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教育王國 討論區 國際基督教優質音樂中學暨小學 國際基督教優質音樂中學暨小學
樓主: tinatam

國際基督教優質音樂中學暨小學 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-10-9 09:15 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 國際基督教優質音樂中學暨小學

Dear all,

my son is a G1 pupil this year at ICQM.  We are not baptised Christian and my son have not learned musical instrument before that.  Yet, we are impressed by the school environment and facilities, teachers teaching passion and the school mission.  My son enjoyed the school life overall though he somtimes tells me that he is very tired and doesn't want to go to school.  

The homework workload is not heavy, from one homework to four or five at most.  Apart from English and Mathematics, all other subjects are taught in Chinese.   He got eight music lessons per week, like 音樂欣賞 音樂創作 合唱 演奏 etc.  Since there are many music lessons, I guess kids who really like music will enjoy the school.  

So far, I think my choice in ICQM is still a right choice!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-3 09:23 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 國際基督教優質音樂中學暨小學

Dear kychu132,

My son is a G1 pupil at ICQM.  I still recall the interview last year.  Kids were first gathered in the library and divided into groups.  Teachers called the names and around 5-6 kids per group would be led by the teacher to a classroom where the group interview was conducted.  Parents were not allowed to accompany the kids.  As far as my son had told me, the teacher asked the kids to listen to music and tell the teacher what they were feeling.  They were asked to write their names and some vocabs in English.  They were also asked to sing song.  It was quite relaxing for the kids.  Parents were separately interviewed by teacher/principal.  The interview was casual talk only but mainly on the kid himself.  I don't know if it would be a bonus if you are christian but I am not a baptised christian and what I was told is as long as you don't oppose to the Bible teaching, that would be OK.  Hope you would succeed in the interview.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-3 13:21 |顯示全部帖子

My son is now studying in G2.  G1 is a turning point for all 6 yrs old.   It took quite some time for my son to get used to the school routine and doing homework since my son used to do quite little homework in Kindergarten.  Another thing is there are quite a number of music lessons, musical instrument, music appreciation, music theory, choir etc, it all takes time to develop the knowledge and skills on this part.  

I have no idea how the other grammar schools are in terms of the academic standard but my impression of ICQM may not be as competitive as the traditional grammar schools.  Yet, I appreciate that as I can spend more time reading with my son in the spare time.  Personally, I don't like shchools with too much homework, dictation and tests.  

I have no idea whether all subjects will be taught in Eng starting from G3.  I do confirm though that all music lessons will be conducted in English from G3 onwards.  

Hope that the information can help.
原文章由 大頭蝦 於 07-11-30 12:42 發表

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