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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 有冇BB join 過東山語言中心可分享一吓
樓主: joanne298

有冇BB join 過東山語言中心可分享一吓 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-25 04:37 |只看該作者
Leading and BabyQueendom,

搞九百幾樣野, 簡直在虐兒<---so I guess you think it is 虐兒 as well as students have many homework to do, with different curriculum when they are in K1 up to primary.

有怪獸父母才有港童<---I don't understand your meaning of怪獸父母, but I thinkg the definition of港童is, many parents have 1 child only, spoil them and try to give anything good and what they ask for, the maid treat them as prince or princess that they can eat w/o moving. This happens as parents are sorry for having no time to stay with them.

Those 港童 are always in bad temper, with poor personality, thinking they are always right.....this is ethics, nothing about learning languages or joining playgroups. So it is the parents responsbility to teach them about "manner", etc. and there are some playgounds teaching kids in this aspect.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-25 04:39 |只看該作者
原帖由 Angine 於 11-1-24 23:00 發表
Your comments below got no ground and not constructive at all, and the wordings are irritating. And you are not responding to the theme of this thread.

If you have relevant experience to share I gue ...

發表於 11-1-25 13:09 |只看該作者
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發表於 11-1-25 13:10 |只看該作者
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Rank: 1

發表於 11-1-25 22:42 |只看該作者
D小孩無腦原因就是父母安排太多, 從1歲安排至25歲,不停安排学習硬知識,時程滿滿,孩子完全無機會跌過,痛過,反醒,修正,亦無時間思考

我唔係覺得讀東山PLAYGROUP有問題,我只係對這種安排背後的心理,想法感到心寒 --- 一天到晚比較你個仔識幾多個字,我個仔又識跳舞,純綷滿足家長

我兩個小孩無PLAYGROUP, 一個蘇浙, 一個維記


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-25 23:13 |只看該作者
Every parent has their own way to nurture their children.  There is no right or wrong.  Those parents who would like to arrange more for their kids just want to allow their children to expose to more varieties, they do not really want to intervene either.  I agree that there are always some extreme cases.  But is leaving the kids at home and just letting them playing by themselves a good way to teaching them?!  I don't think so.

Anyways, I guess this thread is for those mommies who really want to have their kids to try more new things such as other foreign languages.  If you are not this type of mommies, need not to read further on.

Rank: 1

發表於 11-1-25 23:28 |只看該作者

回復 10# howardmama09 的帖子

算吧 , 之前我已发現呢位 "xqueendom"成日上BK撩交抝 , 又粗言穢語中傷別人 , 被人deleted佢所posted嘅嘢 , 佢以為只得佢講得啱 , 人地就唔啱.

這只係一个平台for sharing, 所以可以不理此位 "乜queendom" :;pppp:

發表於 11-1-25 23:30 |只看該作者
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發表於 11-1-26 00:00 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-26 00:07 |只看該作者
原帖由 Leading 於 11-1-25 22:42 發表
D小孩無腦原因就是父母安排太多, 從1歲安排至25歲,不停安排学習硬知識,時程滿滿,孩子完全無機會跌過,痛過,反醒,修正,亦無時間思考

我唔係覺得讀東山PLAYGROUP有問題,我只係對這種安排背後的心理,想法感到心寒 --- 一 ...

D小孩無腦原因就是父母安排太多<---I can't see how you derive this conclusion. Too much caring by maid or spoil by mammy and won't let him do usual thgns like a prince should be the answer, not having many pg. And just opposite to what you though, he has chance to explore to different things and picks the one he likes and learns more, he won't be "no brain" as you said.

1歲安排至25歲,不停安排学習硬知識,時程滿滿,孩子完全無機會跌過,痛過,反醒,修正,亦無時間思考<---totally can't understand your logic, and can't see why having pg means孩子完全無機會跌過,痛過,反醒,修正,亦無時間思考. They are totally different things......I think you mix up everthing.

Let babies to do things by himself, don't help him when he falls down and let him learn how to stand up by himself except necceary help from parents, this should what we should do about your concern of letting kids to have機會跌過,痛過,反醒,修正,思考

And we have 1.5 hr lessons a week, he should have enough time to take rest, 修正 &思考 (those you concern).

我唔係覺得讀東山PLAYGROUP有問題,我只係對這種安排背後的心理,想法感到心寒 --- 一天到晚比較你個仔識幾多個字,我個仔又識跳舞,純綷滿足家長<---this is my 3rd reply, joining language class is only giving him chance to learn, enjoy the class and have fun if he likes, and have "social life" with other babies and adults. I have no intention to force him to take the class if he doesn't like it. and I never care whether he learn anything (even not one word), or know how to dance (of course I will feel happy if he can do more as he has improvement), my intention is not for "show off".

Actually many mammys and I (reply the 3rd time) our reasonale behind, but you hold your views....that I can see you never read others views/response but keep telling us what you think is right........but actually I do think you mix up everything, what u are saying are irrelevant.

So, as other mammys said, as you have no interest in listening to other mammys' views, you are just try to put some "comment's that are "rude" in my point of view and shows no respect to others. We welcome different views from mammys, but your comments are really "impolite". So agree with other mammys, leave us alone as you can only saying sth. hurting others feeling, but we want to share our experience for this topic, not aiming for argue with you on irrelevant things.

Thank you for your co-operation.

And sorry if my wordings are "impolite" and "rude" and may "hurt" you.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-26 00:10 |只看該作者
原帖由 winifred102 於 11-1-25 23:13 發表
Every parent has their own way to nurture their children.  There is no right or wrong.  Those parents who would like to arrange more for their kids just want to allow their children to expose to more  ...

totally agree w/u, esp. the 2nd para..

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-26 00:17 |只看該作者
原帖由 saladkaylie 於 11-1-25 23:28 發表
算吧 , 之前我已发現呢位 "xqueendom"成日上BK撩交抝 , 又粗言穢語中傷別人 , 被人deleted佢所posted嘅嘢 , 佢以為只得佢講得啱 , 人地就唔啱.

這只係一个平台for sharing, 所以可以不理此位 "乜queendom" :;pppp: ...

I can't understand why many people love doing this? what purpose for doing this and they will fell happy in this way?

I am so happy that I learn a lot here as many mammys are so great to share their view and information I need, like their comments on PN school, playgrounds, etc. and exchange information on details of interviews...really helps a lot.

Thank you for telling us her "habit", so we won't feel bad anymore and neglect her post.

發表於 11-1-26 00:21 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-26 00:22 |只看該作者
Again, your note just demonstrate your narrow-minded and self-center thinking. Hey this thread is about "有冇BB join 過東山語言中心可分享一吓", what's wrong if parents share our experience and current status of our kids at 東山?? I didn't read there are parents comparing things you stated.

My son goes to playgroup everyday, busy in absorbing new things by means of games, songs, interacting with others everyday. He also goes to playground everyday. He is a very happy boy. See? People can have different ways to raise children.

If no playgroup is your way, thank you very much. Then I think you don't have much to contribute in this thread.

But interesting, why you clicked this thread if you are not interested in playgroups??

原帖由 Leading 於 11-1-25 22:42 發表
D小孩無腦原因就是父母安排太多, 從1歲安排至25歲,不停安排学習硬知識,時程滿滿,孩子完全無機會跌過,痛過,反醒,修正,亦無時間思考

我唔係覺得讀東山PLAYGROUP有問題,我只係對這種安排背後的心理,想法感到心寒 --- 一 ...

Rank: 1

發表於 11-1-26 00:25 |只看該作者

要個1歲小孩去這樣 "玩" 呢d乜心態????????

這條標題內各仁兄, 全是東山父母,講落去沒意思, 夏蟲不能語冰

上士聞道, 奮而改之;
中士聞道, 若存若忘;
下士聞道, 大笑之;

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-26 00:27 |只看該作者
原帖由 howardmama09 於 11-1-25 23:30 發表

Very good point, I love especially those in I make in blue of your comments below:


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-26 00:29 |只看該作者
原帖由 Angine 於 11-1-26 00:22 發表
Again, your note just demonstrate your narrow-minded and self-center thinking. Hey this thread is about "有冇BB join 過東山語言中心可分享一吓", what's wrong if parents share our experience and current ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-26 00:29 |只看該作者
東山的校長自己識10國語言,兒子於男拔畢業,以前亦是高官, 值得學習, 而且他對幼教的Research,十分有見地, 有些人都未睇過,所以根本吾同Channel.  


我個女是超小B, 5個月join 東山. 10個月考4 間Pre-nursery. 全部都收. 13個月識叫Daddy. 如果上playgroup係無用.我都想佢分享下佢的教育方法. 不過算啦. 我地班東山家長明白一切便好了.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-26 00:39 |只看該作者
原帖由 Leading 於 11-1-26 00:25 發表

要個1歲小孩去這樣 "玩" 呢d乜心態????????

這條標題內各仁兄, 全是東山父母,講落去沒意思, 夏蟲不能語冰

上士聞道, 奮而改之;
中士聞道, ...

I do English + Mandarin (6 mth later he will learn it in PN) and Spanish (good for future prospect) and Japanese (for 2 lessons a mth only, for fun only, as I love Japnese, no problem to drop it anytime).....I pick 4 only, 2 are necessary even from PN up to secondary school, only Spanish is special but usful....
well.....yes, 5 languages, if you count Cantones.

You mean only HK people do this? I have done no research, but in real world, Hk is a competitive world, we try hard to let our babies to have good future, but not aiming to force them do what they don't like.

Do you know Cantonese, Mandarin and English? I know Japanese also, and having Spansh and Japanese is only let him find out which one he likes most.

Learning language can also have fun, have you tried their class? So how can do you know there is no fun that babies won't like it?

Haha, as you said, we are in different views, can't agree your "impolite and rude" comments especially. And yes, even you can do those "look like" difficult Chinese idoms, I can't see you know how to bring up your babies well if you still keep on critisizing on others inthis way. As other mammys said, parents are kids' sample, they will follow what you do....

So thanks for your opinions so far and I think this should be the end of our response to you and seeing your posts here again.

Thank you so much.

[ 本帖最後由 momo627 於 11-1-26 00:42 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-26 00:40 |只看該作者
Read from another thread from another parent which so fits here:


原帖由 Leading 於 11-1-26 00:25 發表

要個1歲小孩去這樣 "玩" 呢d乜心態????????

這條標題內各仁兄, 全是東山父母,講落去沒意思, 夏蟲不能語冰

上士聞道, 奮而改之;
中士聞道, ...
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