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學之園(海逸校)06K1 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-7-19 20:48 |只看該作者


新topic la, brand new start for our kids.
I'm so happy today, Preston got good comments from the teachers saying he has improved a lot and active in participating in class. Also, he received 'academic acheivement' 學業優異獎award( i have no idea how he got this). I don't know how many kids would get this certificate, but I'm happy enough that Preston got it (he did not get it last year).   
They have so many candies and biscuits today and a gift. I really like the portfolio and we know what they did at school.

Prreston had the 1st swimming class today, fortunate he enjoyed it(according to my maid). Although he was shy in the beginning (as usual), he did not cry and follow the coach later.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-7-20 09:53 |只看該作者

Re: 學之園(海逸校)06K1


I am glad to heard that Preston received academic acheivement' 學業優異獎award.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-7-20 10:59 |只看該作者

Re: 學之園(海逸校)06K1

Dear All

I don't know that not all kids received the achievement award.  I just think that the school would be generous enough to give it to all kids.  Anyway, it's an encouragement.  For those who did not receive, it doesn't mean they are not good.  I'm sure improvement will be made in the coming year.

Glad to hear that Preston enjoyed the swimming lesson.  I also plan to visit Disneyland & stay there for one night & swim.  Is there anyone planning to go for a visit ?

I also agreed that the school has really done a lot about the portfolio & this makes me like the school more.  Hope that the teachers next year will be as good.

My son will attend summer school next week.  Received the program details & seems that it's quite good.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-7-20 13:12 |只看該作者

Re: 學之園(海逸校)06K1

Thank you. What class will Ho Lim be? Preston will be in K1B.

I just know that there are 2 students from each class received the award. I think one reason maybe Preston is the eldest and paid the most tuition fee (for 1 and 1/2 yr), that's why they gave him the award, hehe.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-7-20 15:55 |只看該作者

Re: 學之園(海逸校)06K1


My husband will take two days off next week and we will bring Brian to the Disneyland.  Hope the weather will be fine next week.  On which day will you go there?


Preston has done a good job this year!  Was he happy to know that he's got that award?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-7-21 12:23 |只看該作者

Re: 學之園(海逸校)06K1

Dear Lydia

Only 2 students received the award !?  Then I should be really proud of my son then.  Teachers did give him quite positive comments but I'm happy that he's the one that deserves the award.


My son has to take summer school in the next 2 weeks so we may visit Disneyland in the week Aug 7.  Which hotel will you be staying ?  I'd been to Hollywood & would like to visit Disneyland Hotel this time.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-7-21 13:15 |只看該作者

Re: 學之園(海逸校)06K1

Preston is scared going to Disneyland now. We went last year and he was scared by the Winnie the Pooh ride (very dark and suddenly thunderstorm) and the 3D show( dark and very loud). Every time we mention about disneyland, he said he would not go.
What summer school is Brian taking?


Rank: 4

發表於 06-7-21 15:30 |只看該作者

Re: 學之園(海逸校)06K1


My husband prefers Disneyland Hotel as it's more 'classic'.  However, we finally choose Hollywood as we think Brian will like it more.


Brian will not join any summer school this year.  I will be off in the coming two weeks.  I plan to bring Brian to take adventure in different districts.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-7-21 19:12 |只看該作者

Re: 學之園(海逸校)06K1

ho lim 返PE Class, 但仲未決定會唔會轉. 講真我真係好鐘意學之園, 但我諗到好長遠, 考慮埋小學既問題, 所以好難決定.

我仲頭痛緊搵國家資料, 你搵佐未呀!

Rank: 2

發表於 06-7-22 08:16 |只看該作者

Re: 學之園(海逸校)06K1

但聽講學之園都好多學生考到直資, 學之園都有offer比我同一個朋友既女k2上午位, 可唔可以8多d野我地知呀   
limma 寫道:
ho lim 返PE Class, 不過可能只會返2個月度, 因為仲未決定會唔會轉. 講真我真係好鐘意學之園, 但我諗到好長遠, 考慮埋小學既問題, 所以好難決定.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-7-22 09:12 |只看該作者

Re: 學之園(海逸校)06K1

想問PN, K1幾時開學? is it all branch use the same syllabus?

Rank: 4

發表於 06-7-22 22:47 |只看該作者

Re: 學之園(海逸校)06K1


Have you applied for another kinder for ho lim yet?

To me, I like LH verymuch.  It's close to my home and it's convenient for my parents to bring Brian to school and pick him up after school.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-7-22 22:50 |只看該作者

Re: 學之園(海逸校)06K1


The school will start on 11 Aug.

I guess the syllabus used by different branches will be similar.  They share the same curriculum development department.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-7-23 12:59 |只看該作者

Re: 學之園(海逸校)06K1

I chose PE class in the beginning, but then I asked Miss HUng if Preston likes Putongua or not. She said he's OK and not too keen and it's better to continue to develop his cantonese 1st since he just started to talk more in class, it's better to build his confidence in cantonese 1st. So I switched back to CE class.
Will you apply other kinder next year? I'm thinking of CCKG. Do you the date of application?

It's good you can have holidays and take Brian around. I want Preston taking different classess coz I want him to meet more people and be confidence to comunicate with others and be lass shy.
Anyway, I'll be off for 1 week in August (coz my maid will be back to Philippines) and we'll go to Singapore for a holiday.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-7-24 13:07 |只看該作者

Re: 學之園(海逸校)06K1

Lydai & Doris~

早2個月收到offer, 呢間學校係我一直心儀, 所以知道收佐時好開心, 但唯一要考慮就係下午班, 時間無咁好用. 但去完學之園觀果後, 我地都鐘意佢地既課程, 同我心目中所想既好接近, 所以好難選擇, 我地仲有2個月時間考慮.

今日ho lim 第一日返學校summer course, 可能係我送佢返學既關係, 而且唔同佐課室, 所以喊唔比我走, 仲要喊到嘔…., 校車姨姨叫我地比佢撘校車, 可能會好d.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-7-24 15:57 |只看該作者

Re: 學之園(海逸校)06K1

limma, Lydia, Doris

we were late for school today.  we arrived at about 9:15am.  i did see someone crying & i was not sure if it was your son.  yet, my son helped to soothe him.

so funny that my son ran back to his own classroom but then the teacher asked him to go to another one.  he was fine.  i think he's quite adaptive & not scared of strange people.  he even tried to talk to the foreign teacher right away.

it was also good that a few classmates of PNA also joined the class.  i hope he would have fun & learn something at the same time.


i just surfed the web & download some useful pics. for use.  maybe will also bring some souvenirs bought earlier.

i also know a parent has got offer from SC PM.  she has the same concern as you.

to me, i think the teaching method of both schools do not vary too much.  SC has so many students.  it's not surprising to know that many students of the school get into famous primary school.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-7-24 16:32 |只看該作者

Re: 學之園(海逸校)06K1

ljsze and limma,

How was the summer school?  How many kids are there in a class?  Did your sons like it?  When Brian woke up this morning, he kept on telling me that it's Monday and he had to go to school.  He misses the school very much.


It was very hot in the previous days and I didn't dare to keep Brian outdoor for long.  This afternoon, I brought Brian to the swimming pool to play for a short while.  This is the second time for him.  He enjoyed so much.  But soon after we returned home, it started to rain heavily.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-7-24 22:48 |只看該作者

Re: 學之園(海逸校)06K1

Doris & lisze~~

ho lim 放學時好開心, 校車姨姨建議我地比佢撘校車返學校, 佢會無咁扭計, 不過聽日會比佢試下, 但都會盡量我車佢返學校, 因為校車好早上校車, 上車時間平時佢仲未起身架.

我放工返到屋企, 佢好開心咁同我講, mummy, I will go to China with Ms Hung, Ms Angelika, Ms Ivy.........??????    我再睇下佢個袋, 係喎, 真係有張boarding pass 去China wor!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-7-24 22:54 |只看該作者

Re: 學之園(海逸校)06K1

hi, guys,
Preston starts summer camp at 協康會, he's not too shy, did not cry, in fact a lot of other kids cried. I want him to try different environment and meet different people. There are a lot of activities, e.g. art work and they went to another centre for 感觀活動,攀石及集體遊戲, also, there is something like 創意藝術坊活動及表演 and will go to Shek kep mei 室內運動場小領袖同樂日,and also電影欣賞,社交遊戲, and the most fun is that they will take the kids to Park'n shop go shopping. On thursday, they will go to 濕地公園but Preston will not go coz my husband and I can't take leave to go. Today, Preston behaves well esp. self-care, maybe he went for whole day for 2 months and can take care of himself and eat by himself very well. Doris, you can consider next year if heep hon organise this kind of daycamp again. It's a good program and not expensive.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-7-24 23:04 |只看該作者

Re: 學之園(海逸校)06K1


Preston 好叻仔呀 . 我都想了解協康既course, 可唔可以俾d 資料我呀!

如果我選擇另一間的話, K2就要轉校la, 因為佢地得k1 同k2.
CCKG 好多人考, 但得好少位, 有d 家長話好似買六合彩咁難中, 不過始終係好學校, 所以值得一試呀   
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