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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 有輕微讀障,怎樣可加強英文串字能力?
樓主: AppleChow

[讀障] 有輕微讀障,怎樣可加強英文串字能力? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-8-16 10:58 |只看該作者
dear ruby,
Sorry to type english because i am in a hurry.
If your kid is not good in English, and is difficult to learn phonic, it is the best chance now to teach phonic seriously, because after the Poly course the kid should have improvement in listening to English sound.

And last year, Dr Ng is there to explain to us every Sat the scores of the games of each kid, by graph on every games. I don't know the practice for this year.

For my son, I found he has only little improvement in attention and memory, and much on learning phonics.

They don't have therapist in the course.They are scholars and students. So it is parent who responsible for motivating them. For the first day, my son hate to join. Then I told him that after he attend the course he can go to musemum and library nearby. And the first night he attend the course I discover he is better in learning phonics. Most of the mums at the hour my son is attending has good faith on the course. And I know the result of score of my group is among top groups.

hope sharing would help.

原文章由 rubytang 於 07-8-14 17:32 發表

我俾亞仔上左理工果個暑期班, 但佢好似就唔係幾好,
死啦~ 係佢太蠢定點呢~
我覺得佢上左D感統 & 讀寫訓練班之後,
寫字就有D進步, 靚左少少, 起碼唔會好似打風咁款~
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