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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 St. Louis Primary School
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St. Louis Primary School [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 04-10-19 14:03 |只看該作者

St. Louis Primary School

Any comment for St. Louis Primary School?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-19 21:01 |只看該作者

Re: St. Louis Primary School

I have been to interview last week & know that they are whole day schoo & going to use English as teaching language in the coming year.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-10-19 22:28 |只看該作者

Re: St. Louis Primary School

For me, I will not consider it. Because I know there is no art stream in the secondary school. If my son wants to study arts, there will be no choice.  Second, i suggest that you may  take a look in his secondary school -- public result as a reference.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-20 00:09 |只看該作者

Re: St. Louis Primary School

dear darkcoffee,
can you please tell me more about the stream in sec school, is it mean that only science in sec, in some way, i am glad to hear that, since my son's academic result is not so good, however, i would like him to study science stream; is it mean that he will be easier to get in the science side while other school's science stream usually accept better result student only. kindly advise. many tks.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-10-20 09:50 |只看該作者

Re: St. Louis Primary School


到了八、九十年代,那時有些校友以聖類斯校友會名義開辦補習班,搞得有聲有色,可算是補習學校的鼻祖。可能有些媽咪也在聖類斯補過會考班、A Level等,如C.C. Lee 補Physics、Y.K. To 本Biology "恐龍

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-20 13:47 |只看該作者

Re: St. Louis Primary School

dear star,
thanks heaps for yr kind reply. the info is detailed and solved most of my queries. my friend's husband used to teach in secondary before, he was an old boy, he likes this school very much, he said had sense of belonging. my friend told me briefly (she is not knowing as much as you) that one 'water' st louis harmed the reputation before and that's why the well-built name was ruined, it is in fact a very very good school, good father, good teachers and good environment, she highly recommended to me. after visiting the campus and seen the teachers, i am also totally impressed, just worrying about the whole day period is really too long (much longer than other whole day, because they are so good, you know, they have free of charge interest course and tutorial ) which is just offering from their heart. lastly, what do you think about raimondi and why this one is not included in the mid-west selection leh, may i have some more opinion from you. many tks.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-10-20 17:24 |只看該作者

Re: St. Louis Primary School

You're right! My father studied at St. Louis in the 40's! He told me at that time it is a very good school and the English standard is high. I agree with him cos my father really can read English quite well and he still keep the school record telling us that he had got the 1st place in the class. My father is 70 years old now!

mrs_tom 寫道:

到了八、九十年代,那時有些校友以聖類斯校友會名義開辦補習班,搞得有聲有色,可算是補習學校的鼻祖。可能有些媽咪也在聖類斯補過會考班、A Level等,如C.C. Lee 補Physics、Y.K. To 本Biology "恐龍

Rank: 1

發表於 04-10-20 22:51 |只看該作者

Re: St. Louis Primary School



Rank: 2

發表於 04-10-20 22:59 |只看該作者

Re: St. Louis Primary School

If you see others' feedback, you can see the stream. But generally, this is a science school. You will not find the Chi & Eng. Lit. For me, I think "One Dragon"
is very important so I would see their public result in the school net.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-21 08:49 |只看該作者

Re: St. Louis Primary School


You are right. St Louis is a famous school in Western District, it is good especially in MATH and SCIENCE subjects. In my days I heard that all its students score "C" and above in Math in HKCEE and the St Louis boys I knew even said that it would be shameful to get a grade lower than C. Even later the standard  dropped a bit, they got all pass in Math.

And the tutorial class was very famous too. I also attended the Math and Biology class for the Cert exam and manage to score "A" and "B" in the 2 subjects, and the YK TO Biology book was a very comprehensive "會考雞精書".

Besides I think St Louis boys are quite smart and "quick" when compared with graduates from other famous school.

Are you a parent of this school? Can you tell us more about the school cos it is also on my list.

mrs_tom 寫道:

到了八、九十年代,那時有些校友以聖類斯校友會名義開辦補習班,搞得有聲有色,可算是補習學校的鼻祖。可能有些媽咪也在聖類斯補過會考班、A Level等,如C.C. Lee 補Physics、Y.K. To 本Biology "恐龍

Rank: 2

發表於 04-10-21 15:31 |只看該作者

Re: St. Louis Primary School

diamond ring, 123,
我並非這間學校的家長,只不過我在中西區住了30多年,家族三代,包括父親、兄弟姊妹、表/堂兄弟姊妹,自己的小朋友、姪仔、姨甥等,全部都讀o個幾間,女的不是聖心就是聖嘉勒,男的就讀St. Louis, St. Paul, Raimondi, King's,所以略知一二而已。

Raimondi 也是很好的學校,但功課頗多。另請注意,現時這間學校的一、二年級、三四年級和五六年級,上課時間都不同,而且不是完全全日制,所以我會揀St. Louis & St. Paul先。另外,Raimondi 的男仔較斯文,文科方面的成績會較其他兩間好,而St. Louis 的男仔則較活潑,Science & Sports 會叻d,尤其是足球,有時神父也會跟學生一起踢足球呢!

Rank: 1

發表於 04-10-21 23:35 |只看該作者

Re: St. Louis Primary School

我上星期都帶左個仔去interview, 間學校給我很好印象.  有無媽咪已經收到取錄通知?  好緊張......

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-22 11:36 |只看該作者

Re: St. Louis Primary School

dear siu wan,
yes, i agreed with you, the teachers are all so nice and sincere, the playground is so big, i am sure the kids would have a very enjoyable childhood there. is is only 60 seats available leh, if so, i think mine would be colder than water, because his interview time was much shorter than others, shall we exchange the result info here because i do not have any friend applying this school, good luck for us.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-23 14:16 |只看該作者

Re: St. Louis Primary School

I like Raimondi as well but lucky draw have to be abandon if accepted.  my son told me that only very few question was asked last Sat.  i do not have confidence also.  let's share the result later!

Rank: 1

發表於 04-10-23 17:26 |只看該作者

Re: St. Louis Primary School


今日剛收到取錄通知, 好開心.   



Rank: 1

發表於 04-10-23 17:48 |只看該作者

Re: St. Louis Primary School


另外,今日都去左高主教interview,感覺都唔錯,學生好有禮貌,但我諗高主教會比St. Louis 嚴D,我個仔話鍾意St. Louis 多d可能佢鍾意踢足球,見到St. Louis 個球場咁大就好鍾意,哈!哈!妳地今日有無去interview? 大家分享吓!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-23 20:51 |只看該作者

Re: St. Louis Primary School

:wave: :hammer:

Rank: 2

發表於 04-10-23 21:00 |只看該作者

Re: St. Louis Primary School

I wonder the notice is sent by email or by a formal letter?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-23 21:08 |只看該作者

Re: St. Louis Primary School

by a formal letter .
:wave: :hammer:

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-24 18:20 |只看該作者

Re: St. Louis Primary School

dear carltonma and siu wan,
i just rec'd the ltr, when will you pay the deposit leh? shall we meet and chat leh? i think i will go there on thur morning, it seems it accept quite lots of students wor, because my son did not react well and i just worried that would the class be bigger than 30? i don't know how to explain in english, it's like if my son can get in, means almost everybody can get in lor, because my 'sui jai' said he could not answer the questions but he could not tell what were the questions, he not even greet the teachers (in front of me), i bit him right outside the school. where do you live? perhaps i pm my tel no to you and let's chat when you are free, only the long school time is worrying me. hope our sons can be friends...
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