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教育王國 討論區 播道書院 08-09 P1E parents, let's share
樓主: Kellyaugust2004

08-09 P1E parents, let's share [複製鏈接]

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發表於 08-9-17 19:00 |顯示全部帖子
thanks kongsou

for today GS's vocab,
is it we need to write 5 times each?


原帖由 kongsou 於 08-9-17 17:47 發表

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-18 12:03 |顯示全部帖子
thanks bbdou

hope my son can hear teacher's instruction next time.
原帖由 bbdou 於 08-9-17 19:58 發表
yes, should be 5 times for each word.  We P1B wrote the same last week.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-19 11:32 |顯示全部帖子
good morning all 1E moms/ dads

how are u doing?
did u start to review the chinese dictation with your kids yet?

regarding the visual art, any work to do?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-22 11:55 |顯示全部帖子

hello, yup, no time to revise the chinese dictation during weekend. hope they will not have too much hw to do today.

yup, no hw for PTH for us till now . maybe tmr.

sometime, listen from my son to tell me things happened in class .it's quite funny.

did u hear any?  my son is in group 2. how about yours?

i forgot to put a photo for him today ah .. don't know which lesson need it?
原帖由 Tungtung媽咪 於 08-9-19 23:45 發表
I've not yet started the chi dictation.  I planned to do it tmr but there are quite a lot of homework to do.  I think tmr we can only do the h.w. and the regular activities plus going to a birthday di ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-22 15:46 |顯示全部帖子

tks, we have a good time .
but not much time to revise the dictation.

yup, wish more 1E moms/ dads come up and share.

原帖由 Tungtung媽咪 於 08-9-22 13:56 發表
Hi Kellyaugust2004,
Hope you had a gd weekend.  My daughter is group 3.  She just spent Sun am to do hw & study the dictation & practise the slogan as Sat she's got quite many activities.  Everyday I' ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-22 21:11 |顯示全部帖子

for today's penm (1), is it the following words?

Ii  , Its a pen , a pencial?


for the chinese "making sentence".
both my son and i get mad. as he didn't like me to point out his mistakes. ...
原帖由 Kellyaugust2004 於 08-9-5 11:20 發表
hello all P1E parents, did your child  like the school life? let's share and support.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-22 21:16 |顯示全部帖子
teacher wrote "pls bring pemn 2 tmr" ,  as i remembered i've put it inhis school bag . but  when i asked him did he leave it at school   /  why teacher said no.  .. he have no clue...............
原帖由 Kellyaugust2004 於 08-9-22 21:11 發表

for today's penm (1), is it the following words?

Ii  , Its a pen , a pencial?


for the chinese "making sentence".
both my son and i get mad. as he didn't like me to point out his mi ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-22 21:18 |顯示全部帖子
hi all 1E moms/ dads,

i saw other classes has  C.E. 背金句 , why it never show up on my son's homework record book?

原帖由 PaPa 於 08-9-12 12:35 發表

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-23 17:21 |顯示全部帖子

for today math vocab.

should they write "alt"  or "altogether" ?

原帖由 Tungtung媽咪 於 08-9-23 13:16 發表
yes, my daughter will not tell me what she has in her hw folder. I'll check and ask her everyday and then guess what she needs to do.  fortunately i have now 2 classmates tel so i can call them to cfm ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-23 20:36 |顯示全部帖子
CheukWang媽咪 , tung tung媽咪

heeee....  we need to guess and find out ourselves for many things. really busy.

do they have any visual arts hw  for tmr??

so headache...

原帖由 CheukWang媽咪 於 08-9-23 11:03 發表

我兒也未有說背金句,我叫他儘量在Tutorial內完成功課,如不能也要完成一半,據他描述,在Tutorial 內,班主班講解十五分鐘,其餘時間,有些同學寫功課冊,有些畫圖畫,十分嘈吵,我問他有份嗎?當然說沒有啊!我半信半疑?: ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-24 21:35 |顯示全部帖子

hello, for the school lunch box. my son ate very .... less during the 1st wk. but after that, he is eating more and doing better day by day. if your daughter wanted to order, just go ahead, don't worry too much.  we've to let go step by step :D

i want to do many things today, like review hw with my son, by at the end, not much done.  just review very little about the eng test next tue. .. really want to know how will teacher test. heeee

原帖由 Tungtung媽咪 於 08-9-23 23:00 發表
Just got time to view the web.  The hw today is altogether, you should hv found out already.  I think there's no hw to hand in for V.A. tmr.

Yes, very busy. it's so difficult to get ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-25 14:22 |顯示全部帖子

hello, sleep more is good.  don't worry, we still have time to revise the eng test with them.

i'm  now with 6 mo pregnant. so i can't sign up for any volunteer. hopefully , next school year.

i see... but why your daughter requested to order lunch boxes? is it becoz she saw other classmates eat lunch box?

原帖由 Tungtung媽咪 於 08-9-25 13:37 發表
Hi Kellyaugust2004,
Yes I worry because she can bite 10 times for 1 pc of meat so I always cut the meat and vegi very small for her.  And she's very picky on the type of food so I worry she'll eat so ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-25 22:21 |顯示全部帖子
thanks. tung tung mami
" 今天又話要買三個藍色file俾中文科用 " is from another class. did your girl wirte the same thing on hw record book?

so , let your girl try the school lunch box . heee it's convenient ma.

my son has swimming lesson today , so he go to bed around 10pm....   hope he sleep well la..

how many hrs your girl need to sleep?

於 08-9-25 17:43 發表
Wow! Happy to hear that you're pregnant.  You son should be excited to be a 哥哥 soon.  Yes you should take more rest rather than joining the volunteer.  Yes, my daughter wants to order lunchbox becau ... [/quote]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-26 13:33 |顯示全部帖子
hello all,

went to check up this morning.
i didn't see any paper to request the blue folder. anyway, i will buy it on the weekend.
i found the cheapest one at Apita @$8 each

tung tung mami
i like choir too. but i can't join this year. heee

papa, sum sum, welcome to chat more heeeeeeeeeeeee
原帖由 tatacat 於 08-9-26 10:38 發表
Originally I also want to join parent choirs.  But I really don't know what to do? what's the nature?  I called office before and failed to get further information.   Finally I  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-26 16:29 |顯示全部帖子
thanks PaPa

i'm now wondering how to revise the eng test with my son...
原帖由 PaPa 於 08-9-26 13:56 發表


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-26 23:12 |顯示全部帖子
thanks tatacat and tung tung mami

i've two questions :

1) i misread yesterday hw on GS, it refer the workbook , right?  and teacher put " pls hand in workbook on 2/10" ... i suddenly realize we don't have workbook at home. ...... but when i ask my son. he said he don't know......

2) English reading.
i saw teacher put the pink sheet on the red folder today. but that worksheet is blank.  however, i saw the same worksheet which my son finished already.  (it is at the school bag today). ...

is is the same at your child ?

thanks so much

another busy weekend.

原帖由 tatacat 於 08-9-26 16:39 發表
tungtung mami:
i want to join choir ka.  but i aldy submitted the form.  can still change?

re: dictation - i also don't know the format how to test.  but per my daughter, just know need  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-29 17:54 |顯示全部帖子
tung tung mami and all,

do we have one penm today or 2 ?  as i saw two penm on the web.

good that it's not too much homework today. need to revise for the eng test now.

原帖由 Tungtung媽咪 於 08-9-27 23:54 發表
That's gs worksheet 4 to hand in on 10/2.  It's a pc of paper for drawing signs to remind classmates for safety at school.

The red folder has a pc of eng ws which is done and marked already.  I could ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-29 23:47 |顯示全部帖子
tung tung mamai
agree. i don't want my son feel too much pressure too . but he is really naughty tonight. i feel so upset.

he really doesn't like to do hw, esp. penm. he said he want to finish all in class but teacher won't let him to do, then i asked him to do it at tutorial .  but he may choose to do other thing then.
i just need some method , so that can train my son willing to do hw and do it faster.

原帖由 Tungtung媽咪 於 08-9-29 22:44 發表
hi kellyaugust,

i could only find penm 1 today and the other classmate too, the hw web is not really reliable!!!

dont worry too much about the test, i just spent approx 15 min each today and yesterd ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-30 15:57 |顯示全部帖子
tung tung mami

u're right.  we shouldn't be too nervous. just let them experience and bear the responsibility , so that they can grow up.

thanks for reminding. i really don't want too much pressure for me and for my son.

glad that tmr is holiday
原帖由 Tungtung媽咪 於 08-9-30 11:58 發表
Absolutely understand your irritation.  i had the same prob the 1st 2 weeks and i spoken to many friends. actually most of the kids are the same. i learnt that i should leave it to my kid. let teacher ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-30 17:59 |顯示全部帖子
tung tung mami

how's your daughter think on today eng test?  my son said is easy.   will see the result.

did u find a colour paper in the school bag? i saw from website that  we need to write some words related to "tree" (for 1D , in chinese).  but not show on 1E hw. ... hmm.............. what do u think?

原帖由 Kellyaugust2004 於 08-9-30 15:57 發表
tung tung mami

u're right.  we shouldn't be too nervous. just let them experience and bear the responsibility , so that they can grow up.

thanks for reminding. i really don't want too much pressure ...
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