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One in Internation+One in local [複製鏈接]

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發表於 09-3-26 13:37 |顯示全部帖子
I am in the same dilemma. My daughter will go to RCHK and my son will attend K1 in a local kindergarten in the coming school term.

My daughter showed interest in learning  second /third languages when she was an infant. So I was determined to put her in IS at a very early stage. As for my younger son, he likes to turn a deaf ear to a  second language. Besides, he is very clingy so I can't imagine how he would react in a totally strange place with people speaking the language he couldn't comprehend. Having said that, his Cantonese is above average and he can clearly express himself.

I am starting to think about the long term effect on them if one goes international & one goes local. How would they think about this arrangement? How would they get along (e.g. what language will they use)? OR am I just worrying too much?

原帖由 Eh-oh 於 08-12-27 03:27 發表
Any mums have 2 kids or more. One is studying international school and another one to local school? Any problems?
Any mums can share? Tks!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-26 17:41 |顯示全部帖子
Hi oooray,

Thanks for sharing.

We are not wealthy so money is always a concern until the day I die (poor!!!), but not the major concern so far (touchwood!!). :)

What I've been thinking is even if I put my son in a local school which charges as much as RCHK, how would they think about this arrangement when they grow up. (So in terms of money, they can't say I'm unfair. Hehe...) But given the huge difference in teaching approach / curriculum / Chinese & English standards / grading system, am I "tearing them apart"? Maybe only time will tell.

You're right. My son is gradually picking up English in recent months. To our surprise, the accent he uttered is sometimes better than that of his sister. He's going to K1 this Sept so actually we don't have much time to make up our minds. (Sigh!!)

原帖由 oooray 於 09-3-26 14:20 發表

Just my subjective viewpoint :
Unless $$$ is the major concern, I will try not to do that because when they grow up they will be asking the same question - why? (Be honest, I would if I were in the  ...
原帖由 oooray 於 09-3-26 14:20 發表

Just my subjective viewpoint :
Unless $$$ is the major concern, I will try not to do that because when they grow up they will be asking the same question - why? (Be honest, I would if I were in the  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-26 19:11 |顯示全部帖子

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-27 12:51 |顯示全部帖子
Hi oooray,

Thanks for your input again!!

If $ is not the major concern at this moment, you should ask yourself again WHY u let your daughter go into RC? discontent with local system?
--> I think local & int'l have their pros & cons. I had been a teacher in a local primary school for two years. Pros of local school: good at reciting, mathematics.... However, I once heard from a friend who's a primary school teacher, that she & her husband did the Excel homework for her students simply because the students were not capable to do the homework. Also I am tired of the ever-changing education policy (EMI, CMI, allocation system......).

if it is true, why you still let your son to go to a system you have already turned down?
Of course, if you are doing some experiments by putting your children into 2 different systems that you think both are very good to your children, i agree that it is worthy to try, no regrets. (life is
full of experiments).
--> Surely I don't want my children to be guinea pigs. I just want them to be happy, confidence, caring, socialable, knowledgeable, trilingual.... Am I too greedy? (After naming the qualities, I guess perhaps I should "ask not what the school can do for our children, but what we can do for our children").:loveliness: :loveliness: :loveliness:

Don't forget that even if your son goes to local kindergarten K1 in Sept, he will still has the priority as sibling when he is applying RC next year. So, you still have a lot of time to think think your future arrangement. Certainly, keep improving his English in the coming 20 months is very important!
--> Do siblings really have priority? I know ESF primary do but what about RCHK? And for kindergarten, since I opt for a full-day kindergarten with decent Chinese exposure, so my choices are quite limited. Anyway, thanks for your advice & support. I'll see what I can do.:D :D :D
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