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Comments: ESF Kinder Tsing Yi or KBCK? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-6-4 19:04 |只看該作者

Comments: ESF Kinder Tsing Yi or KBCK?


Please let me know how you feel about ESF Kindergarten (Tsing Yi). I just received a letter of acceptance from the school and will go for an introductory tour on June 13.

I'm headache...
Situtation: Two weeks ago, my son got accepted by Kowloon Baptist Church Kindergarten (Kowloon Tong) for K1 starting from September. I like KBCK very much as its English level is really high. But yesterday I was informed of getting a place from ESF Kinder (Tsing Yi) for the intake of January 2006.  

My questions are:

Regarding English, which one is better? (KBCK or ESF Tsing Yi?)

My husband doesn't like British education very much. For me, I think ESF is good. Anyway,he prefers the Canadian one (like CAIS). If my target is CAIS, which one (KBCK or ESF Tsing Yi) can help more?

Will it be easier for graduates of ESF kinder (Tsing Yi) to go to ESF primaries? My son has no British passport, nor does he have any siblings in ESF.  

Please share your comments on ESF (Tsing Yi).


Rank: 2

發表於 05-6-5 05:22 |只看該作者

Re: Comments: ESF Kinder Tsing Yi or KBCK?

minggrace, so do I.
My concern is the chance to esf primaries.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-6-5 21:40 |只看該作者

Re: Comments: ESF Kinder Tsing Yi or KBCK?

ESF 都唔使interview. KBCK 要interview. 入得KBCK 讀都係以英文為第一語言, 所以KBCK 入ESF 小學的比率很高.
ESF因為唔使interview, (你想下,邊有咁多外國人住青衣那邊),所以會有小部份小朋友本身不是以英文溝通

Rank: 2

發表於 05-6-6 07:56 |只看該作者

Re: Comments: ESF Kinder Tsing Yi or KBCK?

Fanny Choi

Thanks for your comments. But my son has no British passport/ siblings and the admission policy will be changed. If I give up the opportunity to ESF Kinder, my son can still apply for ESF primaries but most likely he'll be going to Yat Sun College only as priorities will go to those who hold foreign passports/ graduates of ESF kindergartens...
But I agree with you that I never doubt the quality of KBCK and I'm sure kids at KBCK all speak English.
Let me think about it.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-6-6 09:14 |只看該作者

Re: Comments: ESF Kinder Tsing Yi or KBCK?

from what I know, KBCK's students did not get interviews from ESF primary schools, (YMCA is the same).
Only those with siblings can get an interviews, all the others were on waiting lists, although I know some students eventually got into ESF primary even those they were on waiting lists, but it was scary enough for some parents.

If you don't have foreign passport and no siblings studying at ESF, I would advise you to go to ESF kinder because they have priority to  interview.

I also think KBCK is not as good as before since their last headmistress has left, she has a very close connection with ESF. After she left, KBCK did not get any priority with ESF.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-6-6 10:22 |只看該作者

Re: Comments: ESF Kinder Tsing Yi or KBCK?


Thanks for your opinions, wbmom. I don't know the present headmistress is a new one. I don't know much about the history of KBCK. Thanks.


Rank: 2

發表於 05-6-6 11:46 |只看該作者

Re: Comments: ESF Kinder Tsing Yi or KBCK?

Do you think I will be blacklisted if I do not take this offer?
I wonder if I apply next year for primary.
Any comments?

Thank you.

Fannychoi: What is your decision eventually?  Will we meet at the KBCK orientation on 29th?  

Rank: 1

發表於 05-6-9 22:15 |只看該作者

Re: Comments: ESF Kinder Tsing Yi or KBCK?

Hi wbmom,
My daughter is now studying in KBCK and she will study in Shatin Junior in this september, as my knowldege, most of her classmate can study in EFS.  Although the headmistress has left, the student's english standard still can be maintained.  I don't have foreign passport and no siblings too! However, I know that ESF Kinder can get priority to interview, it is also an advantage for u to choose EFS Kinder.


Rank: 2

發表於 05-6-9 23:18 |只看該作者

Re: Comments: ESF Kinder Tsing Yi or KBCK?

Fiona, can you share your comments on KBCK?  By the way, do you have additional child what made your daugther sucessfully had an interview at SJS?

Many thanks.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-6-9 23:37 |只看該作者

Re: Comments: ESF Kinder Tsing Yi or KBCK?


Thanks for your sharing.

Then if you can choose between these two kinder for your daughter again, which one would you pick?


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-6-10 09:29 |只看該作者

Re: Comments: ESF Kinder Tsing Yi or KBCK?


I never said the English standard of KBCK is worse than before. All I am saying(of course it's only my opinion) is the school is not as good as before. Why did I say that?

1) I don't know if your daughter got the interview at 1st round or by waiting list, if 1st round, then you are extremely lucky because most of the moms I know at KBCK told me they only got interview at waitlist round, although eventually lots of them got a place with ESF, that created a lot of stress for parents already.  

2) I don't like the management style of the present principal, I have dealt with her at numerous occasions, her style is like local school,  her attitiude: she is always right, you can study here or leave it. She is insensitive to children with learning difficulties, she always blame parents instead of helping.

3) Mrs. Schroder(the former principal) is just too good, she is competent, loving and most important she really has a 'heart'!

Sorry if I offended anyone, I didn't mean to, just try to share my experience.


Rank: 2

發表於 05-6-10 12:55 |只看該作者

Re: Comments: ESF Kinder Tsing Yi or KBCK?


You're so nice to everyone! I think you just telling the truth. But, it's hard to face the truth. Please understand.

1) This is the truth that so many KBCK student were in waiting list this year (for year 2000), but ESF kindy too. Most of them are not foreign. Since ESF add 3 more classes in P1, all these student can have a space too.

2) I think the one you talking about is not the principal. She is the Manager/Adminstrator only. So..don't be mind!

3) We all know Mrs. Schroder is very very good. Sometimes, she come back to see the kids even she's not working here.


In my own experinece, nothing about blacklist. Don't worry too much!!

To all Mom,

Actually, the English standard in family should be much important than in school. Student create the English standard to school.
Both schools are teaching by English. The only difference is their aim. KBCK is for student who speak English at home, but ESF is just by queue. Therefore, their customer (student) should be different.
Of course, ESF kindy had priority of interview, but not guarantee the space.
So.....still base on the family !!
What I can find eaily in class is, student speak Chinese at home are always chat together by Chinese in school. And, their English is fall behind obviously. Kids also have their own circle, boy or girl, English or Chinese...... even they're in the same school    

Rank: 2

發表於 05-6-13 18:48 |只看該作者

Re: Comments: ESF Kinder Tsing Yi or KBCK?

Visited ESF TY Kindergarten this afternoon.

Surprisingly, the teacher included the following in her presentation.
1.  The kindy will back your kid up if he/she happened fail in the ESF primaries interview
2.  The school will let parents know in advance if the kid cannot meet the language standard.

Of course, children's language skill has to be significantly developed at home rather than purely relying on school.  Meeting the parents that it's obvious 99% are local.

I have one week of time to make up my mind.
Anyone want to share?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-6-13 19:39 |只看該作者

Re: Comments: ESF Kinder Tsing Yi or KBCK?

I was in ESF TY Kindergarten this afternoon too.

Surprisingly, the teacher included the following in her presentation.
1. The kindy will back your kid up if he/she happened fail in the ESF primaries interview
> The Principal later on mentioned that the kid who fails the interview the first time will guarantee for an interview and it's almost certain that he will get a place the following year.  I really doubt about how true it is, as they just have this one new case happened this year.

2. The school will let parents know in advance if the kid cannot meet the language standard.
>I am not sure how soon they will let the parents know.  It might end up that your kid has to go to Phoneix.

Of course, children's language skill has to be significantly developed at home rather than purely relying on school. Meeting the parents that it's obvious 99% are local.
>Really want to know about the AM class tour.  Is it still 99% local.

I have one week of time to make up my mind.
Anyone want to share?
>I am also struggling.  Will you go for KBCK or ESF TY?

Rank: 2

發表於 05-6-13 19:49 |只看該作者

Re: Comments: ESF Kinder Tsing Yi or KBCK?

Anpanboy: There definitely will have kids below standard.  My concern is having such environment for my boy, pls forgive my selfish-thinking at this point.

May I ask you that is it really a constraint to my little one?
Do you believe in the provided figure for ESF primiaries?

Out of these and priority for interview, ESF is better.

I've chatted with my friend that she still recommended to go for ESF.  She said the schoolmates' eng standard/nationality are not vital for now.  The key is the possibility to ESF primaries cos so much rules had been changed in the last 6 months.  In case of any changes again in the next 2 years, I would possibly do nothing.

For sure, Pheonix will take up kids who failed to ESF.  However, this school is not on my wish list.  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-6-13 20:25 |只看該作者

Re: Comments: ESF Kinder Tsing Yi or KBCK?

I share the same view that ESF is better.  Definitely ESF TY has the environment (the interview will be conducted in ESF TY premesis) and priority in arranging the primary interview for our kid (although it's not a guarantee).

What do you mean by "a contraint to my little one"?

I believe the figure is true but remember not all ESF primaries are equally good.

I think there will be more changes coming especially after the formalization of "categorization of interview priority".  The trend seems to slowly move the local to Phoniex.  


Rank: 2

發表於 05-6-13 21:10 |只看該作者

Re: Comments: ESF Kinder Tsing Yi or KBCK?

anpanboy: Do you see it is a contraint of having low english standard of school mates?  You may aware, the majority of school time is playing with mates while the school emphasizes on 'communications.'  Yet, I am appreciated of the class mixed between ages 3-5.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-6-14 10:56 |只看該作者

Re: Comments: ESF Kinder Tsing Yi or KBCK?

Hi Salami

About my visit to ESF Tsing Yi, I agree with you that it's good to let kids aged 3-5 work together as they can help and learn from one another. That's good!

I'm worried about the set up of stationery (scissors). My boy is very naughty. I'm not sure how it runs for different activities which involve the use of scissors. How many teaching assistants are there in a group? Is it safe?

Yesterday, after the tour was a consultation meeting. I asked one of the staff (She looks like a Chinese but she speaks native English.) about the use of Cantonese among the kids and whether and how the teachers insist the kids to use English. She misunderstood my point and thought my boy could hardly use English. Then she taught me to start with Chinese explanation before the introduction of English as a way to help. Be frank, I was a bit disappointed to learn about the use of Chinese for explaining things before the introduction of English. I wonder if she understands Chinese and will use this kind of teaching method to teach kids at school. A purely English environment is what I'm looking for.

The school fee has been increased from $39XX to $4250; it's still acceptable. But does anyone of you know if there'll be in increase of the school fee of ESF primaries (not Yat Sun College)?

To me, the only advantage of ESF Tsing Yi over KBCK is the curriculum of Putonghua (about 20 minutes every day).

About the statistical figures provided by ESF Tsing Yi, only 11 kids out of 209 do not enter ESF primaries. The principal said that actually 4 kids out of the 11 kids passed the ESF interviews successfully but they chose to go to other international schools. That means, only 7 students failed to enter ESF primaries including Yat Sun College. Apparently, the rate is satisfactory. But I think quite a number of kids go to Yat Sun College, not the subsidized ESF primaries.

Like you, I'm still thinking whether to go for ESF Tsing Yi in the middle of the school year, as for me, CAIS is also my choice. If my kid stays at KBCK, I think he can still go to CAIS in the future.

Salami, let me know your decision through PM or mobile phone, ok?


Rank: 4

發表於 05-6-14 11:49 |只看該作者
Re: Comments: ESF Kinder Tsing Yi or KBCK?

[ 本帖最後由 CherylMum 於 09-11-13 14:55 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 05-6-14 12:40 |只看該作者

Re: Comments: ESF Kinder Tsing Yi or KBCK?

hello minggrace,

Will call you this afternoon.  I have no decision for now and would like to study more primaries later.  I have no proper plan for primaries what might cause a difference in selection.  One silly & greedy thing pops up in my mind is - can I apply again in K2?  I want him to enjoy in KBCK while entitles priorty of ESF interview.

Agree with CherylMum, don't expect too much on mandarin lesson though they claimed a certain increase of lessons per week.

I am attracted by the themed setting amongst the school and role-play learning.
However, I am very much disappointed the level of english (entree).  Again, I still dunno it's REALLY a concern to my boy.  Different comments I've heard.  According to his character, he likes playing with elderly and well-spoken kids.  Therefore, I dunno any significant influence to him at the end.  Or am I worry too much?

Checked school-bus, it may take him an hour to school  
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