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樓主: Fate

Searching the Best School in the World Donated to thankful [複製鏈接]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 08-7-19 23:32 |只看該作者
However, I am very disappointed and astonished if Fate = Mum99 = Papa2ooo.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-19 23:45 |只看該作者
I didnt pay attention to Papa2ooo's replies at all so not sure of this character.  But I dont think Fate=Mum99.  As I said, I reckon they are husband and wife.  Took a quick look at Fate's goodbye thread at Australian mums' forum and didnt see any supportive words from Mum99.  That is a bit strange too as she was almost the only one who defended Fate right from the beginning until the end and one wld expect she will say something supportive to him at the goodbye thread.
love you for you

Rank: 2

發表於 08-7-20 07:04 |只看該作者
Edelwise and Investor,

Nice to see you guys here, why so late in joining us?

Without doubt Mum99 and Papa2ooo will have a lot more identities in BK ready to use to back up their future arguments.

It a shame really as I have found this forum very useful but will now be reluctant to ask for anymore information just in case they come back in a different id and give me false information.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-7-20 07:12 |只看該作者
To Ngmammy

Please do not be like mum99 or Papa2ooo and confuse and give wrong impression this argument is about a bunch of men vs a defenceless woman.   As far as I'm concerned I have no idea whether Thankful, mighty, daydream, one hair, iamfine, investor, edelwise etc... is a man or a women.  I certainly cannot identify them just by their name alone or their writing style.  

I think mum99 is a very clever person.  By describe people as

"Real little man",
"Bus Uncles"

and the way she has used the words

"To all sisters",
"They desperately trying to impress us the women",
"If you were really a gentlemen"
"BK father ringing innocent BK Mums at nights"

she has mislead alot of readers into thinking these 大男人追住一個女人.  She knows that in this thread, the majority of readers are probably mothers looking for the schools for their son/daughters and just trying to get support from them.

原文章由 ngmammy 於 08-7-17 22:14 發表

有 ...

發表於 08-7-20 09:54 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-7-20 10:33 |只看該作者
Hi Twolovelyboys,

Thanks for your PM.  Your suspicion that someone hijacked my identity here at BK as Papa2ooo is quite right.  Another friendly BK member warned me as well a year ago. I am really surprised that Papa2ooo showed up again as I have been rather quiet in the past year after the heated debate with Fate.  But what can I do?

Anyway, take it easy in this virtual world.  It is just a pity how the interesting discussion with Fate has developed into.  Believe it or not, I have quite friendly PM discussion with Fate at the early stage.

Stay cool and enjoy the discussion at BK.  

Papa2000 (not Papa2ooo)

發表於 08-7-20 12:01 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-20 12:35 |只看該作者
[quot,e]原文章由 Mum99 於 08-7-20 12:01 發表
Dear chingyu

I have to come back again just because of you.

... [/quote]

Mum 99,

I thought you were done with us. Why are you still around?

I am quite sure that Chingyu is not one of you. He/she is a lot more civilised.  

Am I correct that it is out of your/Fate's concern that Chingyu may (accidentally) tell us more about your guys that you keep coming back and telling him/her to keep quiet.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-20 13:13 |只看該作者

Justice done?

I almost thought case closed and justice done.

What an intriguing police+detective+prosecutor+defendent+jury story! The only things lacking are evidence and witness(es).  

I was so intrigued that I have dedicated more time into it than I probably should have.

Just a few days ago I thought I had a clear stand in this dispute but now I am not so sure before my few queries triggered by Fates farewell get answered:   

1. Why the Canadian family stabbed back after taking FREE help?
Judging by Fate's input here - though I cant say its lingering style and at times rather sanctimonious if not patronizing tone is to everyone's liking, plus his seemingly over-defensiveness towards different opinions - he does come across as a kind and helpful parent to me, but by his own revelation it appears he has had quite some sour endings with people who should have been grateful to him. Why? It is also interesting to note that only a few out of the many respondents in his threads have come forward to support him even after his hinted disappointment (if not plea) in this farewell, especially given the impression that he has met quite some in person.

2.But then all the allegations against him appear to have been based on only speculation and likings so far. So any victimised stories to be shared from the many(?) quiet audience?  Presuming all Fates work here is a matter of scam, there must be some victims over the course of 1year, unless all his customers benefited from his service or he has never managed to recruit any customers this way? If the first, he should be praised for the good service; if the latter, he is only being charitable if not unwise with his own time and effort. To me it really doesnt seem an effective way to get business thru networking here.

3.If there is no victim or other relevant facts about his wrong doing, does he deserve being bitten the way he has been, to the extent that he has to suicide his BK public life?  If he were wrongly accused, his leaving BK could be a loss to the parents who like and benefit from his generous sharings but would definitely be a gain for his own family and for that, I would like to congratulate him on the wise decision.  But he does not deserve leaving in such a bitter if not wounded way.

I do not know Fate in person and have only visited briefly some of his threads but I did benefit from his sharings(nothing financially though), despite it has also puzzled me from beginning why he has devoted so much of himself into BK. Maybe this is simply his hobby. He enjoys the mental interaction and networking here much more than the average lot. Or maybe he is simply a great damned good person wanting to sahre and give but just not appreciated as much as he may have deserved. I still like to believe this is more of the case than a well-planned trap. He simply does not seem like such a scheming person to me, considering that he has bared so much about himself, some of which are actually not quite to his favour in this argument.

If he is wrongly accused, it is only fair of us who benefited from him before to do his good name justice. If not, the next victim could easily be ourselves with no one standing by.

If Fate is indeed a conman, then he should be prepared for the shame and downfall of his establishment here. And I would say bravo and thankyou to the resourceful law enforcement unit, despite I am not quite for their "duo1 duo1 bi1 ren2"especially after being in an obvious upper-hand.   

There are  a lot other more distasteful users here deserving more of policing attention.

Perhaps the moral compass lies in the jury, the quiet audience. Any verdict yet?

[ 本文章最後由 wicked 於 08-7-20 13:25 編輯 ]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 08-7-20 13:36 |只看該作者
Hi all,

You ALL have so many identities but I merely have ONE "effective". (Don't count the one I created but forgot the password.)

Mine has been well established since 2004, at the moment I needed to search a better kindergarten for my sweetie.

You all can yell or shout for not bearing any responsibility.

Mine has real friends around.

I remain the right to sue for defamation in the court.  I believe modern technology can trace the evidence to cope with crimes through Internet.

I just hate reading someone who come here not to share but to blame others only.


[ 本文章最後由 chingyu 於 08-7-20 13:54 編輯 ]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 08-7-20 13:52 |只看該作者
Hi wicked,

I 100% agree with your "CONTENT" but not "You" (sorry!) because I am really confused and scared you guys using different identities. (Sorry if you are NOT one of those.  You have just registered for a while, we can't trace your past record.)

Anyhow, communicating with Fate through emails for a year, we simply share "how to take care of children, how to teach them well.... 生活上的點點滴滴...." just like a pen pal only.  No one sold me a book, no one sold me an investment, no one sold me a service for immigration (though he mentioned how to get a better life in Australia with smaller amount of money comparing to HK).   That's all.

However, as I said at the very beginning, no one has a right to judge a person.  How can I know?  I can't even know how my intimate friend will turn to be.  If she/he decided to do something "bad", the only thing I can do is to say Goodbye.


[ 本文章最後由 chingyu 於 08-7-20 14:07 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-20 15:50 |只看該作者
原文章由 edelwise 於 08-7-19 00:22 發表

Hi everybody..

I totally agree that Mum99 is Fate's wife..
chingyu is ....ngmummy is ... you guess??

They are the defenders of Fate in every threads..
俗稱"打手" very fam ...

Hi Edelwise,

我本說了不回應但你胡亂侮辱我,我覺得有必要出聲! 我只有一個 identity ,在澳洲媽咪Club內分享在澳生活, 我在這里只出了一個post講我知道關於樓主的,那里你覺得我有defend呢? 我又有幾famous呢?

defenders of Fate in every threads..既然你講的是真的,請你post 樓主的EVERY threads 看看是不是每個我也在吧!


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-20 16:32 |只看該作者
原文章由 Twolovelyboys 於 08-7-20 07:12 發表
To Ngmammy

Please do not be like mum99 or Papa2ooo and confuse and give wrong impression this argument is about a bunch of men vs a defenceless woman.   As far as I'm concerned I have no idea whethe ...

Hi Twolovelyboys,



iamfine said he is a decent man (post#103)
Daydream was called as gentleman (post #199) and
thankful said he is not a woman (post#56)

奇怪在............點解你會have no idea呢?


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-20 20:58 |只看該作者
I think everyone is as confused as I am as the replies are here and there   but here is what I am thinking:-

(1) I posted my thread on 19July at 18:45 wondering why Mum99 did not show up her support to Fate at his goodbye's thread.  Mum99 posted her support on 20July 06:13 and explained reasonably why she didnt show up earlier.  Might be a co-incidence but still I think I m right to believe that Mum99 is infact Fate's wife (sorry for the differences in time because of different time zone but they are accurate in figures).

(2) What is bullying : An act of intimidating a weaker person to do something, especially such repeated coercion.

Fate is not a weak person, I dont think so.  He speaks up for himself when the time is right.  

Mum99 : definitely not weak.  She is fierce and fisty, although most of the time pointless.

So who is bullying who?  

(3) I think (I mentioned this before in my earlier replies) that Fate is no doubt a nice papa to his 2 lovely boys.  BUT, what I have been arguing so far is nothing to do with his fathership.  What I dont like is the way he brags about himself.  I and my husband together lived in 8 countries so far.  This is our 9th country, but so what?  Simply nothing to brag about!!

(4) If this thread had been posted in Australia or the UK forum, I think it would not have raised so much attention as circles there are smaller.  This is the HKG forum.  Unfortunately parents here are less patient and tolerant to a man who likes blowing his own trimpet so much.

(5) Yet.. is it really necessary to continously playing the weaker role by feeling sorry for himself and said goodbye?  Simply someone had been told off on spending too much his time on the computer, then of course, I wld say "quite right".
love you for you

發表於 08-7-20 21:22 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-20 22:55 |只看該作者
原文章由 chingyu 於 08-7-19 19:46 發表
Hi edelwise,

I communicate with Fate just like now I am responding to you.

I saw his family in RC "from a distance" but they could not see my family.

Please advise which post you think I defend Fat ...

Hey chingyu,

You said : I saw his family in RC "from a distance" but they could not see my family."

But pls. refer to this link:


Written by Fate in the above topic:

carolsin & chingyu for your Trust in giving me your Personal E Mail Address/Tel Nos & having a brief discussion with us at RC Open Day and subsequent sharings in E Mails;

Be honest, don't always tell lie

You want me to show the evidences that you defend Fate, I quote from the "Secret of losing...", pls. take a look:

Just copy from this link:


Hi papa2000 and elderwise,

I guess you both are the same person.

I hardly can find someone who type

"Look forward(s) to...................................."

What's a coincidence that you both made the same mistake.

Come on, don't be TOO selfish though human is in-born selfish.  

Although I understand that you need clients' investment for your survival, Fate is here just to share "HIS PAST TRAGIC EXPERIENCE" so as to remind people who may escape a dead-end corner in time.

As a reader of  BabyKingdom, I always need to remind myself what's REAL and what's FAKE.  Who really wants to share the facts for others' benefit?  Who is misleading readers for his/her own profit?      

Many vulnerable hearts here need a rescuer.  If you are willing to stop, it can help this balancing view continue posting here.  


[ 本文章最後由 chingyu 於 07-7-9 22:49 編輯 ]

You said you are not old, how come you always very "善忘"

God bless you!

I challenge you coz you challenge me first

[ 本文章最後由 edelwise 於 08-7-20 23:23 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-20 23:19 |只看該作者
原文章由 Twolovelyboys 於 08-7-20 07:04 發表
Edelwise and Investor,

Nice to see you guys here, why so late in joining us?

Without doubt Mum99 and Papa2ooo will have a lot more identities in BK ready to use to back up their future arguments.

I ...

Hi Twolovelyboys,

Nice to see you too, why I am so late to join?

I am a c9, have 2 kids to take care, too busy and seldom to join this forum.  Unfortunately, I saw this " Secret of losing.." threads again, I saw "thankful"'s message, then I'm curious & back again


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