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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 dbs是否有信出呢?
樓主: hello0419

dbs是否有信出呢? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-11-10 21:15 |只看該作者
It's really true that "we're glad that we don't need to go to this school again!!"  

I just want to raise out the fact that the quality of the teachers or their students of a famous school is not that EXCELLENT as what they claim or as what "ordinary" people may think (although they always claim that their school is the best in HK) .  

BTW, forget to tell you that the Putonghua-speaking teacher interviewing my son was not that fluent in English either.  Perhaps, she is a native Putonghua speaker who came from China.

GOOD LUCK, future DBSPD parents!

原帖由 clpp 於 09-11-10 20:24 發表
真恭喜你,你地可以"never come to this school again!!"!

發表於 09-11-10 21:02 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-10 20:51 |只看該作者
maybe it has been arranged by God already

Rank: 2

發表於 09-11-10 20:48 |只看該作者
I feel very sorry to your case but it is just one of the incidents as I believe for over 2000 applicants, the process cannot be flawless. I cannot see the application process for DSS / Private primary schools in general is fair as we would never know (or challenge) their criteria or so-called professionalism in selecting the right students. But this is the rules of the game for us to follow so I think we don't need to be too upset if our kids are not succeeded finally. Instead we need to appreciate our kids as they are so brave and they have already performed their best in front of the teachers.

If my dream school does not pick my kid, I will apply it again in P2, P3, etc. to use the academic, ECA records to prove to the school the true capabilities of my kid. Hope every parent does not give up your dream to let your kids get into your dream school.  

原帖由 PMma 於 09-11-10 19:55 發表
We are aiming for government-aided schools (because they are free) instead of any DSS or private ones all along.  So, we only view these applications, esp those of famous schools, as lucky draws and h ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-10 20:36 |只看該作者
If any ma and da want your son to study in DBS, you still have chance after 6 years. Lets work out the best in your coming primary school. Many students can apply DBS successfully after primary. Our son fail in both DBSPD and SPCCPS, but we will not give up. We will try our best to let our son to perform excellent in coming 6 years primary school life (in all round). Then we have the right for our son to choose whether he wants to go for which secondary school.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-10 20:35 |只看該作者
原帖由 clpp 於 09-11-10 20:24 發表
真恭喜你,你地可以"never come to this school again!!"!

I don't think you need to be that sarcastic in this situation

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-10 20:31 |只看該作者
Oh...maybe my kid was in similar case as you. We chose cantonese but my son said he was asked by a teacher in full english. Did DBS really mix up the students as there were more than 1000 kids in that morning?

My son studies in int'l kindergarten, he can understand and speak reasonably well english. But we chose cantonese as it is his first language, so we wanted him to express himself in best possibel light. I would think my son couldn't perform his best if all questions were asked in english.

原帖由 PMma 於 09-11-10 19:55 發表
We are aiming for government-aided schools (because they are free) instead of any DSS or private ones all along.  So, we only view these applications, esp those of famous schools, as lucky draws and h ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-10 20:24 |只看該作者
真恭喜你,你地可以"never come to this school again!!"!
原帖由 PMma 於 09-11-10 19:55 發表
We are aiming for government-aided schools (because they are free) instead of any DSS or private ones all along.  So, we only view these applications, esp those of famous schools, as lucky draws and h ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-11-10 19:55 |只看該作者
We are aiming for government-aided schools (because they are free) instead of any DSS or private ones all along.  So, we only view these applications, esp those of famous schools, as lucky draws and had taken them easily.  But we would never forget what happened to my son during his 1st interview in DBSPD.

We chose Cantonese as the language for interview and was assigned in Group "C".  I know he was lining up with Group "C" before I was asked to leave that covered playground.  But, according to my son, he was led by a student helper - "prefect" - wrongly to a room labeled "D" for watching cartoon and waiting.  He asked a "prefect" whether he can go to room "C" but didn't get any response.  

He was later led to another room which was also labeled "D".  In this room "D", he was questioned by at teacher who spoke in Putonghua.  As my son studies in a trilingual kindergarten, he understands Putonghua well but he can't speak it fluently.  He found the teacher understood him poorly although that teacher could speak a little bit Cantonese.  They eventually spoke in English.  

He was too frustrated that the first sentence he told me, when we met at the basketball court, was: "They probably mixed up everything!....... I would never come to this school again!!!

One month after that interview, we thought he forgot everything happening there.  But today, when I mentioned the name of this school to him again, he said, "Ah yes!  The one which did everything wrong!"  Then, he laughed and said, "but I had watched some interesting cartoons there!"  What a prestigious famous school in HK!

原帖由 lin624 於 09-11-10 18:58 發表

如果係真既.這間學校真的全程以普通話問妳的小 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-10 19:54 |只看該作者
Dream is over yet?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-10 19:46 |只看該作者

Rank: 2

發表於 09-11-10 19:19 |只看該作者

回覆 283# hohonmama 的文章

I received the call this afternoon, my no. is 13XX, no letter was found in the mail box.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-11-10 19:16 |只看該作者
以為無希望,點知下午收到電話2ND IN,真係開心到飛起,需然未必得,但都算有希望,收貨

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-10 19:10 |只看該作者


Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-10 18:58 |只看該作者


原帖由 PMma 於 09-11-10 18:15 發表
We didn't have any expectation towards the applications with any of these famous schools all along anyway.  So, for us, being rejected by DBSPD is not anything to be regreted at all!  

But I didn't t ...

[ 本帖最後由 lin624 於 09-11-10 19:00 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-10 18:53 |只看該作者
簡單 方便
又環保 喔!

原帖由 haodimama 於 09-11-10 18:32 發表
不論在社會還是在學校, 一定有"關係" 與網絡的存在, 從來就存在"俾面"的情況.  試問如果城中首富的子女/孫兒 (常常捐錢給各個教育機構) 報讀 co-edu 或 DB/ DG, 那麼校長能不給面子嗎?  每間學校都一定會有某些數目 ...

Rank: 1

發表於 09-11-10 18:39 |只看該作者
I received a call from DBS for a 2nd interview at around 2:30pmtoday . My son's no. is 13xx and we are unrelated to SKH or to the school. We are truly "ordinary". So do not give up, everybody.
BTW, date for 2nd in is 25th Nov.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-11-10 18:32 |只看該作者

回覆 1# babie2 的文章

不論在社會還是在學校, 一定有"關係" 與網絡的存在, 從來就存在"俾面"的情況.  試問如果城中首富的子女/孫兒 (常常捐錢給各個教育機構) 報讀 co-edu 或 DB/ DG, 那麼校長能不給面子嗎?  每間學校都一定會有某些數目的學位要這樣給出來, 世界根本就一定有不公平的存在.   不過, 無可否認的是, 大部分名人的子女, 雖不能說一定非常出色, 但通常自小就能得到一定質素的培養, 見識大場面/認識不同人 的機會比較多, 面試時應該也比我們這些"普通人的子女" 出色 (當然也有個別例子),所以他們進入這些名校的機會也更大,這些是無可避免的,所以我並不存在hard feeling...

而我也相信DBS也有一定數目的學位是給其他任何階層的人去爭取...我們並不是學校負責人, 並不知道他們的衡量標準, 所以或有家長覺得奇怪, 為甚麼他們認為非常出色的不行, 他們認為普通的反而可以呢?

首先, 我們是否真的那麼了解別人的子女呢? 是否真的能準確衡量別人子女的能力/表現呢?  此外, 以一個這麼小的小朋友來說, 他們面試當天的情緒, 表現, 狀態等, 亦比較不穩定, 有時還需運氣輔助, 所以, 對於自己的小朋友未能進入Sec. Int, 我是感覺失落, 替小兒不開心(因為他非常喜歡DBS), 但我確實沒有甚麼怨氣,只是覺得如果真的喜歡這家學校,可以現在就好好準備,將來再考中學(那時長大了,實力真的更重要了)..

不過,我真的覺得學校可以於申請及"放榜"上有更好的安排.現在科技發達,何不在網上公佈結果,免各家長煩惱擔心呢?另外,職員的應對也不好,常有不同答案, 令人無所適從(如果將來改為網上公佈, 就可免去這問題)...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-11-10 18:15 |只看該作者
We didn't have any expectation towards the applications with any of these famous schools all along anyway.  So, for us, being rejected by DBSPD is not anything to be regreted at all!  

But I didn't truly believe that all these interviews are just "SHOWS" before finishing the 1st interviews with the famous schools.  All schools discriminate the applicants by some ways or another.  But for us, DBSPD is the worst of all.  

They put my son in the wrong group and didn't listen to him despite he had voiced it out to the teachers at the very beginning.

We chose Cantonese as the medium of interviewing language, but my son was brought into a room in which only Putonghua was used. My son told the interviewer that he didn't belong to this group and he couldn't speak Putonghua.  But the interviewer made no response but continued the questioning in Putonghua.   So, where is the fairness?

I just feel that we were too naive to believe that it's a fair game!

原帖由 jeremyphlam 於 09-11-10 17:34 發表


發表於 09-11-10 17:54 |只看該作者
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