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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 DBSPD 2nd Interview
樓主: Jason_Daddy

DBSPD 2nd Interview [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 05-11-24 19:33 |只看該作者

Re: DBSPD 2nd Interview

Really, sleeping -beauty?
My son has the 2nd in today also & the process exactly the same as what you have described.
I also feel a bit anxious that why he came out so fast. I hope the reason is as what you have explained & you make me feel a bit comfortable  now. Thanks ! But anyway we love our children no matter what the result will be because they have tried their best & we feel pround of them!
By the way, when will be the last 2nd in. day & who are that 2 people sitting next to Principal?   
Someone has told me before there should be the DBS Principal & Father Tsui attending the interiveiw but finally not.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-11-24 20:05 |只看該作者

Re: DBSPD 2nd Interview

據我所知, 每一節面試既"三人考官"既組合均不同, 但羅校長就應該每一節都一定在場! 我仔仔果日就分別係羅校長, 張校長同一位全個過程都無出聲既戴眼鏡女士.

我覺得每個小朋友所考既內容都會有唔同, 但都好似都係10分鐘以內完成, 以我仔仔果節嚟講, 响仔仔前面都有差唔多6,7個小朋友應考, 我地連等在內, 個半鐘頭完成晒!

係呢, 我都好想知2nd interview會在邊一日完成?我諗到時可以會有多D家長願意分享多D!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-24 22:36 |只看該作者

Re: DBSPD 2nd Interview

Wow, it's happy to see so much response today. After all, I realise that the majority of the parents are willing to share. Indeed, we need such kind of sharing and thus support among us parents.

Cheers to us all.

Rank: 1

發表於 05-11-24 23:50 |只看該作者

Re: DBSPD 2nd Interview

Interview has not yet been over.  I saw before in PK, a parent says that his interview will be on next Monday, 28 Nov.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-11-25 10:41 |只看該作者

Re: DBSPD 2nd Interview

Very often I heard my friends talk about the parents in top schools. There are some DON'Ts they must remember:

1. Do not ask what activities other children are learning.
2. Do not ask which private coaches or tutors they are following.
3. Do not ask how many marks they got in a test or exam.
4. Do not ask for tips.
5. Do not try to borrow handouts or notes or exam papers from others.

I asked, "Do these make their kids better?" The answer was, "This is fair to everybody. We are still in the game."

I also asked, "How do they find their schools?" The answer was, "Our children have good team spirit. They do community service too. You know, helping the needy is fundamental to their development."

Touch wood, I have yet to find such a parent in DBSPD.

del_eric 寫道:

I think I want to make some points clear.

some mom said that it is not that serious to talk about or disclose the questions

I have some opinions:

1. some mom send their kids to interview class total ~ $4000
2. some mom send their kids to get batipised, to get the extra 5 points
3. from the newspaper, a dad sold his house in Hong Kong Islands and bought an apartment in Kowloon Tong, so that his kid can get a higher chance to go into a famous school in Kowloon Tong.

All these showed that some parents takes this very seriously.

For the dad that sold his house and bought a new one, it involves millions of dollars. His behaviour tells you that he is very serious. But does he play a fair game? I must admit he does. He play according to the rules and regulation set down by the Education Department.

All I want is to play a fair game here in serious manner according to the rules and regulations set up.

As the interview is over (correct me if I am wrong), my job is done


發表於 05-11-25 10:57 |只看該作者

Re: DBSPD 2nd Interview

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-25 11:34 |只看該作者

Re: DBSPD 2nd Interview

Before reading this topic, I have quite a nice impression about the school and believe that the school is fair to accept students from different families based on their performance in the interview. But now, I can see a number of the candidates' parents here, and has somehow jeopardized my initial impression to the school. It's nothing on DBSPD, but it's really sick of seeing such attitudes.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-11-25 12:06 |只看該作者

Re: DBSPD 2nd Interview

Chinese_B 寫道:
Very often I heard my friends talk about the parents in top schools. There are some DON'Ts they must remember:

1. Do not ask what activities other children are learning.
2. Do not ask which private coaches or tutors they are following.
3. Do not ask how many marks they got in a test or exam.
4. Do not ask for tips.
5. Do not try to borrow handouts or notes or exam papers from others.

I asked, "Do these make their kids better?" The answer was, "This is fair to everybody. We are still in the game."

I also asked, "How do they find their schools?" The answer was, "Our children have good team spirit. They do community service too. You know, helping the needy is fundamental to their development."

Touch wood, I have yet to find such a parent in DBSPD.

I only see contradiction between those "Don't"s and the statement "helping the needy".  

To remember those "Don't"s when there is a competition?
To "help the needy" when there is no competition?  Is it the way the students survive in those schools?

Do I misunderstand your statements?  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-11-25 12:19 |只看該作者

Re: DBSPD 2nd Interview

Dear all...

I think we have now changed our discussion from the content of 2nd interview to the concept about "fairness".

I appreciate all parents here to share their views and that enlighten me a lot.

To be honest, for those parents who insisted about "fairness" got their point, and I think there is somehow a lot of 無奈 for them to insist about that too, let's think -HK is such a society that only admire winners, not losers.....winners could live under spotlight, and losers could only "survive" by taking over what is left behind.

So that's not surprising that most parents (including me, I have to admit) dun want their kids to be at the bottom list.

Some parents will believe that under a 'fair selection system' , they will feel much more comfortable to accept whatever result that they got and I can fully understand that - well...I would say such attitude not only happen in the interview of DPSPD, but whenever there are comparisons, contests, etc...we will come across these people.

What I could say is : dun expect there are two people who live and think in the same way (not even my hubby), learning to accept other's values and try to think ahead any alternatives to "compromise" between two values may be a more constructive way for me to live on, and so will I tell my sons too.  That will certainly take me lifetime to learn and practice, but I am trying hard to do it well.


Rank: 2

發表於 05-11-25 18:59 |只看該作者

Re: DBSPD 2nd Interview

Hi HuiTung,

A paradox? A parable? Hypocrisy? Or Humanity? I can't tell.

Luckily, all the parents I met in my child's kindergarten and primary school are really wonderful.

By the way, how are you preparing your son for P1 admission? Good luck to you.

HuiTung 寫道:

I only see contradiction between those "Don't"s and the statement "helping the needy".  

To remember those "Don't"s when there is a competition?
To "help the needy" when there is no competition?  Is it the way the students survive in those schools?

Do I misunderstand your statements?  

Rank: 2

發表於 05-11-25 19:05 |只看該作者

Re: DBSPD 2nd Interview

Hi julietta,

Actually such attitude is found in all schools. My friend once told me that the mother of her daughter's classmate phoned her one day to warn her not to let her daughter play with hers because of the former's poor academic result. It is not a famous school at all, just one in a public housing estate!

What is happening to the parents in Hong Kong?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-11-26 00:50 |只看該作者

Re: DBSPD 2nd Interview

Hi Chinese_B,

It's nice to have a chat with you again.  I still remember how helpful you were in answering my inquiry.  My boy has just started K1.  I wish I could tell you in BK after two years!


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-11-26 01:28 |只看該作者

Re: DBSPD 2nd Interview



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-11-26 01:48 |只看該作者

Re: DBSPD 2nd Interview


你過獎了...我對住兩反斗星發哂神經個樣可能就會嚇親大家喇   ......

I think the reason why there are so much conflicts in this world is that we never really "accept" others.....many people said so, yet not doing so....

Sometimes I fall into such traps as well..nobody is perfect.....that's why whenever I read similar topics, I will keep reminding myself that I should be a role model to my sons.

Take things easy, then there will be more      in this world la....


Rank: 2

發表於 05-11-26 02:32 |只看該作者

Re: DBSPD 2nd Interview

想問下,如果現在收唔到信,即是冇得2nd Interview

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-11-26 05:36 |只看該作者

Re: DBSPD 2nd Interview

Hi parents

Although I didn't have experience in DBSPD interview (my little sweetie is a girl), I'd like to share with you my experience last year.

My girl attended an interview at a quite famous primary schools last year.  I know one of her best friends also applied the same school and her interview time was one hour later than ours.  The interview required parent to fill in a questionnaire.  I know the girl's mummy (her daddy's out of town) is not good at writing stuff, after the interview, I meet her immediately and let her know the questions and help her to prepare for the answers.  

In that evening, you know, what did my girl said to me?  "Mom, you're so great and helpful, I can see auntie find you so helpful.  I want to be like you."   Op ..... my girl was watching me and learning from me.

Luckily, my girl was admitted by that school and unfortnately, her friend was rejected by the school.

The success of the interview really depends on several factors.  So take it easy and good luck to all of you.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-11-26 07:57 |只看該作者

Re: DBSPD 2nd Interview

After the 2nd interview, I had shared the questions with 3 parents after their interviews who also attended the 2nd interview with their 3 brilliant boys this week. In fact, the questions asked and the picture description are all different. So just take it easy for just about 8-10  mins interview time.

Of course, I have strong reservation in disclosing the questions in BK in order to ensure fairness for all applicants.   

Rank: 2

發表於 05-11-26 08:26 |只看該作者

Re: DBSPD 2nd Interview


Oop sorry, I thought he was in K2.    

Rank: 2

發表於 05-11-26 10:47 |只看該作者

Re: DBSPD 2nd Interview

Yes, unless mail delivery problem! I think the last day of 2nd Interview should be next Monday, 28 Nov.
avery 寫道:
想問下,如果現在收唔到信,即是冇得2nd Interview

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-26 14:28 |只看該作者

Re: DBSPD 2nd Interview

Dear all,

I've only followed this thread today and seen some interesting discussion about whether experience sharing in this case is fair or not.

Based on my limited experience and observation, the 2nd interview is to identify the right candidate, well of course, and to identify the waiting list should anyone withdraw from acceptance list.

In my opinion, even if the boy know exactly the questions and answer correctly, he may still not get accepted. They want to see how the boys approach the task instead of giving out the correct answer. The interview is to test the ability of the boy in handling adverse situation (e.g. dark room in an interogational style interview), how he react to problems, how he handle difficult situation, whether he is smart , witful and streetwise or not.

I do think there is little help in preparing for the interview, at least I did absolutely minimum last year. I don't think my boy even realise he was in an interview at all. I just told him that he would go in the room and talk to the teachers.

If your child does not possess that kind of character that the school wants, it is really difficult for him to change to suit through trainings or classes etc. In fact, Mr. Chang has discouraged parents to join these classes knowing that he does not want standard and non-creative answers. There is nothing much parents can do than to tell the boy to be like normal days and do the best. Even if he doesn't know the answer, be brave to admit it and ask for the answer!

I do think the school is able to pickup and observe your boy's strength better than us parents. I know some may say what I've just said does not help at to get good results in the interview. But there's no shortcut, you need to prepare your son ever since he is a toddler instead of wasting money on useless interview classes in hope that money can buy the time you did not sacrifice to bring up your child and to teach him the right attitude when handling problems and adversity.

The best way is to tell him to perform the basic greetings and let him perform on his own and do not pressure him.
judy001 寫道:
After the 2nd interview, I had shared the questions with 3 parents after their interviews who also attended the 2nd interview with their 3 brilliant boys this week. In fact, the questions asked and the picture description are all different. So just take it easy for just about 8-10  mins interview time.

Of course, I have strong reservation in disclosing the questions in BK in order to ensure fairness for all applicants.   
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