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York學校一問 [複製鏈接]


發表於 06-10-31 22:51 |只看該作者


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Rank: 2

發表於 06-10-31 23:23 |只看該作者

Re: York學校一問

nicole&Wai 寫道:
York 已收咗我個仔,我睇番之前有關BK對 York 的 Comment,壞多過好。不過一般都認同 York 學生的英文水準頗高。究竟值唔值得一試呢?????
幫幫忙比 D 意見。

Why you are so fast get the result? I just interview on 28/10 and still waiting for feedback. I think there are many mami will pay the money for reservation, but York is not their first choice. When their first or second choice are failure, then they will consider York. :evil:

Rank: 2

發表於 06-10-31 23:36 |只看該作者

Re: York學校一問

I am going to interview this Saturday too. But as I heard from BK mami that they will accept application once you have applied. I am also so puzzled now.1,Is it a good school for my children? 2, Is it valuable to study in a private kin'ten as there is financial support from HASAR now? Anyway, will you pay the money for reservation now?

發表於 06-10-31 23:36 |只看該作者

Re: York學校一問

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發表於 06-10-31 23:38 |只看該作者

Re: York學校一問

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發表於 06-10-31 23:41 |只看該作者

Re: York學校一問

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Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-1 00:01 |只看該作者

Re: York學校一問

Nicole & Wai,

Thanks for your tips. I've browsed the websit of York. They have highlighted their result and I think they are do very well in English teaching. However, will you talk with your children with English at home?I am more concerned if she or he can still remember it after few years studying in a Cantonese school.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-11-1 00:11 |只看該作者

Re: York學校一問

My son will attend the interview on 4/12.
All of you interviewed too early than me.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-11-1 02:53 |只看該作者

Re: York學校一問

My son has interviewed on 21.10.06.  The teacher is so nice and My son pass the interview.  I will pay the registration fee(I think the English in that school is quite good). What's your opinion?  Thanks.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-11-1 03:04 |只看該作者

Re: York學校一問

請問 York d小朋友通常會上邊d小學?  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-1 09:02 |只看該作者

Re: York學校一問

但總括俾我印象非常hard sell

Rank: 4

發表於 06-11-1 09:41 |只看該作者

Re: York學校一問

cobymom 寫道:
Nicole & Wai,

Thanks for your tips. I've browsed the websit of York. They have highlighted their result and I think they are do very well in English teaching. However, will you talk with your children with English at home?I am more concerned if she or he can still remember it after few years studying in a Cantonese school.

I believe you'll be encountering difficulties in the forthcoming interviews if your kid speaks only English.  

Quite a number of kindies decline to give instructions to your kids in English, which is true even to some very famous Kowloon Tong kindies!!

We attempted altogether 5 kindies in 2004.  St. Cat offered English interviewing session (by NET); and only York's interviewer (by local Chinese interviewer) could accept to switch to talk to my kid in English, though they didn't have seperate English session.  

As a matter of fact, 4 other kindies declined our applications.  

My daughter has been with York ever since her Pre-nursery course - Jan. 05.

She was used to speak only English before her Pre-N there.

After spending around 22 months there, she can now speak both English & Cantonese, as most of the York's students do.  She usually speaks Cantonese with us and English with her maid!!  However, she's very smart.  She knows who are Chinese & who are alien now.  She speaks only Chinese when she know you are not alien!!

So, don't be frustrated when your kids decline to speak to you in English after several months schooling.  It doesn't mean that they're having set back in spoken English; instead it is because she knows you are Chinese!!  It represents that they have actually grown up.  

In order to mantain their spoken English standard, we have to provide dual-language environment to them!!

York can provide good English training as I can note from the development of my daugher.


發表於 06-11-1 11:13 |只看該作者

Re: York學校一問

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發表於 06-11-1 11:26 |只看該作者

Re: York學校一問

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Rank: 4

發表於 06-11-1 12:23 |只看該作者

Re: York學校一問

happybaby&mom 寫道:

My son's case is same with you. We speak English with him and he interviewd Cannan 2 weeks before. The teacher refuse to switch to English, so I had to translate the Cantonsese sentence by sentence to my son.......But in York, they allowed English interview so my son performed very well.

You are right, my son now only 2 but he knows he has to speak English to me/maid, but Cantonese to grandparents.

But I doubt if your son will continue to speak English to you after several months of schooling.  

Rosaline knows I'm not an alien and tends to speak Cantonese to me!!

At this moment, I believe Rosaline has no knowledge of what is English & what is Cantonese.  She choose the language only by 'basic instint'.  When I speak English to her, she always replies by Cantone with sometimes single English vocabs.  But when she speak with her maid, she speaks quite fluent English!!

Rank: 4

發表於 06-11-1 12:30 |只看該作者

Re: York學校一問

nicole&Wai 寫道:

你個女有冇參加公開考試,是否真係好 "谷" D 小孩子呢?

We also want to attempt the public exams if the school allows us to.

I believe they intend to "谷" your kids, but they have their method - not to pressurize your kids.

I find that their standard is a little bit high.  The school never presurrize our kids/parents.  It is always the mamies who have been presurrized by the course program/contents/progress when they manage to find the kids can't perform well.

I have experience that York's graduates will perform well in P.1 and early P.2 because their K3 standard far exceeds that of ordinary P.1.  
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