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宣道會劉平齋國際學校 CAIS [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-28 10:29 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 宣道會劉平齋國際學校 CAIS

I once talked to a Mommy who sent her son to CAIS after completing P6 in a traditional primary school. Her opinion was that after transferring to CAIS, her son started to enjoy school again.  He wasn't performing well in his primary years but had made a big change in the new school and had become more positive about learning now.  They liked the family atmosphere there, e.g. the school announced a student's birthday through the microphone...and the students were taught to treat each other with love and respect. Being a teacher herself, she must have done some thorough research before making the decision to transfer her son there.  Her son speaks English with a good accent after being there for only a few months.  I noticed it too last time when he played with my daughter.
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