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樓主: cecilau

保良局慧姸雅集幼兒園&幼稚園 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 06-10-18 14:37 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 保良局慧硏雅集幼兒園&幼稚園

Cecilau, ai... my son's drawing skills are really bad and he could not draw anything; and that's also part of the reason I want to go with him.  Yesterday after this activity, I just let him take a rest at home, and today, he's still taking a day off too.  I prefer him to recover better and take more rest before he resumes his schooling, hopefully he should be able to return to school tomorrow.

My maid told me on Monday that quite a number of kids were sick at school, do you know?

Why your son slept bad ar....  Take care ar....  my son's doctor always says it is always a signal of early flu or cough, don't know it's true or not.  Hope your son fine la....

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-27 09:26 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 保良局慧硏雅集幼兒園&幼稚園

Hi Alienova,
Hope shuet ling recovers soon.  Do let her rest more at home before attending full day school.  Last week, I let my son to rest nearly 3 days at home and he recovered faster.

Ar... you could consider to give "Lingzhi honey" where I bought from Mannings as a supplement to shuet ling.  My friend recommended this to me and I found my son's health better.  Also give more Chinese soup will help.

Take care la....   Ar... today is the Halloween party, I saw many kids wearing different clothes, so funny!!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-27 09:31 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 保良局慧硏雅集幼兒園&幼稚園

Hi Candy0615,
Where do you let your kid to learn swimming?
What's the duration of the course?  Or on an one to one basis?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-6 23:20 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 保良局慧硏雅集幼兒園&幼稚園

Hi Cecilau,
Long time not chat!!!!   We also got the book for the shared reading program.  I guess they will change the series for different books.  Don't worry la....  Last time, we got a book from the 5th series - the light green series and this time we got one from the 4th series - the green series.  My son loves the two books pretty much and he likes to read them too.  And this time, the English textbook is also included in the shared reading program.  He loves to read it too.

Where will you son's class go for the picnic?  My son will visit the Science Museum in TST on Nov 28th and the Zoo and Botanic Garden in Central on Dec 8th.  Maybe different class will go to different places.  Due to my son's case, I really want to go with him, I have written down our request in the handbook.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-6 23:38 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 保良局慧硏雅集幼兒園&幼稚園

Hi babycancan,
$72?  Where is your son going for the picnic?  Sat?  Good!!!  

Today we receive a notice on the air-con policy.  I think it's OK wor.  Actually my husband and I prefer to have less air-con and with more fans and windows opened, of course, on condition that it's not "hot".  I went there for a "story-talk" by the principal last Sat, the temperature was fine and just make.   It's good to have the windows opened, coz my son joined a playgroup long time ago, its school campus was very clean but no fans, no windows opened, you could feel the air is not "circulating" at all and there is virus, it spread around easily.

The notice also said we could place a jacket at school and take it back on Friday.  The teachers will help our kids to wear when it's cold.  If they could really do it, I think it's OK la.

Haa... what's meant by 黃葉?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-7 14:31 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 保良局慧硏雅集幼兒園&幼稚園

Haa.... babycancan, you must be very happy la... so quick to have your "complaint" answered... or it's just a matter of coincidence only?  Anyway, I think in general, its environment is fine.  Its ceilings are high and especially for the "language areas" and the "games area", I love the high windows there which the sunshine comes in.

Haa.... I think we should strengthen our son's "self care" skills la....       My son also does not know the skill to put his T-shirt inside his trousers, we have teached him but many times he loves to go out of the washroom immediately after washing hands.... ai     :cry:

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-7 15:12 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 保良局慧硏雅集幼兒園&幼稚園

Hi Cecilau,
How's your son?  Did you take him to see the doctor?  Ar... BTW, which doctor do you normally take him to?  Do you know any good Chinese doctor near the school?  Sometimes I would take my son to see Chinese doctor but he's in Central.  

My son seems enjoying the school life here than the other school.  I kept asking him this question from time to time as I need to be cautious in taking his feelings (as the time schedule in attending the two schools and other training lessons might be rather demanding for him), his answer is always the same.  He loves the school life here, and especially his class-teachers, usually he likes to name a few of his classmates, but Goooooosh!!!!  All the classmates he named recently are girls' names !!!!  I think to him, the environment, the classmates and the teachers are all new stimuli that are different from what he had before.  Also, we found that his class-teachers are fine and have "good hearts" too.  We really hope he could attend full day here asap. :

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-30 11:52 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 保良局慧硏雅集幼兒園&幼稚園

Hi, everyone,
Not chatting here for quite sometime, rather busy these days.

So nice to hear you all enjoy the trips with your kids.....surely our kids should like to play, especially when their parents accompany them.

Well, I went with my kid to the Science Museum on Tuesday.  The feel was quite good and my boy enjoyed that very much.  We needed to report to the school at 8am that morning, he's fine and luckily he could sleep earlier the night before.  Haa.... after this visit, I found the job of being a teacher in a kinder is somewhat very different and interesting, I like kids and I found it's interesting to talk to the kids. I felt happy to hear especially some of the K3 students are rather polite and I appreciated the training that sometimes the teachers asked those elder kids to help the other and they could really do that.  I rushed back to office to work after the journey, good that my office was so close.

Tomorrow we will go for the "story-telling" with the kids, very excited but really afraid if we could not make the kids feeling interested.  Alienova, did you ask your girl to participate?  Did you ask her classmates some questions during the process?  Haa... I have asked my hubby to give the telling but I might help in the process, but we don't have much time to practice yet.  Really worried......     

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-30 11:56 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 保良局慧硏雅集幼兒園&幼稚園

Hi, everyone,
Not chatting here for quite sometime, rather busy these days.

So nice to hear you all enjoy the trips with your kids.....surely our kids should like to play, especially when their parents accompany them.

Well, I went with my kid to the Science Museum on Tuesday.  The feel was quite good and my boy enjoyed that very much.  We needed to report to the school at 8am that morning, he's fine and luckily he could sleep earlier the night before.  Haa.... after this visit, I found the job of being a teacher in a kinder is somewhat very different and interesting, I like kids and I found it's interesting to talk to the kids. I felt happy to hear especially some of the K3 students are rather polite and I appreciated the training that sometimes the teachers asked those elder kids to help the other and they could really do that.  I rushed back to office to work after the journey, good that my office was so close.

Tomorrow we will go for the "story-telling" with the kids, very excited but really afraid if we could not make the kids feeling interested.  Alienova, did you ask your girl to participate?  Did you ask her classmates some questions during the process?  Haa... I have asked my hubby to give the telling but I might help in the process, but we don't have much time to practice yet.  Really worried......     

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-30 14:21 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 保良局慧硏雅集幼兒園&幼稚園

Hi ballball2004,

Welcome !!!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-12-1 11:13 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 保良局慧硏雅集幼兒園&幼稚園

Hi Cecilau,
We will go today.  I guess our audience should be my son's class, I guess and I hope so, haa....., but my son would not involve too much as actually we don't have much practicing time.  I guess it would be an interesting activity but I am really so excited now.....  This is the first time we tell story in front of a group of people, and you know ma, my husband and myself do not come from sales / marketing field, we seldom give public talk, haa..... :  :

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-12-5 17:41 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 保良局慧硏雅集幼兒園&幼稚園

Hi all,
Haa... so many messages wrote here, so good!!!

Cecilau, you could call me anytime.  

Alienova, thanks so much for all your advice.  It's too bad that I finally missed the story telling as my mum had an injury and hurt her ankle while taking my son to my office (after school) the day before and I took her to see the doctor.  As some minor bones are broken, we took several hours at the clinic, so by the time I arrived school, it's nearly over.  Luckily my husband was the main story-teller and he went there and did it.  He told me the kids were fine, and they asked so many questions.  When we read stories to my son, he likes them but he seldom asks questions or only a question or two.
My son was happy to meet both my husband and I to take him after school and we took him to Central to see the christmas lightings.  We took two photos with Santa Claus.

Too bad that my son was sick with bad flu and fever these two days.  He's absent from school yesterday and today.  Hope he could resume schooling on Thursday and enjoy the other activity to Hong Kong Botanic Garden on Friday afternoon.

Ballball, welcome again!!  Good that your boy adapts to the environment so well!!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-2-13 23:40 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 保良局慧硏雅集幼兒園&幼稚園

Hi, everybody, I come back again.  So many things happened to me these days.  Any plan for the CNY holidays?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-3-1 21:34 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 保良局慧硏雅集幼兒園&幼稚園

Hi cecilau,
Haa... how nice you are, where did you go finally?
Today some K3 students had a lion dance performance at the CWB Po Leung Kuk, my son though is not a K3 student, but he could have the chance to learn the lion dance with his classmates, he feels so happy.  I am really so amazed to see how grateful he is, ar... and also recently, he learnt from simple "kung fu" from school, he loves to show us after school, how fantastic!!!  I really treasure such kind of activities a lot.

Tomorrow we will have the annual "parents and kids"picnic to Sai Kung together, my husband and I have taken day off and we will go together.  Hope the weather will be fine.

And you, any recent news?  Actually I have been very busy with the office work as well as my previous maid's issues.  Guess what!!! she has stolen money from me!!!!  

Other mums and kids, wishing you all happier and healthier in the year of PIG

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-3-18 22:40 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 保良局慧硏雅集幼兒園&幼稚園

Hei, anybody here?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-5-7 02:04 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 保良局慧硏雅集幼兒園&幼稚園

Hi everybody,
I come back again.  Graduation ceremony, when will that happen usually?  I haven't read any notice about this.

Cecilau, same to you, suddenly I felt time really passed so fast, my boy will be K3 in Sept and it's my turn to select the primary schools.  I really want to choose a suitable school to him - with good hearts teacher.

How's your trip?  We are planning to go to Japan in June, but details not finalised yet.

These days, my boy loves to read an English poem at home - "The Wrong Start", he told me it's taught by the native teacher (I suddenly forgot her name) and Ms Ho. He loves that a lot and always read in front of us.  The other thing he likes to do was to read the Putonghua "kids song" while doing the body movements at the same time, that was fun, he told me he saw the K3 kids doing this.  I guess there might be a performance by th K3.  He enjoys the group play a lot.

My new maid is fine, her pace of work is slower than my previous one, yet, so far if her work is average, OK la.... it's really difficult to find a good one in such a short time.  

Any plan for the summer holidays?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-5-7 22:58 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 保良局慧硏雅集幼兒園&幼稚園

Primary school?  I have no clue at the moment. I am thinking of those in net 14 and net 12.  Do you have any information about "Tai Koo Primary School", "Woo Kong" and "Hennessy Primary School".  It's really a very difficult decision and it's hard for me to know how's the running of those schools.

Haa... for the Japan trip, I think you could go next time with your two boys later, though it might not be that convenient, the whole feeling of "going together" should be able to compensate and you could manage to take a less busy trip - like taking afternoon nap in the hotel.  I did this when we went toTokyo the first time with my boy.

We didn't go to Thomasland before, still thinking about that.  I am very lazy to plan the trip as I really don't like to think while I am on holidays, and so I leave this to my hubby.

Do you know where I could get more primary schools' information?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-6-27 14:35 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 保良局慧硏雅集幼兒園&幼稚園

Cecilau, alienova and others,
Hi, long time no chat here, ai.... I still haven't bought the whole set of clothing for the performance of the graduation ceremony.

Cecilau, could you tell me where you bought the單車褲 and the 白色的sock 褲, is the 單車褲 the same as those for girls and also the case for the white stockings, do you know what they pretend in the performance?

For the swimming lesson, I have joined one private tutor together with another classmate in class.  We will begin our lesson in mid July.

Ar.... my son already got his first "baby teeth" replaced on Monday.... really could not imagine.... somehow I just felt he's still small in my heart.....

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-6-30 01:30 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 保良局慧硏雅集幼兒園&幼稚園

Haa... cecilau, yes, we still haven't bought the pants and the stocking.....  really can't imagine how my son will look like when he wears that, it must be very funny.  BTW, do you know what they pretend in the performance?  And last week, we went to Japan for a holiday ma.....

Today, I've got a booklet on "replacing teeth" - what a good coincidence!!!  After my son got his teeth replaced, we thought of finding a book to tell him about "teeth replacement", good that we don't need to waste time and search and we've already got a good one today!!!  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-6-30 01:33 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 保良局慧硏雅集幼兒園&幼稚園


What?  You could still remember the time when your teeth replaced?  I really could not imagine la...  but guess what, my hubby got nearly all his "baby teeth" kept, and he showed to my son on the day he lose his teeth..... and my son's response was - "why are they so dirty?"   
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