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教育王國 討論區 優才(楊殷有娣)書院 優才(楊殷有娣)書院 vs 播道書院
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優才(楊殷有娣)書院 vs 播道書院 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 06-10-12 13:24 |只看該作者

優才(楊殷有娣)書院 vs 播道書院

Any idea
If compare 優才(楊殷有娣)書院 with 播道書院,
which primary school is better?

Rank: 1

發表於 06-10-14 00:08 |只看該作者

Re: 優才(楊殷有娣)書院 vs 播道書院

I like to know the answer too. my guess is that both schools are special in their own way.

GT gives the impression that they focus in exploring and develope the special gift(s) of each student. they've emphased the use of 'multiple intelligent', and the school believe that every child has his/her own gift(s).

EC gives the impression that they focus more in moral/biblical value edu and develope leadership skill.  it's more all round edu for everyone.

one thing about EC which impress me is that, they focus in the learning development of teachers within the school org as a whole. i believe it's the key for a successful school nowadays. but it's too early to predict since they've only just started over a month ago. i would love to find out more from Mr Lo if i have a chance.

with GT has already run for few years, it has the benefit in terms of evidence. of the few parents i've come across, they all give very good marks to the school and teachers. one, however, has made the remark that some school work may present a challenge to students, depending on the indiv. i think it's to do with the 'project learning' method that they use, which involves heavy researching and indiv learning.

did you visit EC. it's a beautiful school with beautiful surrounding. GT will find it hard to compare.

which school do you like better.


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 06-10-15 14:47 |只看該作者

Re: 優才(楊殷有娣)書院 vs 播道書院



1) 10年歷史,口碑一向好好,10年以來負面新聞極少。
2) 小班教學,平均每班約24人。
3) 師資優良,曾被評為全港師資最佳的學校。
4) 小三開始每級會有一班由外籍老師做班主任。
5) 老師有愛心關心學生。
6) 學生成績好,由其是英文程度高,一般小五學生已有小六學生的英語水評。(去年的劍橋考試結果獲知)
7) 歷屆畢業生有70-80%獲派各區名英中。
8) 優才中學是Band 1中學。
9) 每星期有兩堂才華班,每位學生也能發展多元智能。

1) 校舍新及大,環境優美。
2) 學費平。
3) 英文小學。

Rank: 2

發表於 07-3-9 14:35 |只看該作者

Re: 優才(楊殷有娣)書院 vs 播道書院

I am also considering both GT and EC for my son in the coming year (P1).  Pls advise if it's difficult to enter.  Is the competition keen?  Thks.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-28 09:11 |只看該作者
原文章由 dabbycheung 於 06-10-15 14:47 硐表


1) 10年歷史,口碑一向好好,10年以來負面新聞極少。
2) 小班教學,平均每班約24 ...

唔好意思, 想請教, 你說:

3) 師資優良,曾被評為全港師資最佳的學校。

請問是什麼地方評出來的呢?  可否給些資料呢?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-29 00:33 |只看該作者
原文章由 rabbitpiggy 於 07-9-28 09:11 硐表

唔好意思, 想請教, 你說:

3) 師資優良,曾被評為全港師資最佳的學校。

請問是什麼地方評出來的呢?  可否給些資料呢?


"家庭與學校合作事宜委員會"每年都會編寫一份"小學學校概覽", 里面有全港所有小學既資料, 其中有一項係教師資料, 列明每一學校既教師擁有學位及教育文憑既百分比。
根據2000年出版的小學學校概覽,列明100%既優才教師為學位教師, 被傳媒評為師資最佳的學校之一, 見蘋果日報2000年8月29日。

當年小學學位教師唔多, 優才創校(1997)之初, 已堅持所有老師要有學位, 一直至今天, 冇改變過。

好奇一吓, 請問你點解要問得咁詳细?

[ 本文章最後由 中天英 於 07-9-29 00:37 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-30 15:42 |只看該作者
原文章由 中天英 於 07-9-29 00:33 硐表


"家庭與學校合作事宜委員會"每年都會編寫一份"小學學校概覽", 里面有全港所有小學既資料, 其中有一項係教師資料, 列明每一學校既教師擁有學位及教育文憑既百分比。
根據2000年出版的小學學校概覽,列明 ...

I have different view on this advanage.

Firstly, I think it is a bit outdated advantage. GT collage got first mover advantage in 2000 to put degree holder as teacher's minimum requirement . It would be new during that time but I think most of new schools got the similar standard now.

In fact, I found GT school try to put more resource in NET(Native english teacher) recently. In the past, each class would have 3 lessons with NET every week.  Last year, all english classes in P3 and one of the P4 classes are taught by NET.  This year, they would like to put all english classess in both P3 and P4 by NET. Unfortuntely, it would be difficult to hire enough western teachers in Hong Kong. I understand one of them gave up coming to HK for some reasons. They can only hire a ABC (American born Chinese) or (BBC) as replacement. Anyway, they are still consider as NET.

Also, I agreed the school has very low teachers turn over rate but I found there are quite number of new teachers this year in P4. I found the reason would be the school expanding very fast. Some being identified as good teachers have been relocated to Mong Kok school. But I think that would be natural move as school expanding.

[ 本文章最後由 chunhei 於 07-10-1 11:34 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-30 15:49 |只看該作者
原文章由 dabbycheung 於 06-10-15 14:47 硐表


4) 小三開始每級會有一班由外籍老師做班主任。

I would like to have update here by my understanding based on my son's experience last year.
All classes in P3 would have NET as class teachers but not necessary for P4 onward. In P4, it would be NET for all english subjects as my observation this year.

[ 本文章最後由 chunhei 於 07-9-30 15:53 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-30 16:08 |只看該作者
2) 學費平。

Also, I would like to mention about the school fee in GT. It would expect to be increased slowly in next few years as my preception.  Prof. Lee keep mention in last few months about financial pressure in the school.  They would try their best to control the cost but the fee may be adjusted as necessary. I think that is indication for the fee increment in next few years.

[ 本文章最後由 chunhei 於 07-9-30 16:23 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-1 12:08 |只看該作者
原文章由 Lis 於 06-10-14 00:08 硐表
I like to know the answer too. my guess is that both schools are special in their own way.

GT gives the impression that they focus in exploring and develope the special gift(s) of each student. they' ...

I don't think not much people can give you comment on EC school as a new school.  It would be subjective opinion anyway.

In my mind, it is definitely critical to have a good hardware because your kids would study there for many years. You can imagine how nice if your kids can study in a beautiful environment. On the other hand, it would not be easy to make change in other schools in hardware side. I understand GT School would like to apply the new campus since many many years ago to establish formal secondary school campus but the dream never come true.  Even, they got the new campus, it would be standard government campus hardware, it would not as nice as EC due to limited of resource.
Obviously, software is a critical factor as well. If the management committed to delivery good teacher training scheme, parents are willing to participate to school activities, it would be high possibilities to have another famous school in Junk Bay.  

Bear in mind, sometimes fantastic plans are never be able to be implemented successfully due to some unexpected and and uncontrolled external factors but you never know.

In almost 20 years ago, UST is the third class University in Hong Kong but they got Rolls-Royce class campus with the world class Chef, it finally become the world class university.  You never know.

Also, I believe it would be less competition to get the seat in EC. Why don't try to participate to create another miracle.

The characteristic of HK people are brave to try the new stuff. Let create your owned dream and never rely on other people's hand.

[ 本文章最後由 chunhei 於 07-10-1 12:13 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-1 22:48 |只看該作者
I'm not brave enough to become the risk taker.  To me, whether EC could become a good school (with real achievement record), it is really a matter of trust to the EC's school management.  Who can guarantee how long it will take for EC to have the good acheivement record?  It may take three years' time or five years' time or even longer.  If unfortunately, it takes more than five years, my child has nearly finished his primary school education.  Of course, it may take less than three years.  But all until now is unknown.  Whether GT is good or not as good as some parents expect, it has really its own track record now. My child is not a bright child and I really want him to be educated under an expected learning environment.

原文章由 chunhei 於 07-10-1 12:08 硐表

I don't think not much people can give you comment on EC school as a new school.  It would be subjective opinion anyway.

In my mind, it is definitely critical to have a good hardware because your k ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-2 01:20 |只看該作者
原文章由 chunhei 於 07-9-30 16:08 硐表
2) 學費平。

Also, I would like to mention about the school fee in GT. It would expect to be increased slowly in next few years as my preception.  Prof. Lee keep mention in last few months  ...


冇錯, 學校係有壓力調高學費; 不過呢個唔係優才獨有問題, 其他直資/私立學校, 同樣係要加學費既。

其實而家成個社會都有"糖又加, 鹽又加"既問題, 零通脹/低通脹既年代己成過去。

今年公務員加5%人工, 加埋增薪點, 就更高啦; 我唸D老師都要加10%先留得住。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-2 09:17 |只看該作者
原文章由 中天英 於 07-9-29 00:33 硐表


"家庭與學校合作事宜委員會"每年都會編寫一份"小學學校概覽", 里面有全港所有小學既資料, 其中有一項係教師資料, 列明每一學校既教師擁有學位及教育文憑既百分比。
根據2000年出版的小學學校概覽,列明 ...


是因為本人正為大仔選小學一事search 資料, 雖然他今年只是讀k1 :loveliness:

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-2 09:19 |只看該作者
原文章由 chunhei 於 07-9-30 15:42 硐表

I have different view on this advanage.

Firstly, I think it is a bit outdated advantage. GT collage got first mover advantage in 2000 to put degree holder as teacher's minimum requirement . It wou ...

你講得好好, 好中肯

冇錯, 到今時今日這已不是什麼advantage :loveliness:

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-2 23:01 |只看該作者
原文章由 中天英 於 07-10-2 01:20 硐表


冇錯, 學校係有壓力調高學費; 不過呢個唔係優才獨有問題, 其他直資/私立學校, 同樣係要加學費既。

其實而家成個社會都有"糖又加, 鹽又加"既問題, 零通脹/低通脹既年代己成過去。

今年公務員加5%人工,  ...

I agreed with you. It should not be the particular issue to GT. It should be common issue in HK or China now.  But it is interesting for Prof Li mentioned twice within a month (Last Friday G3/G4 parent day and the first open day in Sept). From postitive side, it is good. The school very honest and let us know the real situation.

On last Friday, he mentioned secondary school would plan to have two streams. One of them would be IB. He mentioned the IB school fee reference like 耀中. That is scary as example. The monthly school fee of 耀中 would be around HK10K a month if I am not wrong.

Anyway, I am OK on the school fee even with single digit increment every year but we would definitely not be able to afford IB stream.  It is too much.

[ 本文章最後由 chunhei 於 07-10-2 23:21 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-2 23:36 |只看該作者
原文章由 AFSL2007 於 07-10-1 22:48 硐表
I'm not brave enough to become the risk taker.  To me, whether EC could become a good school (with real achievement record), it is really a matter of trust to the EC's school management.  Who can guar ...

In fact, GT school is not very bad on the hardware side. The school already tried their best.  Like this year, they converted the carpark to become one more foodball field and volley ball field.  They squeeze space from table tennis area with net in order to have more activity space on first floor.  They do plan to have golf field. I have no idea how they can get space to do that.  In my mind, the school did the best already to fully utlize all space in the school.

[ 本文章最後由 chunhei 於 07-10-2 23:39 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-3 22:16 |只看該作者
Though I'm not quite clear about the content of IB, I do know that there are some DSSs giving up to have IB as they could not spend sufficient resources to have both local stream and IB together (that is the requirement laid down for a DSS to have IB).  As all the international schools have been running IB, I do not surprise that the school fee will be similar to them if GT really would like to run IB.  However, whether you would choose GT for your children to study under IB instead of sending them to the international schools is another issue.

原文章由 chunhei 於 07-10-2 23:01 硐表

I agreed with you. It should not be the particular issue to GT. It should be common issue in HK or China now.  But it is interesting for Prof Li mentioned twice within a month (Last Friday G3/G4 par ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-4 03:21 |只看該作者
原文章由 AFSL2007 於 07-10-3 22:16 硐表
Though I'm not quite clear about the content of IB, I do know that there are some DSSs giving up to have IB as they could not spend sufficient resources to have both local stream and IB together (that ...


IB課程係要貴D學費, 事关學校要比多D資源落去。

但係我唸一定唔洗去到耀中/CIS咁貴, 事关優才仲有政府資助嘛;  我唸IB course 加千鬆D蚊, 應該得婁、

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-4 23:09 |只看該作者

GT的IBCourse學費接近耀中,是Chunhei引述Prof Li的講話。


原文章由 中天英 於 07-10-4 03:21 硐表


IB課程係要貴D學費, 事关學校要比多D資源落去。

但係我唸一定唔洗去到耀中/CIS咁貴, 事关優才仲有政府資助嘛;  我唸IB course 加千鬆D蚊, 應該得婁、 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-5 22:32 |只看該作者
原文章由 AFSL2007 於 07-10-4 23:09 硐表

GT的IBCourse學費接近耀中,是Chunhei引述Prof Li的講話。



I would like to clarify here.  Prof Li didn't mentioned the IB Course cost would close to 耀中.

He just mentioned the school under pressure on increasing cost such as teacher salary increment. For IB course, it would require much more resource. He just take an example as 耀中's high school fee.

I suspect there are two intentions.
1) Delivery the message the school plan to have IB course and the school fee would high than normal stream.
2) Test the market response.

In my mind, IB course is designed for overseas University study. I read an article before about the cost of oversea study in 10 ~15 years time. It can up to US200K to US300K for 3 to 4 years University study.   Not many family can afford that amoint.  We should not worry much.

[ 本文章最後由 chunhei 於 07-10-5 22:38 編輯 ]
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