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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 MYP looking for honest review
樓主: Hoola

[其他] MYP looking for honest review [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 24-4-30 10:21 |只看該作者
回覆 HoneyButter 的帖子

We don't have standard test.We don't have pre-assessment.
We don't have unit assessment.
Teachers always say not to worry.


HoneyButter    發表於 24-4-30 19:22

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 24-4-30 10:32 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 Hoola 於 24-4-30 10:48 編輯

回覆 Saboc 的帖子

This is exactly what I am afraid of.At PYP level, I can still oversee the child's learning.
But MYP level, I think as parents, we should be more hands off and let them strive their way.
I am afraid with all the ambiguity, the child may accept that is normal and won't reach his/her highest potential.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 24-4-30 11:48 |只看該作者
Hoola 發表於 24-4-30 10:08
回覆 Radiomama 的帖子

To me, those student-led conference are fancy names.Its basically just sharin ...

I agree with ur views totally. Just curious, after ur kid moved to Harrow, did u find ur kid hard to catch up at the beginning? As the academic level was low in the previous school. And did u find anything that ur kid is better than “non-IB” trained kids?


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 24-4-30 12:03 |只看該作者
回覆 Mrspan 的帖子

My kid did not find it hard to catch up at the beginning, cause we did all the catching up (after school) while we were still at the PYP school or else we would have never passed the entrance assessment of Harrow (it ain't easy!)

I don't think my kid was any better than non-IB trained kids.
maybe Harrow isn't a sit-down-listen-to-teacher-only school. Teaching (even if it isn't IB curriculum) isn't old school like the olden days. There are projects, interactions, lots of leadership and group discussions. She was rather shocked that everyone had strong work ethnic, self-motivated to be better and she wanted to mimic that attitude of her new peers. She found the peers of her old school more lay back.

One thing that was good about the IB program at our old school
It did teach my kid to be caring and compassionate. I think many academic rigorous school wouldn't dwell on that too much, but our former PYP school spend a lot of time on that.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 24-4-30 12:16 |只看該作者
Radiomama 發表於 24-4-30 07:24
IB school 要辦得好不是容易,所以選校要睇track record。

同時家長要主動出擊去了解老師的教學模式和內容 ...

很多人選擇ESF就是因為他的中學IBDP有track record. 以為了進這些中學,就要從幼稚園開始進入ESF這個機構。亦都認為前人可以直升上中學最後IBDP考到好成績,所以小朋友只要入到ESF便一勞永逸。認識很多家長都是採取放任式,而升上中學到了MYP/校本MYP-aligned初中,小朋友開始跟得辛苦,開始感到吃力,老師開始聯絡家長,希望家長和小朋友想辦法。
如何避免這個情況,或者如你所講要把握每一次和老師溝通的機會,不知還有什麼方法可以幫小朋友在ESF PYP小學會否可以讀得更好。

也由於大部份IB PYP (and or MYP/MYP-aligned 校本課程)學校到時一條龍直升中學,他們的中學成績多數都很好,令到家長對這些小學都太放心,實在太危險了。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 24-4-30 12:22 |只看該作者
Hoola 發表於 24-4-30 09:59
回覆 HoneyButter 的帖子

Agree! A nice selling concept, but so many problems when executing.As a par ...

本帖最後由 RainyRice 於 24-5-28 23:47 編輯


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 24-4-30 12:40 |只看該作者
Nice read - another perspective



RainyRice    發表於 24-4-30 12:49

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 24-4-30 13:30 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 Tomiris 於 24-4-30 15:06 編輯

我仔學校係行 PYP 0既, 我相信同好多家長一樣一開始會諗到底佢0係學校學0左咩同做啲咩, 但感恩學校 website 有好 detailed 0既 curriculum guides for 每一年級, 每星期亦會收到 weekly summary 話俾家長知小朋友學/做0左啲咩, 黎緊個星期會做啲咩咁, 再加上每個學期家長都可以睇到小朋友每日上堂用0既作業簿, worksheets, projects 等等,  所以我好清楚知道小朋友0既情況同進度, 亦發現原來佢地學0既0野一啲都唔簡單 :) 而且仲要寫好多字添! 希望上到中學行 MYP 時情況唔會比而家差啦~
所以我相信係每間學校執行 PYP/ MYP 0既情況唔一樣,  IB programmes 本身0既設計在我黎講就無問題


Hoola    發表於 24-4-30 14:14

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 24-4-30 13:47 |只看該作者
Radiomama 發表於 24-4-29 13:56
小兒Y1-13在RCHK 就讀。


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 24-4-30 14:15 |只看該作者
Thank you for the interesting discussions.
It is nice to hear from a variety of IS users with kids in various stages of learning (lower and upper primary, secondary, graduates) sharing their experiences and concerns. The reason why there is seldom a direct comparison of the syllabuses of different IB schools, to my view, is that only very few parents could come across the curriculum of more than one IB school (unless their kid switched school or they have kids studying at different schools), thus able to make "direct" comparison.
My son spent 3 years in a British curriculum school, then switched to an IB through-train school and has been there for almost 2 years.
I noticed that the discussions (even in the past) were mainly on British curriculum Vs IB schools, seldom would the parent of an "American school" join the discussions, actually I am more curious on that

For myself, I see the "British curriculum" is more structured because the teaching material is standardized, like Mandela, Rosa Parks, Sinbad the Sailor...these texts which my son used to study were commonly used among British schools and it is easy to get teaching resources for these materials. While for IB curriculum, it is very "personalized" and really depends on the "executor" - your class teacher. Even within the same school, different classes would have picked up different materials for discussion and led to different learning outcomes. So I guess whether a kid learns well also depends on which teacher he/she met.

The other difference I noticed on British curriculum Vs IB curriculum is the "degree of independence" expected from the kids. IB demands a higher level of independence and teachers tend to encourage the kids to share rather than writing emails directly to the parents. They encourage the students to share their own work with their parents/peers rather than directly passing the google classroom password to the parent, which was the case in the British curriculum school.

I agree that drilling on basic knowledge is weak in my son's current IB school when compared to the previous British curriculum one, and the teaching at IB school seems to be slower. So when I have further plans for my son, I need to put in extra effort to catch up - but it wasn't as difficult as I thought, and by far I haven't sought help from any external tutor.

It is always my belief that IS parents cannot be lazy - keeping track of student levels at school reports is a must, checking curriculums coverage when necessary (the resource is open and easy to access), and although my son haven't been in the MYP yet, I see the school has arranged a lot of transition talks for prospective MYP parents, to provide as much information as they need. Guess these are essential for smooth transition to MYP.

Last but not least, I personally know quite a number of MYP students and DP graduates from IB schools in HK, to name a few, ICHK, KGV and RCHK, who have benefitted from the IB curriculum and exceled in their IGCSE / IBDP exams without external tuition. One thing in common, is that, their parents are usually not "tiger parents" but would encourage multi-diversity exposures for their kids in the parenting journey.

Sorry for the long article.   


RainyRice    發表於 24-4-30 15:48
Tomiris    發表於 24-4-30 15:06
sainsbury    發表於 24-4-30 15:04

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 24-4-30 21:02 |只看該作者
little_sparrow 發表於 24-4-30 13:47
謝謝分享。可否分享一下高小之後參加的美國網上學習平台的名字以作參考?謝謝。 ...

不妨試一下Khan Academy,免費的網上自學平台。
另外,Johns Hopkins University 的CTY online courses則要先做評估(talent search), 分數達標就可以報讀,不過價錢較貴。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 24-4-30 23:06 |只看該作者
Hoola 發表於 24-4-30 09:59
回覆 HoneyButter 的帖子

Agree! A nice selling concept, but so many problems when executing.As a par ...

我唔知道你是否過度擔心小朋友的學習進度呢?自己小朋友從Y1 - Y9是PYP + MYP, 之後是IGCSE 和IB. 自己唔覺得PYP和MYP有太大問題,按自己觀察如果能夠善用課外的時間去培養小朋友愛上閱讀和寫作,之後考IGCSE和IB都不會有太大問題。

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 24-4-30 23:19 |只看該作者
Hoola 發表於 24-4-30 12:03
回覆 Mrspan 的帖子

My kid did not find it hard to catch up at the beginning, cause we did all the c ...

看來Harrow/British curriculum/GCSE/A level 較適合你們。

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 24-4-30 23:50 |只看該作者
Radiomama 發表於 24-4-30 07:55
本帖最後由 Radiomama 於 24-4-30 08:05 編輯

朋友曾比喻,唸本地學校是在泳池游泳,有賽道規範、池深已經 ...


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 24-5-1 00:30 |只看該作者
mandy_ng207 發表於 24-4-30 23:50
我仔幼稚園係一間鬼婆開嘅村校, ...

同一時間,這很大可能都是家長的功勞。一個教育學博士大學講師做父母,這位小朋友應該每日在家都有不斷的啟發性教育。好像上面那篇MYP分享文章所提到:Many authors have written about the effects on knowledge-rich curriculums and their effects on reducing inequality in society. By ensuring a knowledge-rich curriculum schools are able to impact children from impoverished homes to ensure that they are able to become fully engaged citizens when they are older. Children from poorer socio-economic backgrounds are less likely to have access to books at home and are less likely to be exposed to as many words and ideas in the family home as children from higher income families.

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 24-5-1 06:57 |只看該作者
RainyRice 發表於 24-4-30 12:16
很多人選擇ESF就是因為他的中學IBDP有track record. 以為了進這些中學,就要從幼稚園開始進入ESF這個機構 ...

Track record不應只局限於IBDP公開考試的成績,也要睇學校整體如何推行(execute)IB的理念、老師的教學質素同學生嘅學習生活。

ESF只是一個大的辦學機構,學費相宜,因此吸引。她的整體平均表現(overall average) 其實正正提醒家長,學生要好努力才能有好表現。

贊同樓上有講,在IB框架,老師的經驗令學習內容、活動有好大主導作用和分別。校內每級的year coordinator能否拉近老師差異、增加協作、發揮團隊互相;而learning enhancement teacher的設置又係咪發揮到拔尖補底功能,同一課堂有冇做分流教學,呢啲都係IB school 在execution 及administration 上要做到的工作。


學校的網站、annual report, 3-year or 5-year strategic plan, newsletter都係公開資料,多細讀,會有所發現。


RainyRice    發表於 24-5-1 09:22

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 24-5-1 09:30 |只看該作者


本帖最後由 Radiomama 於 24-5-1 09:59 編輯

我不是IB fans, 不過因為孩子進入了IB school, 所以多年以來我嘗試認識這種連本地教育都想模仿的框架。

在同一間學校13年,當然遇過不同的老師;有些老師hea, 實在難免,但對自己的孩子卻可以有要求。記得Y6一年花最多時間是PYP Exhibition, 他那一年是individual project, 最後老師對所有學生作品不會給予評核,只是要求學生自己寫reflection 及self evaluation. 他寫下什麼,就是什麼。
老實說,當年我有跟孩子一起反思他的research 過程及創作結果,就連定題目和方向都有俾comment。信任他,才會對他有要求,亦希望他的學習更紥實。
在IB 框架下,「家教」的配合好重要;我哋長期思考「補習」的需要,不過最後大家決定自己可以處理。


RainyRice    發表於 24-5-1 10:59

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 24-5-1 11:36 |只看該作者
Radiomama 發表於 24-5-1 06:57
Track record不應只局限於IBDP公開考試的成績,也要睇學校整體如何推行(execute)IB的理念、老師的教學質素 ...

本帖最後由 poonseelai 於 24-5-1 14:42 編輯

相比你,我只係一個矇查查的IB家長,兩個孩子pyp, myp,dp之後入大學,不是神校神科,而家做普通打工仔。師兄師姐同學不少入神校神科,咁即係話 ib through train school一樣可以培育孩子足夠的能力。

我自己也是一路學習什麼是ib, 盡量去學校安排比家長的 coffee morning,3 way conference等

ib是否符合一個家長的要求,好睇你要求什麼,我相信 skill 比 knowledge 重要,有skill set有興趣,孩子可以不停學習,去找需要的knowledge




Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 24-5-1 11:44 |只看該作者
Radiomama 發表於 24-5-1 09:30
我不是IB fans, 不過因為孩子進入了IB school, 所以多年以來我嘗試認識這種連本地教育都想 ...

好嘅老師係可遇不可求,什麼學制都一樣,多年來好嘅有,hea 教嘅有,學歷好好但唔識教又有,有時A同學(或家長 ) 覺得好但B同學又唔同意


Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 24-5-1 14:57 |只看該作者
poonseelai 發表於 24-5-1 11:36
本帖最後由 poonseelai 於 24-5-1 14:42 編輯

相比你,我只係一個矇查查的IB家長,兩個孩子pyp, myp,d ...

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