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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 真假教徒??
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真假教徒?? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-26 10:04 |只看該作者 |正序瀏覽 |打印
好想知各位父母會唔會因為想多5分而去信教?見到身邊好多人成日問點可以成為xxx教徒,點可以受洗?咁當個小朋友成功左有5分後,請問個D父母重會唔會返教會?真係為5分而去教會又對不對?小朋友大左後有1日問你點解我會有多5分咁又會點答?我知有某部份真係成為教徒,但大部分就 ,咁做.....究竟對不對?

[ 本帖最後由 jojoliu 於 08-11-26 10:14 編輯 ]
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-27 17:26 |只看該作者
But everybody can only apply for 1 school at the 1st round of lucky draw allocation when those points were counted.  

原帖由 sleepwell 於 08-11-27 15:38 發表
Then I think may be for those applicants have religion, if they apply religious school, EDB will have their details on record.  If they apply non-religious school at the same time, points will be dedu ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-27 17:19 |只看該作者
我個人覺得教友應該有多5分, 因為方便教區學校回收教友子弟, 讓教友子弟可以優先在教會教校得到教育。主要是可以多接觸天主的真理, 非教友有好多無宗教又好的學校, 點解仲要我們放棄個小小的5分?

你們不在意學校是否有宗教堂, 因你們不信, 去邊間學校其實分別可能不大。
但個堂宗教堂及教教學習環境就對我們作為教友的意義重大, 我們不想d子女因為教會學校不能自主先回收教友學生, 而被派到無天主信仰的學校而遠離天主。

其實你們的選擇比我們多, 我們只有天主教學校選, 你們有both, 我們好歡迎非教友子女入讀, 因這樣子可以傳道, 但懇請你們不要去除我們的子女可以親近天主的權利。

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-27 15:38 |只看該作者
Then I think may be for those applicants have religion, if they apply religious school, EDB will have their details on record.  If they apply non-religious school at the same time, points will be deducted for applying non-religious school.  

原帖由 kaifu 於 08-11-27 13:16 發表
"而呢個game呢, 確實係對啲冇宗教信仰嘅人唔公平, 其實
可否報冇宗教學校時, 冇信仰嘅有分加???? 咁會公平啲."

If this is adopted, the applicants have to provide some official documents, just like those app ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-27 13:16 |只看該作者
"而呢個game呢, 確實係對啲冇宗教信仰嘅人唔公平, 其實
可否報冇宗教學校時, 冇信仰嘅有分加???? 咁會公平啲."

If this is adopted, the applicants have to provide some official documents, just like those applying for religious schools.  Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a "non-religious certificate".  

原帖由 sleepwell 於 08-11-27 12:42 發表
其實我個人都唔反對為咗5分返教會, 我覺得最緊要係佢到受洗一刻真係信.

而呢個game呢, 確實係對啲冇宗教信仰嘅人唔公平, 其實可否報冇宗教學校時, 冇信仰嘅有分加???? 咁會公平啲.


[ 本帖最後由 kaifu 於 08-11-27 13:19 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-27 12:42 |只看該作者
其實我個人都唔反對為咗5分返教會, 我覺得最緊要係佢到受洗一刻真係信.

而呢個game呢, 確實係對啲冇宗教信仰嘅人唔公平, 其實可否報冇宗教學校時, 冇信仰嘅有分加???? 咁會公平啲.

原帖由 momochiu 於 08-11-26 21:33 發表
唔好睇得教會及d教友都咁陰謀及利益, 可能你唔係教友, 就會覺得教會無私的giving後面一定帶有私心。 教會唔係生意, 好多教友都唔係為私利而返。 我們都不是完美的人, 有時做錯, 講錯亦請你們非教友原諒。

但我們直 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-26 21:33 |只看該作者
唔好睇得教會及d教友都咁陰謀及利益, 可能你唔係教友, 就會覺得教會無私的giving後面一定帶有私心。 教會唔係生意, 好多教友都唔係為私利而返。 我們都不是完美的人, 有時做錯, 講錯亦請你們非教友原諒。

但我們直的很需要將子女送進教區學校, 因為我們希望年少無知的子女可在一個我們認同的信仰和道德中成長。 如果唔係, d教友子女應去邊?

出面好多學校巳經否定有天主存在, 加上小朋友對老師及朋輩的說話絕對非常信賴, 我們做家長的說一百回都不及佢地一個字。

大家收half and half, 有收教友及非教友, 大家happy。

非教友喜歡送子女入教會學校, 好多都係喜歡教會學校教d小朋友會正直d, 乖d......

原帖由 aknchan 於 08-11-26 18:32 發表

It has always been the same. Years ago the church has full control on ALL their P1 seats and decides who gets in or not. Also, they are allowed to test the kid which ever way they see fit. It is aft ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-26 20:37 |只看該作者
I think these are really 2 separate issues.  While the end result might be a thankful one, it doesn't make right the original wrongful intent.

發表於 08-11-26 19:15 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-26 18:32 |只看該作者
原帖由 zachnana 於 08-11-26 16:14 發表
I respect your point of view but why such case is not happened in ours years of school and for many years before the Reform?...

It has always been the same. Years ago the church has full control on ALL their P1 seats and decides who gets in or not. Also, they are allowed to test the kid which ever way they see fit. It is after the reform that they are left with control on a few seats and 50% of the seats decided by this crazy point scheme.

This is also the reason why the church has to fight to the very last breath for the religion/old boy girl/parents who works here/etc points.

原帖由 zachnana 於 08-11-26 16:14 發表
... I don't see the religious school will gain any more benefit if they have students with the same religion.  I would rather believe it is EDB's decision to put this consideration into account and they think they are selling the best marking scheme plan to parents?

They have little to gain (in respect to spreading their religion) byenrolling a new student with the same religion BUT THEY HAVE EVERYTHINGTO LOSE IF THEY DO NOT PROTECT THE INTEREST of their fellow churchmembers.

What kind of pressure will they have to face if they do not 'favor'their fellow church members who have "done so much for the church".That is why believers hate "fake believers" so much because they stealtheir advantages.

I don't believe EDB has plan or wanted all these. Allocating P1 seats while trying to satify all parties (or at least not provoke too much) is an IMPOSSIBLE TASK. Period.

The current scheme is simply comes out of a "balance of power deal" and is not a product by EDB's design.

The truth is, churches and schools are organized and have a 'bigger' bargaining power than those un-organized soon-to-be P1 parents.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-26 18:03 |只看該作者
其實我一D都唔灰,我都好信咩都整定,所以好多野都無所謂,我要做都做左,有幾多學校收個女都無所謂,因為我信上天有安排(雖然唔係你口中的神),不過有人開這個post就走入黎講下,我身邊都有朋友為學校而入教,得到學校後就走人,亦有D真教徒,但品德極之差,有D就好到你唔信,所以我知世界無奇不有 ,我做人原則就係要對得住人,過得良心過得人,咁就每日都咁開心

原帖由 CSW 於 08-11-26 17:53 發表

唔好咁睇得咁灰...因為日光之下無新事...此等情況和用假地址等, 均年年發生, 年年有人評論。每人心中的尺不一樣, 我覺得你做什麼, 自己心裏覺得平安便可, 至於別人要做什麼, 到最後, 那條路也是自己選擇的。

[ 本帖最後由 BBR 於 08-11-26 18:05 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-26 17:56 |只看該作者
上有政策, 下有對策.  有d人真係叻到proof of catholics and christians 都有.
但係我們應該做合乎真理的事, 榮神益人.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-26 17:53 |只看該作者

唔好咁睇得咁灰...因為日光之下無新事...此等情況和用假地址等, 均年年發生, 年年有人評論。每人心中的尺不一樣, 我覺得你做什麼, 自己心裏覺得平安便可, 至於別人要做什麼, 到最後, 那條路也是自己選擇的。
另外, 今年interview時, 也有些校長會即場問你報了多少間學校...若有人報了超過5間, 他會否如實答她, 要知道他的孩子就坐在旁邊, 若他說謊...孩子會作何想法?

所以, 都是那句, 自己選擇的路, 以後也是自己去行.

原帖由 BBR 於 08-11-26 17:45 發表
咁.....我地係米應該助長這個風氣 ?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-26 17:47 |只看該作者
Hi all,

Let me to share my family milestone in religion.

I have been a protestant since very young becos of my primary and secondary school.

My husband 信"訓覺".... means he doesn't get any religion at all. Until my daughter was born, I must send my daughter to Church coz I think ethics and pastoral care makes a person different and be guided toward grace and kindness. However, I am always out of HK for trips. My husband viewed the 5 points is a key to go to desired primary school. This is why he promised to go to Church with us every Sundays. After few years church lives and understanding ethic of bible. He changed and decided to be baptised last year even my daughter has been baptised earlier than him. Although we have got 5 points of religion anyway, we are so happy and find meaningful to go for Sunday service, praying and relying in God. Sometimes even I got worries or difficulties, my husband prayed for me and told me God will decide our ways. I feel so glorious and amazing for such change! He no longer "訓覺" during Sunday's morning, but worshipping God and service the church instead. My daughter just does the same as she sees us as role model.

My conclusion is.... those 5 points are tempting and become the key for ppl who doesn't know God to open the door of the religion. Perhaps this is God Father's will.

[ 本帖最後由 IceCrm 於 08-11-26 17:49 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-26 17:45 |只看該作者
咁.....我地係米應該助長這個風氣 ?

[ 本帖最後由 BBR 於 08-11-26 17:54 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-26 17:42 |只看該作者

天父給每一個人的安排都不一樣, 我們且不需要評論他們的動機, 因天父會用我們未必能理解的方法去帶領人信主。最重要是福音的種子已給撒在人的心中。

原帖由 skateboardp 於 08-11-26 14:55 發表

15  有的傳基督、是出於嫉妒分爭.也有的是出於好意.
16  這一等、是出於愛心、知道我是為辯明福音設立的.
17  那一等傳基督、是出於結黨、並不誠實、意思要加增我捆鎖的苦楚。
18  這有何妨呢.或 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-26 17:38 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-26 17:27 |只看該作者
如這是上主的允許, 祂自有祂的旨意在這位家長身上, 如上主不允許, 就算你做甚麼也不能入教....

為什麼要判斷別人呢? 要知道只有上主才有判斷的權柄

我不會覺得這些家長不好, 但我真心希望他們領洗入教時雖然目的不甚純正, 但領洗入教後會因為上主的慈愛, 漸漸改變


原帖由 Nov 於 08-11-26 10:29 發表
大家做任何決定都有原因, 在此原因不重要, 重要的是讓自己有機會接觸宗教, 從中學習天主的道理! 由報讀慕道班到完成領洗聖事需要長達年半至兩年的學習(視乎各堂區安排), 我亦介紹了妹妹在今年入讀慕道班, 希望她有其 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-26 17:19 |只看該作者





[ 本帖最後由 janfion 於 08-11-26 17:23 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-26 16:14 |只看該作者
I respect your point of view but why such case is not happened in ours years of school and for many years before the Reform?  I was brought up in a catholic school but turning out not a catholic but Christian and  I don't see the religious school will gain any more benefit if they have students with the same religion.  I would rather believe it is EDB's decision to put this consideration into account and they think they are selling the best marking scheme plan to parents?

原帖由 aknchan 於 08-11-26 15:04 發表
The 5 points for same religion is a very interesting topic.

When these churches setup these 'hot' schools in HK many many years ago, their main goal and purpose was to preach their religion and attra ...
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