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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 有冇聽過呢間學校 -- Nord Anglie International School ...
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有冇聽過呢間學校 -- Nord Anglie International School [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-9-17 23:48 |顯示全部帖子
Jane1983 發表於 14-9-17 21:18
香港現在越來越多是本地人讀IS, 跟早前多數expats讀、多家長中途轉職離開香港的情況有所不同,所以我推斷將來中途轉心儀學校的機會是會越來越難,尤其是入Y7secondary。而且到時仲要同讀緊傳統名LS的學生一起爭;因為學校谷,他們除英文外其他科目程度通常比IS學生高 (英文書寫程度可能還差不多),所以要轉心儀IS,一係孩子本身資質高、一係從小谷 (但若果從小谷便defeat了入IS的原意)。Nord Anglia 以「牌子」來說應該不錯,但如果入去的心態是「第時有其他校收便快走」,那麼大家彼此的歸屬感便會很低。

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-9-18 15:33 |顯示全部帖子
Jane1983 發表於 14-9-18 07:27
回覆 jolalee 的帖子

以後應該會更難,但過去幾年睇,識好幾個讀父母覺得襯佢小朋友吾起的,都成功轉走( ...
"父母覺得[間IS]襯佢小朋友吾起" 哈哈笑死我!
我看到KCIS, YCIS 等都多人走,但希望Nord Anglia不會啦。(雖然我只是旁觀者)


Jane1983    發表於 14-9-18 16:21

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-9-19 07:29 |顯示全部帖子
YCIS' early childhood education and primary section has always been doing a great job, churning out great students. From what i heard, some YCIS kids end up in CIS (and i am sure some to ESF etc). Due to the 'lost', YCIS secondary has a large in take of kids from other IS, but usually kids who did not do well in their original schools.

This could change in the future, however, since YCIS has been accepting a great deal of donation from rich mainland parents, therefore they might be able to hire better teachers in the future. As to the management of their secondary section however, i have no idea. Good teachers would only stay if the school has good management....


20062001  I think YCIS will be better in   發表於 14-9-20 20:33
20062001  I think YCIS will be better in   發表於 14-9-20 20:33

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-9-21 01:03 |顯示全部帖子
20062001 發表於 14-9-20 20:37
I think YCIS will be better in the future because in secondary, all the principals are foreign. My c ...
The Director & School Supervisor for the entire school is Chinese but i wouldn't hold that against her. She's done a great job in hiring great people for the ECE & primary section. The "co"-principal (although it's just one person) looks Arab... How long has he been in YCIS? Is he new? Is that why you believe it will be better in the future, due to a change of management?

Which grade is your cousin in? Are the foreign students from other IS in HK or from abroad? (and i suppose when she said 'foreign', she meant non-Asians?) School would not excel simply because there are foreign students in it though... Some of the IS with top IB scores  in HK are full of Chinese...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-9-21 11:04 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 jolalee 於 14-9-21 11:16 編輯

So the secondary principal is 3 years new. That's good. Perhaps there's hope for the secondary section then. I have a friend who works there, who told me the secondary kids are pretty jaded, but that's a while back. Lemme ask him how is the school now after the new principal has settled in :)
My son's school principal (for the Lower school- KG & primary) looks to be ethnically Indian but with a full Auzzie accent. Although he's the only ethnic 'minority' in a sea of Caucasians in upper management there, I'd say he's one of the best primary principal I know. He is hands-on, genuine and plays the guitar for the kids on their way to the library. Even my 3.5 year old son smiled and commented that he's funny (although from his teacher he knew the principal is 'the boss', LOL). Sometimes a person's ethnic background does play a part in how they run things, for better & for worse, but it is not THE determining factor of how good the person is at his career.

Wishing the best for YCIS secondary for those parents with kids there.
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