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有沒有MA MA去過九龍塘迦南上PLAYGROUP?   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-3 08:31 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
有沒有MA MA去過九龍塘迦南上PLAYGROUP  ?
請問好不好, !給小小意見, THANKS !
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Rank: 1

發表於 08-6-3 10:33 |只看該作者

My son has been joining this playgroup for almost 7 months, and he enjoys it very much.  The content of this program is more like a pre-nursery class including singing, crafting, motor skills training and teaching some basic chinese/English vocabularies.  The class is 1hr and 15mins/session, the monthly fee is $1200/month (2 days per week).  You can visit their site or call them for details.

For recommendation, it really depends on what you want your BB learns.  If you want to prepare your BB to adapt his/her new nurseryl life in the coming academic year, I beleive it's worth to join.  Otherwise, for learning English, I've heard that Victoria/ Tutor Time has pretty good English playgroup.  You can consider it, too!!   Hopefully my info. can help.

原文章由 yanyvonne 於 08-6-3 08:31 發表
有沒有MA MA去過九龍塘迦南上PLAYGROUP  ?
請問好不好, !給小小意見, THANKS !

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-4 15:14 |只看該作者
原文章由 yanyvonne 於 08-6-3 08:31 發表
有沒有MA MA去過九龍塘迦南上PLAYGROUP  ?
請問好不好, !給小小意見, THANKS !

有呀! 囝囝之前o係果度返左兩個月, 我覺得好好, 亦都覺得學到野! 模式似pre-nursery. 不過location對我地黎講唔方便所以之後冇返啦, 因為返過迦南playgroup對佢地印象好好, 我囝囝8月都會入讀藍田迦南! 希望比到你意見.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-4 20:02 |只看該作者
may I ask how old can my bb join their playgroup?? Is that one year old??

原文章由 Barbie_jj 於 08-6-4 15:14 發表

有呀! 囝囝之前o係果度返左兩個月, 我覺得好好, 亦都覺得學到野! 模式似pre-nursery. 不過location對我地黎講唔方便所以之後冇返啦, 因為返過迦南playgroup對佢地印象好好, 我囝囝8月都會入讀藍田迦南! 希望比到你 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-6 23:01 |只看該作者
would like to get yr opinion, my daughter also is 7months but cannot sit stable and also cannot walk, did u feel that is not a problem go to playgroup ? or u prefer over 1year ?

原文章由 ally1022 於 08-6-3 10:33 發表

My son has been joining this playgroup for almost 7 months, and he enjoys it very much.  The content of this program is more like a pre-nursery class including singing, crafting, motor skills tra ...

Rank: 1

發表於 08-6-7 00:16 |只看該作者
I think 9mths to 1yr old is much better, as the child has to do some artcraft (though most of the kids are assisted by their maids or parents) which is quite difficult for him/her.  The teachers will also take them to the playground for some activites. If your child cannot walk, I think he'll learn less than other kids.

原文章由 nicolewoo 於 08-6-6 23:01 發表
would like to get yr opinion, my daughter also is 7months but cannot sit stable and also cannot walk, did u feel that is not a problem go to playgroup ? or u prefer over 1year ?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-7 10:17 |只看該作者
thank you...do i need to wait for a few month after i submit the application form (like victoria's playgroup)? I have submitted the application for victoria's playgroup on Mar 26, they said I need to wait until end of this year...as my bb's no is 11x..the queue is so long....

原文章由 ally1022 於 08-6-7 00:16 發表
I think 9mths to 1yr old is much better, as the child has to do some artcraft (though most of the kids are assisted by their maids or parents) which is quite difficult for him/her.  The teachers will  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-6-7 23:25 |只看該作者
PLAYGROUP 會收15個月以上bb,基本上唔使等好耐因為bb足2歲就會薦佢地升pre nursery所以turnover都幾高好快會有位。老師有愛心會同家長溝通,我對bb返左大半年由起初乜都唔做到依家跟住唱歌跳舞好喜歡返學
大妹桐桐 Daphne  細妹珩珩 Carrie  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-16 09:01 |只看該作者
I want to ask where can get the information of playgroup in "ka Nam". THanks

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-28 01:28 |只看該作者
我囡都返緊cannan play group就快4個月, 佢最鍾意唱遊時間, D老師好nice又細心, e+等緊收信返PN, 希望okay.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-28 12:57 |只看該作者
I have joined both the playgroup at Kowloon Canon on Saturday and Homantin Victoria on weekdays. My son loves the playgroup at Victoria more because the teacher can catch his attention so he is willing to listen and learn.

The teacher of Canon speaks mainly in Cantonese. There are about 12 students in the room. There is a table outside the classroom. The students need to go out of the classroom for tea time and art time. As a result, the students are not focused to the food and the art work when they go out of the classroom to the table. Instead, they would like to walk around and play the toys. In additional, we have to bring our own food and drink for tea time so everybody is eating different food. Most of the time we will bring fruit, bread or biscuits which are easy to handle. So the only thing to be learnt during the tea time is just sitting properly at the table.

The playgroup in Victoria is clearly separated into English and Cantonese sections. There are about 8 students in the room. The table for tea time is set just next to the water tap for washing hands inside the room. During teatime, the assistant will serve the bowl/plate, fork/spoon, cup and food to the students. The student has to wait at the table until all students have got the food and the teacher will sing the teatime song. Then the students can start eating. I think such setting is much better. Firstly, all students are having the same set of tools and food so they can learn how to eat from one other. Secondly, they have to be patient because they have to wait until the tea time song before eating. I can see that the kids are doing better and better in terms of how to eat with spoons and forks. They are served with different kinds of food such as cereals in soya milk, bread, biscuits, corns, congee, etc in different lessons.

For the course content, I also prefer Victoria because it has more variety and more interesting.
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