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Any 07-08學之園(海逸校)K1's mami? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 07-9-6 21:11 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Any 07-08學之園(海逸校)K1's mami?
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發表於 07-9-7 10:21 |只看該作者
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發表於 07-9-13 13:29 |只看該作者
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發表於 07-9-13 16:26 |只看該作者
My sons didn't sing much.... I only know that he is trying to sing me the song which was sang while they are doing the exercise in the playground together, but I cannot understand what's it.... haha... he just mentioned to me which car he was drove that day, so he probably enjoys to drive the cars more...

原文章由 rats 於 07-9-13 13:29 硐表
My daughter likes singing very much, most of the songs are in English.  She is now always playing role modelling at home (teacher & students).

發表於 07-9-15 07:59 |只看該作者
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發表於 07-9-16 18:58 |只看該作者

Today afternoon was my 1st time to check their photos from the web, i took some time to search for it.. haha.. so stupid I am.  Do you know how frequency the school would update it?  As I cannot find their class!!!

原文章由 rats 於 07-9-15 07:59 硐表
1429 ,

You can refer to the weekly course information & sing the songs (at the back) with your son.  When my girl is in pre-nursery, initially she cannot remeber the songs, now she can sometimes even ...

發表於 07-9-17 10:17 |只看該作者
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發表於 07-9-17 15:39 |只看該作者
wow......... thousands thanks for your clarification.  I will try again.  As i became messy by their date too.  Really could not catch up... haha.. they have party today, let see when I can see the pictures :)  I did ask him what games did he play, but he still he didn't know........ god!!!

原文章由 rats 於 07-9-17 10:17 硐表
They'll add photos peroidically, sometimes 2-3 times a week & sometimes none in a week.  I think it depends on their workload to upload the photos.  All those photos will keep till the end of the aced ...

發表於 07-9-19 16:37 |只看該作者
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發表於 07-9-20 11:03 |只看該作者
hi rats,

Rachel is really smart.  My son still cannot recongnise his classmates, even one!!!!!!!  sometimes I really not sure whether he is playing to me or not.  But it was strange that he told me Ms Jill was sick and went to see doctor today and another lady teacher came with a camera during our dinner.  He said that the new teacher was having long and curly hair and her camera could work probably at the end.  I have many ????? after heard of his message, not sure it was a story by him or it is truth.  haha..

Jack has no patient to sit down with me and talk about anything, except stories for sometimes..... that's why his numbers and alphbets are poor, while his colors and shapes are better, because he likes to play with cars and he wants to tell me the color of the cars......... and i know that i cannot push this son...... ai~

原文章由 rats 於 07-9-19 16:37 硐表

There are 4 uploads yesterday & 1 upload of photos today.  My daughter & I both enjoy the precious moment in the photos.  She also introduces your son to me -- so handsome , I like his T-shi ...

發表於 07-9-21 09:55 |只看該作者
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發表於 07-9-21 10:32 |只看該作者
hi rats,

May I know what happen to Rachel?  Wish it is not a big problem.

I had tried your method and let's see whether Jack can recognise his class from the web, as he mentioned that a girl vomit yesterday, very messy, but they were not in the same table.  He cannot say out her name.  But when i pointed to this girl, he replied "yes, is her", then I pointed to another girl, he also replied the same....  you see,... haha... I think i need to give some more time to him....

one more thing is so strange that he never have bread at home, no even a bite of cheeze... however, he finished his "cheeze & ham sandwiches" at school!  what a surprise to me, i said him why and told me that "i was hungry (with s sad face)"... so poor him, but he said it is yummy.... then I said i can make it for him again, but he turned me down at once!!!  God!!!  Teacher is always the BEST!!!

原文章由 rats 於 07-9-21 09:55 硐表
1429 ,

She can only recognise a few classmates in her class, especially those upgrade with her fr. PN to K1.  

I agree with you, no pushing on their performance.  Praising is the most important thin ...

發表於 07-9-21 13:18 |只看該作者
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發表於 07-9-25 14:43 |只看該作者
Hi rats,

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Jack got a little bit running nose since last Fri when he got off of the school bus, maybe he didn't know how to take care of himself and put on the cardigan when felt cold.  He also lost the lid of his wet towel box, :(  Called Ms Law and tried to find it, however, still could find back.  and the worst is "I forgot to mark down his name on the lid, haha.. i just mark down on the body of the case"...

today, Jack was very sad as he broken his lantern in school.... really don't have idea on how can he broken the plastic handle???!!  Ms law called and said that he was quite slow during the snack time, almost use more than 30 mins to finish 3 little biscuits, and he likes to play with his feet while eating....... GOD!!
原文章由 rats 於 07-9-21 13:18 硐表

What I know is they were making sanwiches in a cooking session.  I think that made fun & eager to try their own products.

Pls. check pm.

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發表於 07-9-26 08:37 |只看該作者
wrong entry!

發表於 07-9-26 08:39 |只看該作者
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發表於 07-9-29 16:16 |只看該作者
hi rats,

we didn't go out and celebrate the mid-autumn festival, as he was tired and slept much earlier when it was a school day, probably becasue he needs to wake up early in the morning, so..... that's why we didn't have any plan after dinner.  By the way, they had turned off the light in the indoor playground and played with their lanterns already.... haha... he usually could not play a toy for too long as he could not pay attention more than 5 mins, sometimes even 10 seconds!!

did you see their "photo gallery", i found that they had parents to come and told them story on Sep 28, did you know this?  You can see that Jack kept playing with his shoe sole! It was what Ms Law told me too.
原文章由 rats 於 07-9-26 08:39 硐表

Is Jack getting better now? Did he go out last night?

Ms. Law called me yesterday, too.  My daugter is more willing to speak out now.  I'm really excited !  

For the beginning of their sch ...

發表於 07-10-4 08:44 |只看該作者
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發表於 07-10-4 09:46 |只看該作者
good morning, rats,
I also not good at PTH, as I didn't learn the basic sound skill and so I don't want to speak in an incorrect sound to him.  I just can hear a bit only.  But I had played the PTH VCD at home for him and he is always so excited every time and will sing along with it and laugh crazy... haha....

there has no specific and regular album for any Parent's story telling column, but think they will design an icon for it once had parents to come and share.  I will also go on Oct 12, still think which story to go... so excited.. heehee

yesterday, just before we need to leave home and went to school, Jack wanted to take a toy and share with his classmates, and so i wrote to note to Ms Law at  once, not sure whether he really did it or not.  I didn't called Ms Law and checked it as I think it would be too trouble to call her regarding this "small matter".  Did Rachel do this in the past?

原文章由 rats 於 07-10-4 08:44 硐表

I tried to read the PTH school book with my daughter. As I'm not good in PTH,  she read for me in turn & sang PTH songs.  That was very funny!

I can't find the parents' story telling albumn,  ...

發表於 07-10-4 10:25 |只看該作者
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