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分配時間 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-4-24 13:43 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
有冇媽媽在職又沒有傭人? 您地可否分享一下如何分配時間在家與小孩作訓練?
我對於有限的時間經常感到有心無力. 家務也要待小孩睡了才做, 經常弄至1:00 am.
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Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 08-4-24 22:25 |只看該作者

what so lucky you are!!
I never sleep before 3:00am for everynight....sometimes 5:00am ......
very sleepy during day time.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-4-24 23:13 |只看該作者
Hi Tigermamy

I'll teach / ask my son to do some simple home tasks. It is also a training to them, right?

I have tried the followings:
1. Put newspaper onto the table before dinner
2. take the dry clothes from the hangers after drying
3. fold the clothes (simple one only)
4. Match the socks into pairs
5. Help clean fruits (small one, e.g. cherry tomato, grapes), use a big bowl of water and ask him to clean them inside. Afterwards, dry them with a clean cloth
6. Put jam/butter onto the bread
7. Dry the table/floor when it is wet

As a working mom, we don't have much time. However, my son will also find it very boring if all the home trainings are formal table tasks.

But whenever I ask him to do some "real" things, it seems that he does not think of them as another "home training" and is more willing to follow.

Just some little silly ideas to share.
原文章由 Tigermamy 於 08-4-24 13:43 發表
有冇媽媽在職又沒有傭人? 您地可否分享一下如何分配時間在家與小孩作訓練?
我對於有限的時間經常感到有心無力. 家務也要待小孩睡了才做, 經常弄至1:00 am.
有冇媽媽可以分享下? ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-4-25 13:25 |只看該作者

This is not silly, but can I know how old is your son if he can help to do so many things? Mine is only 3, I only asked him to put his own cup in kitchen or put his own dirty clothes in the basket, well sometimes do vacuum cleaning, but more like playing so I need to do it again myself.

原文章由 DMJ103 於 08-4-24 23:13 發表
Hi Tigermamy

I'll teach / ask my son to do some simple home tasks. It is also a training to them, right?

I have tried the followings:
1. Put newspaper onto the table before dinner
2. take the dry cl ...
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