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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集
樓主: TSLiu

ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 06-1-10 17:48 |顯示全部帖子

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集


Yesterday Alicia was singing the following song.  As she learnt this song long times ago, I don't know whether this is the one you mentioned.

Hickory, dickory, dock!
(tick tock)
The mouse ran up the clock;
(tick tock)
The clock struck one,
The mouse ran down,
Hickory, dickory, dock!
(tick tock)

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-1-17 15:22 |顯示全部帖子

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

Dear TSLiu,

Thanks for your info.  How's Thomas now?  Hope he gets well soon.

Do you know if he got such disease from the school?


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-1-30 00:15 |顯示全部帖子

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

Wish you all the best in new year of the Dog !!!!!!

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發表於 06-2-8 21:33 |顯示全部帖子

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

oh...my computer in the office was sent for checking so I only can read all your value words at home now.

Undeniably you are 攪笑 expert.  
DanDan was so good for last 2 days.  If it is a "m" cycle as you said, you still can enjoy almost one month.  *good luck and enjoy la*      

HeiHeiMa, TSliu, Sumyinma, Kit Ma,
What's a pity that I can't join you all because I need to work on Sat morning.  I passed this big task to my husband.  He will record all the voice message in his palm for me. hee heee......

Yesterday Alicia said that she had to bring a picture of the fruit "madarin".   Everytime I dare not post it here because I am afraid that it will confuse you all.  Luckily I didn't post it because the picture returns back home today.    

So many new classmates???  Let me tell my friend  to work hard and send more letters to the school if she really wants to get a place in SC.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-2-9 11:22 |顯示全部帖子

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

cherriemama and onon1111,

Alicia did the same as Cherrie.  She didn't vomit but she refused to drink it all.  She has been drinking 雪印 since she was born.


Saturday Seminar is 9:00-10:00 as per the receipt of mine.  It is so early.  My hubby can go there straightaway once having breakfast with me.
(you know..if my hubby doesn't record for me, he will report nothing as Alicia.  I am afraid that he will fall asleep during the talk.  It will be so embrassing.)    


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-2-9 11:36 |顯示全部帖子

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集


I saw you and Thomas were chasing "lion dancing band" on Chor 2.   At that moment, I was talking to Felixmom so I couldn't chase you ar.... you both ran so fast.

All moms,

We went to "holiday farm"  on Chor 7 with twelve families (my daughter's nursery classmates).   This place is quite interesting. The kids can feed goats, cows, rabbits, pigs; try to plant or bake bread by themselves.  Besides, there is some exciting slide for parent and kids if you dare try.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-2-9 15:10 |顯示全部帖子

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

cherriemama and bbych2004,

pls click..." www.yp.com.hk/holidayfarm "

Dial to the farm first in order to make sure the date you go will open for public.

HKD 50 per head (age below 3 is free of charge)

I think you will get more fun if you gather more families and kids.      

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-2-9 18:29 |顯示全部帖子

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

No ar.... 雪印 (HK version) is very cheap HKD96.
雀巢咪好慘? all kids don't like it.

Wah...you are too good to Thomas.  We are living in Block 11.  So I accompanied Alicia from Block 11 to Block 12.  While the crowds was chasing the lion dancing band to clubhouse, I persuaded Alicia not to follow it because they would dismiss.  (haha...you see how lazy I am.)

I guess you were as lovely as that girl wor...now you still have "baby face".

LaLa 寫道:

我個女都係飲日本和光堂奶粉, $135一罐, 唔算貴 la (比起雪印, 明治等).

Btw, 我發覺SC 無派 4-week plan, 你地有無收過?

cherriemama 寫道:

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-2-9 22:14 |顯示全部帖子

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

you have to believe on dandan 's words ar.....His words is so important to our dialogue with our kids. Otherwise, my daughter will ignore me when I try to discuss what she learnt in the school.

you 're welcome...I also got this info  from BK jar....

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-2-10 11:13 |顯示全部帖子

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

Gossip is better than nothing.  At least you can know what happens around him/her.  My daughter is always telling me some crazy stories without content. (I still enjoy to listen it because we can observe her sentence structure is improving and know what she learnt.) When I try to chat with her about her classmates or school-life, she will skip and jump to another topics.  At first, I am a bit worried she lagged behind.  However, on the Parents’ day, teachers’ comment is quite good.  Unbelievable!   Anyway, her attention is really too weak.  She will be very painful if entering traditional school with high pressure.

You see....DanDan is so smart to tell you about the term "crescent"...What's a coincidence that Alicia also talked about the moon recently but it is simplier a lot.
"mummy...can you see the moon is hiding behind the clouds...mummy...can you see half moom curved?  Why? Why?  No full moon in the sky tonight? Who took part of it away?"   

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-2-10 15:43 |顯示全部帖子

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

Thanks for your info.  I have just bought a little plant from IKEA last Sat.  I can adopt it to show Alicia.  (I taught her “stem” but not “petal” before)

I print some pictures from “sesame street homepage”.  Then, kids can color the cartoons and kill the boring time.

I will buy a box of milk directly from Store7-11 when going out.  Why do you all need to keep the sample set for taking away?  Won’t you let your daughter/son drink general milk from supermarket?

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-2-10 16:30 |顯示全部帖子

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集


Danielboy also said that she couldn't receive 4-wk-plan before.  Am I right?   

no homework this week and also return the handbook of 1st semester


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-2-11 09:29 |顯示全部帖子

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

your 煩到嘔公仔好正...... hey, buy a fake flower $9 from toysrus so he can understand stem and petal clearly loh...  Yesterday SC returned a picture of flower for filling colors in schools.  I think teachers taught DanDan the vocabulary while painting.

Yesterday we received 4-wk-plan and also a notice regarding volunteer for story telling...  
Don't forget to fill in the first page of new student hand book.  Alicia reminded me to stick the photo on the first page.  *good progress la...*

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-2-12 23:09 |顯示全部帖子

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

I also have some problem with my nose.  Definitely swimming is a very good activity for respiratory system.  That's why my mom let me learn how to swim since 2.5 years old.  (you know...I got Champion in Swimming Gala gar.)  You have to forgive him if he lost temper after taking medicine.  I also feel very dizzy and tired once I take the pills.  If you manage it well, it is not a big deal.

Have you received a catalogue from "Little Prince"? I saw Alicia there.  Maybe you can check whether Thomas or his friends are inside the pictures.

TSLiu, Sumyinmama, KitKitMom,
Long time no see & chat.  Certainly it is a great idea to let kids play together.   The only child is too lonely at home.  Maybe it is easier to co-ordinate the timing for gathering when your kids are studying in K2 pm.  Actually it is limited choices of  am coures.  I know some of classmates will go to Kids Gallery in Kowloon Tong.  However, I am afraid that kids will be too exhausted.  It seems that there is only one learning center "Opus" in Maritime Square but the enviornment is too small.  Otherwise, you may check the centres in Esplanda but the school fee is quite expensive.

Alicia also wants to play piano.  We are taking queue in Tom Lee.  Recently I read a topic about buying piano.  It highly recommends to buy "Kawai" instead of "Yamaha".   We both need to bear in mind....

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-2-13 13:35 |顯示全部帖子

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

心心 寫道:
我決定左訂砵砵車, 因為我新雅冇sample

我又想問你地會唔會參加講故事義工? 我本來已填左回條想參加, 點知我問naoki想唔想我返去講故事, 佢話唔要, 唔知係咪佢覺得我講得唔好怕出醜


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-2-13 13:39 |顯示全部帖子

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

danielboy 寫道:
Daniel報左大堆料, 聽到我一頭霧水, 淨得一樣似堅料, 就係教個letter I/i.  其他小白兔故事 and a story about hide and seek 就似佢作野多d.

Dan爺 (星爺) 有mud料都照講啦...一頭霧水都想聽, 笑死d c9 mah...   

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發表於 06-2-14 13:00 |顯示全部帖子

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

I am too sick today so I can’t response you in details la…..  
I need to take a nap during lunch break.    

Alicia said that she had to bring the pictures of “soap” or anything for cleansing.

As per my personal experience, we have to play “hard” for playing piano.  It had better learn at 4 or 5 years old.  I think 1:1 is better but in a shorter period of lesson.  Kids’ attention is too weak at this stage.  I am planning to learn with her so we can practice together.  Temporarily I won’t promise her to join any piano class.  I will let her try until she promised me to keep on practicing.  Otherwise, it is pointless indeed.  Now she joins a singing class every Sunday.  She can admire the teacher who plays piano in front of her.  Would you like to try “digital piano”?  If yes, I can pm you some info later.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-2-15 10:36 |顯示全部帖子

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

Thank you so much for all your concern.  Today I dare not take medicine.  Otherwise, I will be dizzy “wing wing day” again.  Sumyinmama, u also take care la…I dare not take the sick leave because I don't want to be buried in the documents.

Why did you come back so late? Had a romantic dinner with your hubby or your boss?    
I got a rose from Alicia.  That rose was wrapped by very ugly paper so I think she made in SC as Danielboy said.  Then, my husband said he chose that rose with Alicia.  Then, it is really “驚”喜.

心心, phywong
You should believe their words.  Maybe they are correct.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-2-16 09:17 |顯示全部帖子

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

SC gathering/outing: 十萬個贊成     

搬來青衣啦....我介紹3個日本朋友仔你識 (my daughter Nursery classmates)...       你現在是那個屋苑?mos是指? 看不明又八卦.  我近來去看跑馬地, 700呎 20年樓齡, 墳墓景 (聞說是jewish), HK$ 17000.      

Sarah個一馬字pose好正, 要拍update d 個相wor...

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-2-16 10:20 |顯示全部帖子

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

HeiHeiMa 寫道:
聽講妳上次去果個farm好正, 值得再去嗎?

好呀…如果大家想去, 我可以再去. 大家有無其他好提議? 另外,請擇日?   
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