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教育王國 討論區 德望小學暨幼稚園(小學部) 小朋友06年9月讀德望小一家長, 請進來傾 ...
樓主: man15110

小朋友06年9月讀德望小一家長, 請進來傾 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-7-5 11:37 |只看該作者

Re: 小朋友06年9月讀德望小一家長, 請進來傾

Dear eggeggma and Msma,

My daughter just had an interview this morning and she got accepted immediately.  I saw there were many other pupils coming for interview and almost everyone got accepted.  Based on the information on BK, 2nd interview has been going on for a couple of weeks now and almost every one invited got accepted.  I am queried why Good Hope can accept so many people, is the class very big with fourty odd students?  I wonder how many in your girl's class.

Eggeggma, I guess you live in Ma On Shan and your girl was previously at St Catherine because I did consult you when my girl first join St Catherine.  Again, it is the matter of school bus, we are living in Vista Paradiso, do you have any idea what time the bus will arrive at Vista Paradiso for P1 students.  Your girl is in P2 now right, how does she manage to wake up early in the morning, I guess the school bus must be arriving 6:30 am in order to be at school by 7:30 am.  Your input in this regard would be highly appreciated.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-7-5 11:53 |只看該作者

Re: 小朋友06年9月讀德望小一家長, 請進來傾

Thanks eggeggma.  I hope my daughter can be 自動自覺 as yours.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 06-7-5 12:33 |只看該作者

Re: 小朋友06年9月讀德望小一家長, 請進來傾

elegant 寫道:
Dear eggeggma and Msma,

My daughter just had an interview this morning and she got accepted immediately.  I saw there were many other pupils coming for interview and almost everyone got accepted.  Based on the information on BK, 2nd interview has been going on for a couple of weeks now and almost every one invited got accepted.  I am queried why Good Hope can accept so many people, is the class very big with fourty odd students?  I wonder how many in your girl's class.

Dear elegant,

I shared the same feeling with you......I think many students given up their seats when they are accepted by their target school in the lucky draw, so there are many vacancies~~~~

By the way, I will also apply GH for my daughter in the coming September, can you please share the interview expereince with me by PM me the details? Thanks so much.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-7-5 13:05 |只看該作者

Re: 小朋友06年9月讀德望小一家長, 請進來傾

honestly , study in GH , you got to prepare to pay few thousand /month for at least 12 years .

That's the reason, some may give up if they admitted to the school up to their expection but FOC.

Yes , she has big class.  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-7-5 13:06 |只看該作者

Re: 小朋友06年9月讀德望小一家長, 請進來傾

elegant 寫道:
Dear eggeggma and Msma,

My daughter just had an interview this morning and she got accepted immediately.  I saw there were many other pupils coming for interview and almost everyone got accepted.  Based on the information on BK, 2nd interview has been going on for a couple of weeks now and almost every one invited got accepted.  I am queried why Good Hope can accept so many people, is the class very big with fourty odd students?  I wonder how many in your girl's class.

Eggeggma, I guess you live in Ma On Shan and your girl was previously at St Catherine because I did consult you when my girl first join St Catherine.  Again, it is the matter of school bus, we are living in Vista Paradiso, do you have any idea what time the bus will arrive at Vista Paradiso for P1 students.  Your girl is in P2 now right, how does she manage to wake up early in the morning, I guess the school bus must be arriving 6:30 am in order to be at school by 7:30 am.  Your input in this regard would be highly appreciated.

maximum 45 girls/class, 5 classes = 225 students. During eggegg's P.1 only 210+ showed up due to other choices and declining birth rate.  Eggegg's P.2 left around 200.  
Many kids give up their seats after lucky draw and that's why all second-in are accepted right away, unless you have a serious problem.  More, Sister Leung is personally involved in second-in and that's why it has to take a couple of weeks.  
After formal registration in early Aug, some waiting list will be called as GH will have the exact figure.  

I remember you.    Your place is the second last pick-up school bus stop from MOS to GH but the second drop off stop after school.  For P.1, yours (聽濤?) is 11:55 am and 6:10 pm; for P.2, yours is 6:54 am and 1:15 pm.  Yet the school bus is always 5-10 minutes early after school.
Again, just luck.  eggegg never sleeps much (15 hours after first month, 9 hours since K1, though she is still considered over-weight ).  And her sleeping quality is very good.  
For P.1, 6:30 pm back home, 7:15 finished dinner and began homework; then 9 pm bathed, 9:30-10 pm went to the bed.  Woke up around 7:30-8 am the next morning to pack the school bag and so.  11 am brunch and 11:48 school bus.  Once became a habit, no problem to get up early.  She still gets up at 730 during weekends.      
For P.2, 9-9:30 pm sleeps and wakes up at 6 am, 6:48 school bus.  Sometimes, she goes to bed at 8 pm and wakes up at 5:30 am    Of course, it will take both of you some time to adjust the biological clock.  

eggegg 真係快人, 6:15 am 搞掂 d 嘢, 仲有 15 minutes 睇 埋 ATV 變色龍先落提, 仲識唱主題曲     

Rank: 1

發表於 06-7-5 15:43 |只看該作者

Re: 小朋友06年9月讀德望小一家長, 請進來傾

各位媽媽﹐ 我係GH以前既老師﹐ 睇到你地對GH甘支持﹐ 我都好開心。 你地唔駛擔心﹐ 雖然每班學生唔少﹐ GH既老師好有經驗﹐佢地絕對可以照顧得到你地既寶貝女。
eggeggma﹐ 你真係好掂﹐ 如果每個家長好似你甘﹐ 老師一定好開心。 好想知道你女女係點樣﹖ 有相嗎﹖

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-7-5 15:50 |只看該作者

Re: 小朋友06年9月讀德望小一家長, 請進來傾

eggegg 好叻,我女朝早都睇變色龍架!


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-7-5 22:08 |只看該作者

Re: 小朋友06年9月讀德望小一家長, 請進來傾

Thanks eggmama,

I feel much relief after knowing the school bus time table, it is really good that our stop is the second last stop.

My girl likes to sleep in and every morning I am having difficulty in waking her up.  P2 at 6:54 am bus sound great and I really look forward to having my child studying at GH.

Thanks for sharing the information, I hope my girl as good as your girl.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-7-5 22:36 |只看該作者

Re: 小朋友06年9月讀德望小一家長, 請進來傾

shouxi 寫道:
各位媽媽﹐ 我係GH以前既老師﹐ 睇到你地對GH甘支持﹐ 我都好開心。 你地唔駛擔心﹐ 雖然每班學生唔少﹐ GH既老師好有經驗﹐佢地絕對可以照顧得到你地既寶貝女。
eggeggma﹐ 你真係好掂﹐ 如果每個家長好似你甘﹐ 老師一定好開心。 好想知道你女女係點樣﹖ 有相嗎﹖

thank you thank you  
做過 full-time 老師, 宜加又係半個老師, 家人同半班同学又係老師, 老師苦處, 一言難盡....好彩呢2年 eggegg 班主任都係爽快之人, 有大事先 call 我, 2年家長日 我都夾硬揾嘢講 10 minutes 等大家好交待即走人, 希望 未來都係這樣

睇相? 唔多方便, 怕比人點相, 因我成日得罪人     你會唔會教過 eggegg

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-7-5 22:40 |只看該作者

Re: 小朋友06年9月讀德望小一家長, 請進來傾

Msma 寫道:
eggegg 好叻,我女朝早都睇變色龍架!

学期頭係'人在江湖' '巨星' ah ma

eggegg last night 仲叻, 2:30 am 自己起身睇 world cup, 約 6 am 由 sofa 抱番佢上床瞓 . 佢 tip Italy 拎冠軍, 因佢有長 MacDonDon Italy card

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-7-5 23:44 |只看該作者

Re: 小朋友06年9月讀德望小一家長, 請進來傾

shouxi 寫道:
好想知道你女女係點樣﹖ 有相嗎﹖

呢張得唔得? 上屆'中田英肥'   

有d P.1 老師跟得好貼, 連小朋友無聊口角都 call 一 call 交待     收工仲要白做 OT, 我真係       辛苦晒   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-7-6 00:26 |只看該作者

Re: 小朋友06年9月讀德望小一家長, 請進來傾

ms ma,

妳 好 嗎 ?


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-7-6 08:23 |只看該作者

Re: 小朋友06年9月讀德望小一家長, 請進來傾



忙嗎 ?

Rank: 1

發表於 06-7-6 10:23 |只看該作者

Re: 小朋友06年9月讀德望小一家長, 請進來傾

我仲有幾個問題, 希望大家可以幫下我:
(1) 學校有無特別安排幫助小一學生適應小學生活?
(2) 現時在中學部上課, 設施/環境是否良好?
(3) 德望學生給人的印象是英文好, 我想知學校有什麼方法建立學生穩固的語文基礎?
(4) 升中的安排, 大約幾多小學部的學生可以升上中學部?


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-7-6 13:57 |只看該作者

Re: 小朋友06年9月讀德望小一家長, 請進來傾

Dear All,

My daughter will also be P.1 student in coming Sept.  

I know general studies is taught in English.  I am afraid there are a lot of vocabulary need to be memorised. Can anyone share your experience how to help your daughter to study this subject.

Thankyou very much.



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-7-6 14:27 |只看該作者

Re: 小朋友06年9月讀德望小一家長, 請進來傾

don't worry about general studies.

It is not focus on reciting skill .

Not very difficult.  

Rank: 1

發表於 06-7-6 14:50 |只看該作者

Re: 小朋友06年9月讀德望小一家長, 請進來傾


I didn't teach eggegg, I had been a teacher in Good Hope for 7 yrs. 5 years ago, I married and moved to Malaysia. I still keep in touch with Sister Leung and the colleagues.

Maybe I can get some comments from them about eggegg. ha haha..

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-7-6 16:12 |只看該作者

Re: 小朋友06年9月讀德望小一家長, 請進來傾

dear all,
i learnt from someone that the maths is taught in Chinese under P.1 lever intead of taught in English and 1 level higher (that means it is P.2 syllabus).  is it true?
also, Chinese lesson is taught in Cantonese intead of Mandanrin.  Is it true?
hope the GH's mama can advise.
thanks a lot!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-7-6 18:04 |只看該作者

Re: 小朋友06年9月讀德望小一家長, 請進來傾

Hi Msma,

Thanks for your prompt reply.

The English standard of my daughter is not very good.  I am afraid she cannot understand what the teacher is saying in English. Do you know if the teacher will also explain in Chinese for GS. Thanks.



Msma 寫道:
don't worry about general studies.

It is not focus on reciting skill .

Not very difficult.  

Rank: 1

發表於 06-7-6 23:27 |只看該作者

Re: 小朋友06年9月讀德望小一家長, 請進來傾

Hi, Msma, eggeggmom and other GH parents,

My girl will also join GH this Sept.

I heard GH students have very high English standard. That's why I like the school. However, I would like to know more about how the school teach English.

Do they use English as medium in English and GS lessones? Or, only use English books but explained in Cantonese?

Are the assembly conducted in Cantonese or English?

Will school focus more on reading and writing instead of speaking??

I heard there is no native speaker English teachers in GH. Will the local teachers have good English accent?

Sorry for so many questions. I wonder should I do anything to help with my girl in English learning this summer?

Your suggestions will be very appreciated.

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