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want my daughter to study in IS [複製鏈接]

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發表於 07-9-7 07:24 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 asdfasdf 於 07-9-6 21:23 硐表
My daugter is now studying in traditionl primary school P.5 with top rank in the grade.  

I have been seeing a lot of comments and opionions in
this section regarding the "good & bad" of IS.  My daug ...

It is very difficult for non-ESF students to get into KGV or SC at Year 7 or 8 now as they no longer receive applications from outside in the recent years.  All places are filled up by ESF primary students.

It is also very difficult to get int HKIS or CIS.  So maybe you can consider those DSS or famous local schools which are using local exam system and fit more into local Us.

[ 本文章最後由 WYmom 於 07-9-7 08:13 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-7 08:17 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 阿胡 於 07-9-7 07:59 硐表

我大兒子的經驗: P5 (11歲左右) 轉讀IS是不錯的時機. 太晚(14歲左右)英文可能很難趕上. 太早(8,9歲)中文基礎會差很多.

如果將來你女兒會去英美讀頂尖大學, 讀IS是正確的選擇. 好處一大堆, 壞處只有一個, 就是中 ...

Hi, 阿胡,

Long time no talk!  Actually now the Chinese standard in IS may not be lower than local schools.  In SC and KGV, the top group of Chinese students will take 1st language GCSE Chinese at year 11 and will target to do the Bilingual IBD at year 13, ie. achieving native language standard in both Chinese and English.

But P.5 in local school has to apply Year 7 in famous IS, chance of getting in is very low.  But will be easier to enter Renaissance College or Discovery College as they are new and need to take in a lot of students from outside.

[ 本文章最後由 WYmom 於 07-9-7 08:31 編輯 ]

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發表於 07-9-7 09:14 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 阿胡 於 07-9-7 09:01 硐表

真是希望如此呀. 哈哈.

我大兒子11歲轉讀IS後, 經過三年辛苦, 總算過了英文這道關, 謝天謝地! 但他覺得還是有小小差距. 估計像他這樣在香港長大的孩子, 盡管英文是第一語言, 但文化上同英美長大的小孩還是有不同. ...

ESF primary also will increase Chinese classes since Y3, heard that they have daily Chinese this year, is it true?  As I know, they will streamline the students into different standard groups, and only the top standard group may be able to do bilingual IBD at the end.

My elder kid at Y7 is in the top group now and she is studying F.1 Chinese textbooks of local school.  It is not easy at all (as she in fact should be P.6 level in local school), especially all conducted in Mandarin.

If you want to develop your younger kid with better Chinese, may need to supplement him or her with some extra Chinese classes after school in primary.  I am doing the same with my younger kid as well.

Nice to chat with you.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-7 11:12 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 阿胡 於 07-9-7 09:48 硐表

至少我孩子讀的這間ESF并非每日都有中文. 目前週末讓他補上中文課. 但效果同中文小學有天壤之別.

魚同熊掌, 不可兼得. :(

well, I believe in 一分耕耘, 一分收穫.  I teach the kids Chinese everyday and it's more effective.

For asdfasdf's kid, if able to enter St. Paul Co-ed or DBS in secondary, kids can choose either local exam or IBD.  Creative secondary also has such option, just not sure about its quality.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-9 21:21 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 asdfasdf 於 07-9-9 20:06 硐表
thanks so much for so many advices from all of you.  

I heard that it is easier to get into Kowloon Junior School with a good reference letter and when afterwards we'll be offered a seat in KGV.  Is  ...

A good reference letter can get you into KJS and KGV?  If it works, I believe all parents will do it!!  Who tell you this?  Maybe Donald Tsang can??  

If transferred to international secondary school, the cirriculum and exam system is all different from local, so don't think you can transfer back to local.   If you really plan like this, I think it is better not to change to IS, as I believe your kid will be getting nowhere.

[ 本文章最後由 WYmom 於 07-9-9 21:25 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-11 08:53 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 bbwong 於 07-9-11 01:43 硐表
nice to hear so many comments from all of you!

i am thinking if my daughter study in IS primary, is she able to apply local secondary school? In my personal opinion, children can learn language (spea ...

It is possible but...

1. There are not many secondary schools suitable or will accept students from IS because the Chinese standard of IS students are generally lower than local.  Currently, only some new DSS will take students from IS such as YMCA,  Creative Secondary as I know.  Maybe there are a lot more when your kid grows up.

2. It is harder for a kid to switch from IS to local rather than the other way round as the teaching method and workload of IS and local schools are very different.  I believe many people already know this.
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