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教育王國 討論區 課外活動 3歲小朋友應該參加乜野課外活動好??
樓主: francischoi82

3歲小朋友應該參加乜野課外活動好?? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-6-1 15:57 |顯示全部帖子
How old is your son? Where about do you live?

原帖由 HealthyB 於 10-6-1 15:08 發表

Do u mind share the private teachers information with me? I really want my son to start learning Mandarin.

I am also thinking to put my son at QQ club, but not yet tried...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-6-3 01:06 |顯示全部帖子
He may be too small for individual tuitions...   I can surely give you the contact details of the private teacher (from Shanghai) who was willing to come over to our area (TKO) weekly. However, she teaches in a very traditional way .

My son had no problem with that at the age of 2 since he had been trained to become very focused and settled no matter how boring or uninteresting it was and he knew he must respect each and every teacher he met and tried his very best in learning anything new and practising it again and again at home.

原帖由 HealthyB 於 10-6-2 22:38 發表

My son is 2yrs old 4 mths now..living in Lohas Park.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-6-5 01:08 |顯示全部帖子
It's best to start learning it at K2 so there'll be more than a year for him to get on with the basic skills and the habit of practising daily prior to full-day primary school education. Particularly so if you want him to be outstanding in exams and contests at a young age in the future

However, it's worthwhile to put him in some quality music groups at his current age and take him to music concerts and various cultural activities regularly.

原帖由 dewberry 於 10-6-5 00:23 發表
Hi ohmygosh,

My son is 4 years old, he haven't attended any music training/courses before except in his Kinder.  He likes to sing and interested in Violin though he hasn't come across with this music ...
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