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Victoria or St. Paul's Convent? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 04-5-20 00:34 |只看該作者

Victoria or St. Paul's Convent?

Victoria is half-day English/Putonghua international and St. Paul's is full-day nursery. Anyone has any comments on these 2 schools?

Rank: 2


發表於 04-5-20 10:00 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria or St. Paul's Convent?

Hi, Newton,

I am thinking of the same option too, very confused at the moment.... Do you know whether the teacher in SPN teaches in English / Catonese?  Cos I heard the teacher at Victoria is native English speaker, dunno is true or not
[size=small]所以不要為明天憂慮.因為明天自有明天的憂慮.一天的難處一天當就夠了 (太六:34)

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14


發表於 04-5-20 13:53 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria or St. Paul's Convent?

你的孩子是女兒嗎?如果是女的話,當然是St. Paul’s,因可直升上小學、中學,可不必為將來煩惱。如果是男孩的話,因太多女孩而男仔是minorities,怕不是太好,小學又是女校男仔無得讀上去。我仔在Victoria讀K.3了,學校是比較commercial,但孩子都喜歡上學的。一班是有兩個班主任,其中一個是Native Speaker。小朋友每日面對外語老師,聽講能力是不錯的。St. Paul’s Convent現在有沒有Native speaking teacher我不太清楚(30年前我讀時有的,因當時很多外籍同學),但St. Paul’s出來的女仔,英語水準不會太差,我同學的女兒讀P.4及P.3,英語說得很好。
另外現行的派位制度,如參加政府的,你女兒有幾多分?如果分數不夠,更應選擇St Paul’s,雖說Victoria有很多小朋友派位理想,但實質不是幼稚園因素,如考私校及直資另說。我弟婦的女兒舊年成功考入St. Paul’s,但最終沒有讀,因她本人是St. Stephen’s Girls的舊生又是教友,她女兒派到佢母校機會好高好高,所以唔入St. Paul’s疊埋心水入St Stephen’s,唔使比學費嘛!

Rank: 1

發表於 04-5-20 14:28 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria or St. Paul's Convent?

Thanks for 麟媽媽's opinion! (in fact, I am also Paulinian, but only since secondary school...but I guess we are about the same age cos' I also attended kindergarten about 30 years ago   )

Well..back to the topic....I am also thinking what is better for my son...originally, I think I will send him to Victoria cos' it's very close to my home, but my friend said that the teacher there is very discriminating to the "rich" kid.  So, she suggest me to go to Ling Leung Tong or St. Paul's.  In fact, I hope my son can get in to St. Joseph.  So, what is a better choice? Is there any kindergarten in St. Joseph? Heard that there is only K2 and K3 available.

Please feel free to share your exprience and opinion.  Thanks in advance!

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14


發表於 04-5-20 15:16 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria or St. Paul's Convent?

A big "HI" to another Paulinian! (There are quite some of us in BK!) 30 years back for sure we were in the same batch!
Regarding the "discriminating" you mentioned earlier, I don't see any for the past few years, I think it's all depands on indiviual.... all teachers I encounter are loving, caring and responsible ones.
You are right, St. Joseph only start at K.2, as a traditional kindergarten, teachers are quite straight to the pupils, as told by my schoolmate  (her son was in St. Jo kinder and now P.1). Ling Leung Tong has very good reputation but I don't know anybody studying there, so not much comment. I haven't think of St. Jo cause my hubby was a Wah-Yanite, these 2 schools.... I suppose you will understand why my hubby won't let his son to go for St. Jo, haha!!

Rank: 2

發表於 04-5-20 15:35 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria or St. Paul's Convent?

SPN's teachers communicate with children in Cantonese and there are no native English speaker according to the photos posted in their website. It so happens that language is one of my major concern. Originally I tilted towards St. Paul because they provide all-round care which include breakfast and lunch which seems quite nutrient and the training they provide must be better than the maid. However, after reading so many good comments about Victor, my intention is shaken and now more lean towards Victoria. Tough choice!

Rank: 2

發表於 04-5-20 15:47 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria or St. Paul's Convent?

My son will be one of the handful male in St. Paul. I don't quite concern about the gender imbalance there.

Why the English standard of those children in St. Paul high. Are they acquiring the language mainly from primary school. I know their secondary school English are pretty good but according to the interviewer, they communicate with the kids in Cantonese at kindergarten and that worries me.

"雖說Victoria有很多小朋友派位理想,但實質不是幼稚園因素" - What is the other factors for good allocation?

Bear with me for so many questions.

Thks a lot

What is the point system for primary school. I am completely new. Would you minding offerring some pointers?

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14


發表於 04-5-20 16:10 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria or St. Paul's Convent?

What about choice for primary school? If you wish to send your kid to international school whose pupils enroll when they reach 5, then Victoria will be a better choice. But if you tend to send your kid to local school, you have to consider more than just language development as Victoria won't guarantee a good allocation of primary school.
It's really a hard choice for you, right?

Rank: 4

發表於 04-5-20 16:12 |只看該作者



Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14


發表於 04-5-20 16:22 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria or St. Paul's Convent?

You should have told me earlier that yours is a son! If that's the case, I vote for Victoria. St. Paul's Convent School (Primary Section) is an English school which means except Chinese Language all other subjects are to be taught in English. They use P.2 English text books for P.1 and so on (that's what it was when I was in Primary). Teachers conduct in English during class and most students can listen well. Too bad that it's a girl's school that's why I sent my boy to Victoria.   

Rank: 2

發表於 04-5-20 16:38 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria or St. Paul's Convent?

Yes. Got accepted.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-5-20 16:47 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria or St. Paul's Convent?

Thank you for your opinion.

I have a serious thought to send my son to international school for primary education. I personally do not quite enjoy the local education system above the primary school level and I think it has high chance to hinder children development even though it can produce 10As students effectively. Therefore I am thinking about German-Swiss (but I think the deadline is due) and Canadian International.

麟媽媽 寫道:
You should have told me earlier that yours is a son! If that's the case, I vote for Victoria. St. Paul's Convent School (Primary Section) is an English school which means except Chinese Language all other subjects are to be taught in English. They use P.2 English text books for P.1 and so on (that's what it was when I was in Primary). Teachers conduct in English during class and most students can listen well. Too bad that it's a girl's school that's why I sent my boy to Victoria.   

Rank: 4

發表於 04-5-20 16:47 |只看該作者



Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14


發表於 04-5-20 16:55 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria or St. Paul's Convent?

I copied the below information from ed website, hope it helps!




(i) 供有兄�姊在該小學就讀或父�母在該小學就職的申請人的學位


(ii) 根據「計分辦法準則」分配的學位


(一) 父�母全職在與該小學同一校址的幼稚園或中學部工作 (20分)

(二) 兄�姊在與該小學同一校址的中學部就讀 (20分)

(三) 父�母為該小學的註冊校董 (20分)

(四) 父�母或兄�姊為該小學的畢業生 (10分)

(五) 首名出生子女(即為家庭各子女中最年長者) (5分)

(六) 與該校的辦學團體有相同的宗教信仰 ( 5分)

(七) 父�母為該小學主辦社團的成員 (5分)

(八) 適齡兒童(即在九月開課時年滿五歲八個月至七歲) (10分)









Rank: 2

發表於 04-5-20 16:58 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria or St. Paul's Convent?

My feeling is if you get the interview, you are pretty much in.

The interview was conducted by one of the teachers. She sat my son down on a small table to play with legco himself and brief us a bit about the school. Nothing special and not too many questions. Especially almost none went to my son.

We were actually quite under-prepared for the interview and even thought that we were not able to make it.

However, don't take my words for granted. It may be different for each individual interviewer.

2mings 寫道:
Hi Newton
Yes, you should think about it as St. Paul's is a dream school for girls but not for boys! However, I think you can also check with the school where the old boys of SPN been? I heard that most of them can enter some famous schools.

BTW, would you please share with us if there is an interview for SPN. What's the contents of the interview?

Rank: 2

發表於 04-5-20 17:14 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria or St. Paul's Convent?

Hi 麟媽媽

Hum...I think I got only 20 point at most!

Some other questions since you are from St. Paul's as well.

1) Full-day vs half-day - do you think kids will be better trained in terms of discipline and manner. My thought is that Victoria are so free and the maid cannot train them well, a full-day nursery with St. Paul may be a better choice.

2) As mentioned by the others, do you have any information about the primary allocation records for SPN or SPK, both girls and boys (although I know most of the girls will go straight to St. Paul's Primary.

3) Do you think day-nursery for the kid is too long, especially for a slightly over 2 years old boy.

Any of your advise is highly appreciated.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-5-21 17:08 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria or St. Paul's Convent?


Rank: 4

發表於 04-5-22 10:57 |只看該作者



Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14


發表於 04-5-22 12:50 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria or St. Paul's Convent?

Hi Newton,

My own opinions to your questions:

1) Full day nursery for sure will train up better discipline and independence. I agree with you that Victoria are too free in some extent but they will tighten up when kids reach K.3 in order to comply with future local primary school life. Like my son, he was quite depressed when he promoted to K.3 which he was asked to follow all instructions from teachers which he need not to be for the past few years. But kids adept to changes easily.
2) I don't have any idea. According to existing allocation system, no privilege will be given to students from famous kindergartens, it all depends on the marks in your hand. I think students from famous kindergartens might have higher chances to get in private / DSS schools.
3) I myself think it's okay.

The major concern for the decision is which education stream (international / local) you will take for your son. If your son going to be studying in International school in the future, Victoria will be a better choice as he will adept easier with better English listening / speaking ability.

Another little opinion, since your son will be only in N1 this coming year, why not let him study in SPN and if you think Victoria will be a better choice if he can sucessfully enroll into an international school, you can still apply for Victoria K.1 next year. Frankly speaking, it's much more easier to get in Victoria than to get in SPN! Will this be a better choice for you?

Rank: 4

發表於 04-5-22 21:35 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria or St. Paul's Convent?

Hi, my daughter also studies here.  Just same as 2mings mention that many resource eg. human, event... so your children explore more and very dependent. eg. change his swimming suit by herself because she can play 'water'.  They can have a floor full with toys.   Ha.. I also like to play ...everyday going to garden and play slide.  Ha... I like too.

They have so many chance to sing, speak in the stage and a lot of competition.  So that they are built up 'Difference'

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