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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 MCS Vs DGJS
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MCS Vs DGJS [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-21 23:23 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
瑪利諾和女拔都收了囡囡 , 真的很幸運 , 如經濟許可 , 是否應取 DGJS 而棄 MCS ? 但還有妹妹 , 而 DGJS 又要搬去將軍澳幾年 , 真不知應如何取棄 ......... 可否給予些意見 !
謝謝 !
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Rank: 1

發表於 07-12-22 19:19 |只看該作者
Congratulations! Your elder daughter is very smart and lucky. I suggest you may consider into few ways:
1. you have a younger daughter. It's a must for her to go MSC few years later if elder one studys in MSC. Infact, if possible, it's better for the sisters to study in the same school so you can handle easier
2. of course, point 1 is based on if the school you pick for the sisters are good. pls refer to
not so sure it's perfertly right but you can get some reference there.
3. Do you have time to take care the dughter if she goesDGS. What I heard DGS is very competitive. If you can, DGS is a good choice
4. Money - two daughters can save almost 1 million $$ (from primary school to secondary school)
5. religion (you are catholic or christian?). if you can enter MSC at the first round, i think you are Catholic. Better to let the girl study in the school under the same religion background
6. location (don't know where you stay)

In fact, i also think of your question before DGS announces the result. Based on the above, I have decided I will choose MSC. But of course, your case is different from my case. Then finally, I don't need to choose because DGS didn't pick my girl. I think that's good for me. Ah Q!
Hope you can make a good decision finally. Most important, just go ahead if you decide and don't look back and never regret

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-22 22:22 |只看該作者
Very objective and precise analysis!! I am in the same situation as yours. I also thought of whether I should choose MCS or DGJS before DGJS released the results, and I decided to stay with MCS mainly because of these points:

1. I live quite close to MCS -- I think this is very important as my girl will not need to spend hours on the road simply for going to school/coming back home, this becomes more significant as DGJS will move to TKO temporarily for a few years).
2. We are a Catholic family and my daughter is now attending Sunday school (主日學) every week. I think it would be better for her Bible study if she studies in MCS, a Catholic school.

Anyway, I don't need to worry about it now as DGJS doesn't choose my girl and I can decide to let her be a Maryknoller at this early stage.

原文章由 upperyellow 於 07-12-22 19:19 發表
Congratulations! Your elder daughter is very smart and lucky. I suggest you may consider into few ways:
1. you have a younger daughter. It's a must for her to go MSC few years later if elder one study ...

Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-23 00:36 |只看該作者
upperyellow :

很多謝你寶貴的意見 ! 這兩天我也問了十多位朋友的意見 , 發現她們都一面倒認為應選 DGS , 因 DGS 在各方面的條件都比 MCS 優勝 , 特別是升中派位 (DGS 是100%升中) , 將來不需再為升中問題而操心 , 且DGS學生的水平因是被挑選過而較平均 , 讀書氣氛良好 , 但我還是有以下的擔憂 :

1) 妹妹的性格不像家姐般熱愛學習和專心 , 將來能考入DGS的機會真的很低 ! 如是者不知將會派到或考到什麼小學 , 不替家姐選 MCS 而令妹妹不可入讀好像有點不智 ?!
2) 我家住 MCS 附近 , 搬來這裡當初就是為了有機會入 MCS , 但現在又 .......
3) 坊間流傳很多DGS的學生都是來自富裕家庭 , 學生及父母們都有很多比較 , 不論是學業或家境 , 我真的很害怕這些"比較" , 又怕囡兒會受影響而感到不快樂 .......
4) 我丈夫認為應考慮囡兒讀那一間學校的得益會多些 , 因做所有決定都是為了這目的 , 但我又不覺得讀DGS會有較大得益 ........

我很怕會作了不是最好的決定 , 請大家不要見怪 .......

原文章由 upperyellow 於 07-12-22 19:19 發表
Congratulations! Your elder daughter is very smart and lucky. I suggest you may consider into few ways:
1. you have a younger daughter. It's a must for her to go MSC few years later if elder one study ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-23 00:41 |只看該作者

回覆 #1 Helen'sMum 的文章

I will choose MCS as yr have one younger daughter as yr younger daughter can study in the same school. I think it is betteer for sister to study in the same schooll as they have things to share during talking. if only one daughter, I will choose DGS.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-23 01:22 |只看該作者
Are you choosing the best for your elder daughter? Why she has to sacrifice because of an easier way for her younger sister?我相信每個人都有不同的讀書緣..... let your elder daughter have what she deserves.  She has performed so good in the interview and was accepted by DGJS, why not let her study there?  I think you may regret for her in her entire life when you look back...... Give "her" the best that you believe... not the best for "you and your younger daughter" -- it is fair, right?

Rank: 4

發表於 07-12-23 03:31 |只看該作者
Same case to my friend last year, she finally chose MCS for her elder daughter.

好彩考(抽)入都要有所附出, 但肯定女拔要附出多好多, 因校內compeition 好大, 小朋友呢個時候都好難話讀唔讀得黎, 家長真係要問下自己有無時間跟到足, especially 有兩個小朋友.


女拔係100%上中學...即唔掂已一早被out左啦, 你怕上唔番MCS中學 ? (只要keep住中上成績應無問題), 如果MCS都驚成績, 女拔又點讀得上呢?

你問朋友, 個個都會揀女拔, 佢哋知唔知輪到細妹升小學時, 你地又要再受多一次折騰


原文章由 Helen'sMum 於 07-12-21 23:23 發表
瑪利諾和女拔都收了囡囡 , 真的很幸運 , 如經濟許可 , 是否應取 DGJS 而棄 MCS ? 但還有妹妹 , 而 DGJS 又要搬去將軍澳幾年 , 真不知應如何取棄 ......... 可否給予些意見 !
謝謝 ! ...

[ 本文章最後由 鳳梨 於 07-12-23 03:42 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-23 09:32 |只看該作者
DGJS la, 兩間都系好學校, 兩間的程度都好高(讀邊間都要付出), 但DG較全面, 不會只側重學業, 運動, 音樂...都同樣注重.  細妹自有她自己要行的路, 不要因細妹而放棄家姐的權利.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-12-23 15:26 |只看該作者
helen mummy, I guess you actually prefer DGS but still have a bit hesitation.

Why don't you take out a paper and score DGS and MCS under different criteria e.g. academic, location, school fee, reglion......and then make a conculsion.

Both DGS and MCS are good schools. It's good for your daughter to study either one. If you really want DGS, go ahead lah. You definitely can overcome all difficulties. Don't worry too much.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 07-12-23 22:38 |只看該作者

回覆 #1 Helen'sMum 的文章

dgs好d,d學生是選出來的 ,因大抽獎什麼人都有,學校在水平上比較難控制 ,且妹妹將來(小朋友重細未大定)可能有大改變,無人知,何必為不可知的未來影響姐姐,好像太不公平。且我相信姐姐在這幾個月的面試中一定付出了不少。另一方面,可問問姐姐他較喜歡那間and why,可以用作參考 (只是參考 )
此外,dbs如有哥哥在校就讀是有分加的,可能dgs都一樣,所以不用太擔心唔收妹妹:) 。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-24 00:30 |只看該作者
理性上, 我會勸你揀DGJS, 因為可以讓番MCS個位出黎, 咁我囡囡大抽獎又多個機會!

實際上, 我會揀MCS, 始終有個妹妹跟尾, 到時升小學煩少次! 而且MCS都係一間好學校, 唔好講到犧牲咁嚴重! 講真, 人海茫茫, 能夠做姐妹都係一種緣份, 兩姐妹又邊計得咁多! 如果真係覺得犧牲o左家姐, 咁叫妹妹要錫多d家姐, 千祈唔好蝦家姐!

原文章由 Helen'sMum 於 07-12-21 23:23 發表
瑪利諾和女拔都收了囡囡 , 真的很幸運 , 如經濟許可 , 是否應取 DGJS 而棄 MCS ? 但還有妹妹 , 而 DGJS 又要搬去將軍澳幾年 , 真不知應如何取棄 ......... 可否給予些意見 !
謝謝 ! ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-12-24 00:40 |只看該作者
Money, religion, location are all relevnat factors.  But I guess you'd better ask your elder daughter which school she prefers.  You live near MCS and so she should have certain idea about the school.  Besides, she would also have formed an impression about DGJS during her interview.  Last but not least, your daughter's character should be the determinant factor.  One would easily tell the different characters between the girls of the 2 schools.  Trust your daughter, let her make the choice.  I 'm afraid I have to say that your younger daughter's prospect should not be one of the considerations.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-24 11:42 |只看該作者
我又唔覺得姐姐"為o左"妹妹讀 MCS 係一種犧牲, 相反, 如果因為父母覺得要畀"最好"o既安排而入讀 DGJS 致令兩姊妹不能共讀一間學校, 我覺得反而算係一種犧牲。

首先, DGJS 無錯係女校中最閃亮o既一顆星星, 但係亦唔代表每一個入讀o既女孩子都一定讀得好/開心, 雖然話 DGS 會 100% 收返 P6 學生, 但係為o左保障質素, P1-P5 時可能已經做o左好多去蕪存菁o既"工序", 到 P6 升中時果班其實已經係經過過濾了, 所以學生所受o既壓力一定比其他學校更大。

其次, MCS 亦係一間非常不錯的學校, 如果兩姊妹可以一齊入讀, 互相照應及有共同話題, 姊妹感情亦會更好, 呢樣係錢都買唔到的。而如果你係天主教的話, 我覺得 MCS 更加會係一個 better choice..

1. 入一間更有名氣o既學校去追求"最好" (定係滿足自己o既虛榮?)
2. 令兩姊妹開心快樂地在同一學校讀書?


原文章由 cherriemama 於 07-12-24 00:30 發表
理性上, 我會勸你揀DGJS, 因為可以讓番MCS個位出黎, 咁我囡囡大抽獎又多個機會!

實際上, 我會揀MCS, 始終有個妹妹跟尾, 到時升小學煩少次! 而且MCS都係一間好學校, 唔好講到犧牲咁嚴重! 講真, 人海茫茫, 能夠做 ...

[ 本文章最後由 charwes 於 07-12-24 11:45 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-24 12:01 |只看該作者
Give me five! 我都唔覺得姐姐"為o左"妹妹讀 MCS 係一種犧牲!..........我敢講你一定同我一樣有兩個囡囡, am I right? 我諗只有係兩女之母先會明白我o地要顧慮o既問題!

原文章由 charwes 於 07-12-24 11:42 發表
我又唔覺得姐姐"為o左"妹妹讀 MCS 係一種犧牲, 相反, 如果因為父母覺得要畀"最好"o既安排而入讀 DGJS 致令兩姊妹不能共讀一間學校, 我覺得反而算係一種犧牲。

首先, DGJS 無錯係女校中最閃亮o既一顆星星, 但係亦唔 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-24 12:09 |只看該作者
cherriemama, give you 5!!

不過我唔係有兩個女, 而係大女細仔...


原文章由 cherriemama 於 07-12-24 12:01 發表
Give me five! 我都唔覺得姐姐"為o左"妹妹讀 MCS 係一種犧牲!..........我敢講你一定同我一樣有兩個囡囡, am I right? 我諗只有係兩女之母先會明白我o地要顧慮o既問題!


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-24 12:10 |只看該作者

回覆 #1 cherriemama 的文章

MCS 亦係一間非常不錯的學校, 如果兩姊妹可以一齊入讀, 互相照應及有共同話題, 姊妹感情亦會更好, 呢樣係錢都買唔到的。

--- I agree

Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-24 12:29 |只看該作者
I support the points raised by charwes.

Helen mum, I think you have to consider carefully what will you do if your younger daughter is not admitted by DGS a few years later.  

Besides, if you are catholic, I think you should choose MCS.

原文章由 charwes 於 07-12-24 11:42 發表
我又唔覺得姐姐"為o左"妹妹讀 MCS 係一種犧牲, 相反, 如果因為父母覺得要畀"最好"o既安排而入讀 DGJS 致令兩姊妹不能共讀一間學校, 我覺得反而算係一種犧牲。

首先, DGJS 無錯係女校中最閃亮o既一顆星星, 但係亦唔 ...

發表於 07-12-24 22:55 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-24 23:17 |只看該作者
Your final decision is MCS as no parent can afford to take risk (even it is small).

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 07-12-25 17:21 |只看該作者
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