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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 請智慧型阿媽, 給我一點意見
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請智慧型阿媽, 給我一點意見 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-30 12:15 |顯示全部帖子
"佢有阿氏保加及廣東話遲緩2年" - for traditional "famous" school, there is no guarantee that the teachers have good training in special needs education, so not to take risk, you better check with the parents in this school with similar situations to see how the school are able to acommodate these children in their primary education.
Without school accommodation and teachers' understanding and school culture to accept the children, it would be a disaster for kids and parents to place children in these schools..
I know that international school (e.g. ESF, not sure others) will have special needs teachers...they are trained in these areas and know how to best tune children's learning needs.

原帖由 lamtsuiyee 於 10-11-30 10:16 發表
各位媽咪, 請給我一點細心的分析.
小兒好慶幸於第一輪自行中抽中灣仔一所很好的男校, 知道呢間學校的學術要求都十分高...但我實在十五, 十六... 所以請各位智慧型阿媽給我一點意見....(我不是晒命)...
因工作關係,  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-30 19:24 |顯示全部帖子
The principles suggested or you could ask yourself these questions
1) Which school will be able to understand your kid's learning difficulties and strengths? with special knowledge and experiences  to understand the learning needs of asperger and language delay? Are the school able to have special trained teachers to understand the kid?
2) Which school will guarantee to keep the kid's self-esteem and learning motivation and able to develop the kid's potential instead of focusing on the kid's limitations and destroy the kid's learning motivation and self-esteem although they will say they are unintended to do so as they have other majority kids would like to address to?
3) Which school will have a planned curriculum with rationale instead of having a "duck feed" curriculum without rationale, but just to fulfill some parents' "vanity" expectations...??
原帖由 lamtsuiyee 於 10-11-30 12:47 發表
感謝你們給我意見及支持...我的小朋友在新加坡國際學校讀書, 學校課程很好, 而老師十分有愛心...跟家長幾乎每星期都有溝通..我的小朋友每天回家都說 "I Love SIS"... 所以我才不知點算...見到你們的留言, 我很應同,  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-2 00:11 |顯示全部帖子
It's less risky if you have to find some parents to talk to and to talk to some teachers to see how's their attitudes, as well as seeing their worksheets
原帖由 nicolemummy 於 10-12-1 20:22 發表
傳統學校或許有包容, 但名校肯定不是. 各科有不同老師, 了解小朋友不深. 就算老師們就到你, 同學亦不會就你. 抽這些學校的家長大多進取型.
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