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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 ESF vs. KCIS
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ESF vs. KCIS [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-18 15:17 |顯示全部帖子
Yes. The local & int'l sections (for KCIS: starting from P.2) share the same campus at Braemar Hill, North Point.

If you want to know more about its Secondary School, you may google "KCCIS" (not KCIS) and get a very basic idea how the students are doing, say like:



Though my daughter will be in RCHK this August, I am interested in paying a visit to Braemar Hill campus as I might put my younger son there when he reaches P. 1.

原帖由 babyoush 於 09-3-18 13:37 發表

共用校舍 ??

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-30 17:12 |顯示全部帖子
I think it may be unfair (and dangerous!) to say one school is better than the other. Unless someone puts one child in ESF & one in KCIS at the same time, it is hard to make an unbiased judgement.

Same as popolung, before I put my daughter in KCIS, she was in an "International Class" of a local kindergarten. Although she was taught by native English/Mandarin teachers, I can firmly say that was absolutely "local" because of the curriculum/assessment system/homework...

Back to the topic question, i.e. "ESF vs KCIS", my choice was KCIS two years ago & I have no regret too because 1) I wanted my daughter to learn more Chinese/Mandarin (more than that of ESF) in an international school setting; 2) KCIS is a through-train school and I am a play safe person; 3) ESF primary was not my target school. (**I only applied RCHK for my daughter this year.)

Some of my daughter's classmates will go to QBS but I don't think many KCIS students target on it. For me, it's also interesting to know some of the KCS (main stream) students will be going to SIS, CIS.....

So I guess parents choose KCS/KCIS because they are attracted by the emphasis on Chinese/Mandarin.

After reading the thread, I was tempted to do a little research on "What is an international school???".



There are also some discussions regarding ESF & KCS or KCIS.



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