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English Times or Disney World of English??? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 04-6-16 11:27 |只看該作者

English Times or Disney World of English???

My son is 5 months old n I would like to buy him some useful tools to learn English.  Most of my friends r using DWE but I also went to check out the English Times too.  Any mommies here is using English Times?  I want to know the result or effect too.  For my opinion,DWE is more interesting but English Times have more information with cheaper price.  Any idea?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-6-16 11:37 |只看該作者

Re: English Times or Disney World of English???

English time is for older children who is in primary school.  

Disney World of English is for babies from 0 to 6 years old.  My son is 8 months and using Disney which he likes it so much.   

Rank: 2

發表於 04-6-16 13:12 |只看該作者

Re: English Times or Disney World of English???

I think you are not so clear about English Time,
It has 2 parts, 1 for 0-2, then follow up by any part 2-10!
Both Disney & English Time are good for baby learning speaking English. But personally,I prefer buying book set for baby. I think it is more inportant to develope the baby the interest of reading, listening, Make reading become a habit since reading is whole life learning.
So, think carefully first! See what you are aimming of, then invest wisely!
Baby is our future ;-)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-6-16 16:28 |只看該作者

Re: English Times or Disney World of English???

Totally agree with FamilyMan.  Good reading habits should start from early age.  

Rank: 2

發表於 04-6-16 19:31 |只看該作者

Re: English Times or Disney World of English???

yes......good reading habbit is important, however, for a small child like only 5 months old, u can only spend not more than 30 mins to read 'together' with him. Many of my friends and I are using Disney world of english. All our children are really 活潑, they don't afraid to sing and dance in front of strangers.....they like music and English  so much......and the most important thing is I see them very very happy. For the parents, we can have a lot of songs and story can sing and talk to them, and it can improve our relationship too.
I'm not saying this is the only way to make them a happy child, but this is a very systematic and 方便 way for the parents, however, its very very expensive......but i thought its worth to do that.
By the way, I'm not the sales, u can buy it from anyone else, its not my business. I'm only saying that if u are using the learning set, u still have to spend time to read the books with kids.
My opinion, the children who use this learning set are more 開朗 and 精靈.......
and all this results are only apply to the parents who use it correctly, becoz 2 of my friends only bought it, not use it.......

Rank: 2

發表於 04-6-16 20:49 |只看該作者

Re: English Times or Disney World of English???

My friends bought DWE but their kids not using it after 4 yrs old.  I wonder is it useful if that case n they can understand most of the english but they will only talk in cantonese to me. The good thing is their ascent is very good

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-6-16 23:07 |只看該作者

Re: English Times or Disney World of English???

Please advise how many handbook, vcd or casette in one full set of DWE.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-6-16 23:13 |只看該作者

Re: English Times or Disney World of English???

Mickey: Full Set
Daisy: NO baby Set and Baby story bools &
Mickey's Pen else everything same as
Minnie: NO- Baby Set, Fun with Word & CD,
StoryBooks & CD, but with Baby's Story
Books & Mickey's Pen
Donald: Sing Along Songs CD, DVD & Books and

Check here also : DWE

Rank: 2

發表於 04-6-16 23:24 |只看該作者

Re: English Times or Disney World of English???

Thanks for Danialboy support my idea.
I am afriad that if giving too much visual on TV, of course baby will like it, because TV is much attractive than book! I worry that this will lead the baby have TV watching habit! May be they will refuse to read book on their later stage. There are also books set in the market goes with interactive games & song together with CD, much cheaper that Disney.   
Baby is our future ;-)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-6-17 00:18 |只看該作者

Re: English Times or Disney World of English???


Totally agree with your point.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-6-17 01:25 |只看該作者

Re: English Times or Disney World of English???

我用緊DWE,我好多朋友同親戚都用緊, 但我冇買English Time, 因為我家姐買左....佢後悔呀因為BB唔睇。我借左家姐個chapter 1比仔仔睇, 佢竟然喊....(因chapter 1係講個叔叔比部電腦吸左入個Mon.度..)  English Time有太多CD-Rom, 跟本唔適合5歲以下小朋友, 而且又冇club service, 咁d cd呀,書呀點頂到呀!!  我當初都比較左好耐, 但都決定左比最好ge野比仔仔, 況且價錢又唔係差咁遠。 我覺得我帶得BB黎e個世界,我就應該比最好ge教育佢, 佢開心成長,我就最欣慰。  你地講得好正確, 培養BB閱讀好好好重要,我覺得Disney個playmate幫助好大, 我仔仔由細識到好多單字, 的確直接幫到佢獨立閱讀ge能力。 我個仔三歲時做過語言評估,佢ge語言發展比同齡小朋友快一年半, 專注力亦好強。我想這就是由0開始ge好處  

Rank: 4

發表於 04-6-17 22:56 |只看該作者

Re: English Times or Disney World of English???

Main Point:

Reading is most important!!!!!

Rank: 2

發表於 04-6-17 23:04 |只看該作者

Re: English Times or Disney World of English???

For my own, I like DWE because the cartoon like Mickey n Minnie,Donald r more cute n familar.  English Times I don't like their books because they put too much thing in one page.  

The sales of English Times r much knowledgeable than DWE n not that pushy n hard sell.  Hum...I need to take some more time to think of buying DWE or English Times.  Tks for u all info.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-6-18 20:33 |只看該作者

Re: English Times or Disney World of English???

我上年買了DWE minnie set 的,上星期六又買了ET zing,因為我覺得囡囡好鍾意佢的cd-rom遊戲,比凈睇碟有趣得多.我覺得可以知佢吸收了幾多.但我都覺得bb唔適合睇的,因為上年我個囡(兩歲)睇過都喊話驚d公仔,現在當然唔驚la.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-6-21 12:56 |只看該作者

Re: English Times or Disney World of English???

我未買 English-time (ET)之前, 買過好多學英文碟 同英文書,  吾連貫, 我覺得好'晒'錢, 再加上囡囡越來越大, 所以買了一套有 CD-Rom既ET,  et 裏面既歌係自己作既, 我覺得好好聽, 好貼題,  需然無卡通人物, 但佢既泥公仔都好吸引我囡囡坐定定睇,  佢仲好鍾意玩電腦裏面既練習, 真係好實用.  

vcd有故事形式介紹生字, 唱歌介紹生字,  泥膠公仔介紹生字, 又會有主角重溫, , 囡囡既讀音亦好鬼佬, 一個月內睇住一隻碟, 跟住做CD-Rom exercise,  都好有趣生動, 有歌仔可以選擇自己唱, 一齊唱, 好能吸引囡囡完成約十個exercise 約1小時, (每個unit有4隻cd-rom, 每個cd-rom有約10個 exercise, 佢既erercise亦設計成一定要完成左d認字之類, 個game button 先會變顏色玩得.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-6-21 14:08 |只看該作者

Re: English Times or Disney World of English???

我都有興趣知道ENGLISH TIME要小朋友用電腦, 咁起碼都要幾歲先用得囉???
我家姐買左DWE俾佢個仔仔, 用左3年,而家講D 英文真係成個鬼仔口音!所以我都計劃買DWE!
The grapes are sour :lalala: :lalala: :lalala:

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-6-21 14:30 |只看該作者

Re: English Times or Disney World of English???

I understand it is not easy to choose a set of English teaching material for children and I have compared the English Time to Disney World also.

I read the book about Child development on psychological aspect.
children under 2 like to see "human face", like to listen "human talk". Therefore, I think English Time's video is better for small child. However, small child is not able to use the CD Rom!

for children 3 years older, they will like Cartoon more. They understand more about "normal". They can differentiate between "real" and "Cartoon". Therefore, children may accept the Cartoon to jump into the computer but not the "normal people"!
So, I think Disney World suit elder child.

Let's share how I choose!
When my daughter is 1 yr old, I ask the Sales from both company to give me more CD, VCD/DCD which I will return to them after 2-3weeks. I visited their sites to look via all the materials. I look at the response of my child, my maid and my husband also.
I found my daughter loves English Time more. She dances and smiles during the DVD playing.
My maid and I found English Time is not so boring. ( Remember you need to watch it with your child!)
My husband gave no comment.

Now my daughter is 18 months. She loves reading, especially the book from English time. She always ask me to let her watch English time also.

I think which set of education material depends on child's age and their character.  they have their advantage and disadvantage also

hope that share can help!


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-6-21 15:33 |只看該作者

Re: English Times or Disney World of English???

我覺得3歲以下可以用DWE, 3歲以上用ET,  因為裏面既生字都係用實物,  小朋友容易掌握, 最重要有連貫性, 無論VCD,  CD-Rom,  VCD書,  配套, 仲有售後服務, 送12堂Playgroup, 仲有網上Test, 2年內做完10個Test, 仲有張Cert添,  highly recommended, 如果你地買時候問下個Sale有咩Gift送,  因為我收到本立體人體書, 勁正!

Rank: 1

發表於 04-6-22 12:12 |只看該作者

Re: English Times or Disney World of English???

I bought a full set (Mickey) of DWE few years ago. It's quite new because I have change all the old books & CD. & all the activity books are new. But there are VCR instead of VCD. & I also have a set of wide-eye & Ozmo learning set. Pls contact me if you are interest in.  

Rank: 2

發表於 04-6-23 12:00 |只看該作者

Re: English Times or Disney World of English???

I wonder why so many mommy wants to buy Disney card reading machine? Just because of the Disney cartoon of what? Recently, i found that there was a reading robot call SPACE BoBo can read single word, sentence as well as whole story book!
not only that, it also have the game & record function!!!
I have bought an English programme call Hurray English 6 hours ago which included that machine! Although it cost $9,800, but it has almost 500 items in a set which include songs, letter cards, picture cards, game board for kids as well as story book!
the education consultant carry 2 luggages to my home and and show me how the reading programme work. So, please don't just aiming at Disney, I know that Time Warner also have similar one cost around $6,000.

The set i bought can pay by 12 month instalment($8xx./Month), but i pay it in one time and he gave me 8% dicount($9016). I think it really worth.

One last thing, at home page, there is also another promotion about card reading machine call "Siu Sun Tung",

All these are just my personal opinion.
Baby is our future ;-)
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