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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 APSKT 宣道 - reasons why your child gets accepted?
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APSKT 宣道 - reasons why your child gets accepted? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 11-12-26 01:28 |顯示全部帖子
I am not sure whether the following are the reason for acceptance, but this is what my daugher has :

- learning 2 musical instructment ie. violin and piano (has completed Grade one Piano exam.)
- Got application form by sending envalope to school instead of downloading from website => to show sincerety
- studying in Famous KG in Kowloon Tong which is well-known in Good English teaching , my kid has not bad academic performance in school..eg, 3rd position in the class.
- 15 shields awarded form cambridge starter exam, extra-curriculum like Ballet, Abacus, drawing.
- used to participate in bible study group for kids organised by APSKT (but parents are not Christian)

My kid gets offer from APSKT, KTS, HKU港大同學會小學, 倍橋, 聖母小學....but definitely will take APSKT among all.
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