

I totally agree with U and our expectation to SM is quite close.

Ms. Lee told us in the interview that there should be one NET/one Chinese for class teacher, and they also increased a higher % of our school fee last year for hiring more NET to expend  more lesson, but I didn't see the ratio of NET is increased for teaching the subject except English/Modern Language.

I love SM and have the same learning theory with all of yours, that's why I sent my kids to there. I also appreciate all the teacher who care our kids so much.  But It's a big difference of living or communication with a native and a Chinese fluent in English.

原帖由 pink-l 於 08-9-10 23:15 發表
Monkeydad & G-ma,

I know you love SM very much and same as me, otherwise we will not pay and send our kids to there.

Agreed that ABC sometime is better than NET who will understand our culture and  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-9-11 10:17 |只看該作者
I really think that there are more NETs in SM than other traditional subsidized school.  Don't forget that we only pay less than $3000/month. Actually it is not sufficient to employ large proportion of NET in school. But at least, they can provide an environment to learn and speak English. Students in the international school  
/CKY /victoria/St.Paul pay more than $5000 /month, so the school can employ more NETs. As I know, it is quite difficult to employ NETs in HK.....
I really think that it is "一分錢,一分貨"....

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-11 11:45 |只看該作者
如果細心數sm小學部應該起碼有8個net teachers, 而以我自己認識既abc teachers應該有3位(其他果d唔知仲有幾多係abc).  其實net & native speakers既比例都算好高.  始終sm唔係國際學校, 好難做到大部份科目都係net教.  不過sm整體英語環境已經算唔錯, 起碼小朋友係日日都有機會聽同講, 唔好忘記同學裡面都有native speakers, 所以佢地接觸英文既層面係好廣架.  

選擇得sm當然我係好認同佢既教學理念, 但都唔係盲目幫佢講說話既, 平心而論以同樣要比2千幾到3千蚊學費既其他私小, 好似民生, 宣小, 九龍塘小學, 我相信佢地既net teachers/外籍學生比例應該唔會有sm咁高.  

有日我個囡同我講佢學識咗"鼻屎"英文點講, 我問佢邊個教你架? 佢話係外籍同學仔 .
所以英語環境真係好重要, 多d鼓勵小朋友同外籍同學溝通, 呢個都係一個互相學習既好機會.

[ 本帖最後由 G-Ma 於 08-9-11 11:48 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 08-9-11 12:06 |只看該作者
我地都係得 Eng & Modern Language net 教, 其他係 Chinese 教, 好似得 P.1 有 Net/Chinese做class teacher.....

原帖由 G-Ma 於 08-9-11 11:45 發表
如果細心數sm小學部應該起碼有8個net teachers, 而以我自己認識既abc teachers應該有3位(其他果d唔知仲有幾多係abc).  其實net & native speakers既比例都算好高.  始終sm唔係國際學校, 好難做到大部份科目都係net教 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-11 12:59 |只看該作者
按今年既班級編排睇, 係p.1同p.2有外籍老師做class teacher, 高年班既都係chinese 做class teacher.  不過每班英文同mod lang 都係由net教.

原帖由 morshi-morshi 於 08-9-11 12:06 發表
我地都係得 Eng & Modern Language net 教, 其他係 Chinese 教, 好似得 P.1 有 Net/Chinese做class teacher.....

Rank: 1

發表於 08-9-11 13:41 |只看該作者
正確係只有P2G1有Net 做 class teacher, 另外兩班都冇.....  

原帖由 G-Ma 於 08-9-11 12:59 發表
按今年既班級編排睇, 係p.1同p.2有外籍老師做class teacher, 高年班既都係chinese 做class teacher.  不過每班英文同mod lang 都係由net教.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-11 14:09 |只看該作者
sorry!我又係路過既! 我之前bk 做左了很多功課.

主要dss net既數目係

陳守仁有: 全校abt2位外籍
培僑有: 全校1x位 (佢地中小學既人數多過smc, 同埋講比知果位教職員, count 埋 part time, 教課外活動都計埋.)
浸小 有 : abt 7位 (但中小學生多過smc .. abt兩倍)

我check 果時既資料係甘, 老師人數年年有變,有錯請更正.

原帖由 G-Ma 於 08-9-11 11:45 發表
如果細心數sm小學部應該起碼有8個net teachers, 而以我自己認識既abc teachers應該有3位(其他果d唔知仲有幾多係abc).  其實net & native speakers既比例都算好高.  始終sm唔係國際學校, 好難做到大部份科目都係net教 ...

Rank: 1

發表於 08-9-11 14:26 |只看該作者
pink-l, idylo

認同大家都係覺得好才選這校, 你們既意見都好中肯, 校內老師都有愛心, 接受SM的教學理念, 只是出現現況跟之前的主任和朋友所講有出入, 加上唔係依家比幾錢學費既問題, 而係當初講的沒有真正兌現, 不過, 希望以後的日子有改變啦.....

原帖由 idylo 於 08-9-11 09:40 發表

I totally agree with U and our expectation to SM is quite close.

Ms. Lee told us in the interview that there should be one NET/one Chinese for class teacher, and they also increased a higher ...
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