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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 CCCKei Wan vs True Light
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CCCKei Wan vs True Light [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 08-11-30 10:25 |顯示全部帖子 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
It depends on your preference how you like will like your kid to grow(my hubby is the alumni there and also all his cousins). CCC Kei wan is very academic and their musical training is very outstanding, very descipline, all girls not allowed for long hair, only short hair. Many homeowrk and test to keep up the standard. Parents need to spend sufficient time to check the homework and do teh revision with them. I have two nephews staudied at TL, long history shcool, very happy environment, emphasis alot on moral education, quite relaxing shcool life from P1-P3, but start to be more homework from P4. It seems that TL offers more capacity for kids to explore. I am not the one studied in these two school, so my impression is all from my close family members. BTW, how many score you got for kai Wan?
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Rank: 1

發表於 08-12-1 20:57 |顯示全部帖子
hobbcc, if u compare about the spoken English standard with the International school, of course, cannot compare. However, as Kei Wan has high expectation on academic and has many test and exam, therefore, it push the students to have more revision and spend more time on studies. It is a good school and it has a very good tracking record on the secondary school that they allocated. However, you have to be prepared that once your kid got in, you need to spend vast of time with her for the homeowrk. No pain, no gain. TL is less stressful, I agreed with zachnana. My daughter got accepted by HKUGA, but due tothe fact that, once we confirmed, we have to give up the allocation of the first round, so my husband decided to give up the seat in HKUGA, unfortunately, we lost in the 1st round, even we also have 20 marks. But after all, we decided to let our daughter go to TL due to the nice school campus, good moral education, relatively less keen competeion ( as i would like my kid to have more balanced life rather than study, study and study), very close relationship with teachers and family. My nephews both are very enjoyable about the school life in TL. This is a tough decision, it all depends how you would like your girl's childhood developed. For me, I prefer more close relationship with my daughter since childhood is so short, I would like her to be the top tier in the more well rounded school rather than the bottom tier in the keen competition school. If you would like your daughter to be accepted by very good school on P2, kei wan is a very good school to train up your kid as the syllabus is difficult. My hubby used to be 1st or 2nd in secondary school as during P6 in Kei Wan, he have learned everything for S1. Hope it can help you more.
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