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教育王國 討論區 迦南幼稚園 (九龍塘) 九龍塘金巴倫道迦南
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九龍塘金巴倫道迦南 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 10-2-3 10:38 |顯示全部帖子
my boy is also attending this school since pre-Nursery gar (now k1).   got Native english teacher and PTH teacher since pre-Nursery la~

they use "新編故事樂綜合學習" books from oxford publication :

will teach 4 books each term.

for english,  they use  Beeno... one book per term....

for PTH, forgot the publisher name la... but also one book per term~

My boy is quite happy at school gar.. and learn things bit by bit .. can see his growing and learning gradually~

Starting from K1 (= N class in Cannan), he also got homework daily .. usually just one page and usually finish part of it at school ~  quite good

Outdoor area won't go out everyday during class time..i guess 2 times per week and can do cycling, too ...  If you pick them up after school.. can stay behind to let them play a while lor~

原帖由 EggEgg08 於 10-2-2 14:29 發表
Thanks a lot for your info. 請問佢係用自編教材定係坊間出的教科書gar? 我好喜歡佢個outdoor area, 唔知小朋友係唔係可以日日出去玩呢?

[ 本帖最後由 eshiro 於 10-2-3 10:40 編輯 ]
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