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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 陪讀書??
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陪讀書?? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 04-11-26 15:09 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 陪讀書??

My son studies on K3. Since he was on K2, I have requested him to finish his homework before I come home. In the beginning, he always forgot my words (because I would not dial to him and remind him, he needed to do it on his own), so I punished him by cutting out his playing time, favourite movies or even bedtime story/reading. I let him to know that doing homework and studying are all his responsibilities.   Now, he can manage all his homework and dictation, obviously I need to help him to tackle some difficult work and review his homework everyday.

I think he can afford to low marks because he is still junior, especially on dictation. I still remembered the first time of dictation, he got the very low mark and he felt embarrassing and upset. He learnt from that lesson and I encouraged him.   

The most important thing is to train up his independence and motion on study.    
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