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樓主: hangkeelong

Any comments to HK preschool ? (Fotan & Kln. Tong) & TutorTime [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 04-4-27 17:55 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Any comments to HK preschool ? (Fotan & Kln. Tong) & TutorTime

HKPS has been in Ascot (Fotan) for about 10 years.  They had opened a new school in KLN since last Sept.  They provide both nusery, K1-K3.  They have international and local class. Both types of class have a native English teacher who will stay full time in class, the difference is in Int'l class the Chinese is taught in Mandarin while in the local class it is in Cantonese.

The school fee is

Nusery : $3080/local class, $3300/int'l class
K1-K3 : $2980/local and Int's class

My daughter is studying at HKPS Ascot K1.  That is why I know the details.  Hope information is useful.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-4-27 19:54 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Thank you

My daughter is studying at local class. Yes can understand and speak English. However HKPS is not the only contribution.  There are still other things to make her good in English. But definately HKPS provides a daily environment for her.

Yes, she loves school very much.  She becomes more talkative and active.  Everyday when she comes back home, she is extremely happy and excited.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-4-28 09:29 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Thank you

I am not sure if they have whole day section.  Yes, you can call the school and arrange a visit. Both principals are very helpful to explain details for you.  I recommend you to talk wiht Mrs Wong who is the master principal of both schools.

FYI, Ascot campus is much smaller than KLN Tong which is an independent house.  Hardware is better in KLN Tong campus though Ascot is not too bad. Just comparative less attractive than KLN Tong.

Wish information is useful for you.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-4-29 07:34 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Thank you


My daughter goes to nusery in about 2.5 years old. At that time she needed to travel between Shatin and Taipo.  She could manage. However I believe 2 years old is too little.  I would suggest you to enroll your son in the next Semester. So he can start at January, 2005. At that time he is nearly 2.5.

The only problem is you may not have a seat. But nusery normally has higher turnover, I guess you still have chance.

Or you have to skip nusery and let your son start at K1 next Sept.

Actually you have to consider your own situation, since my daughter is my only kid and I have to work, so I perfect her to go to school to have some social activties rather than stay with my maid at home.  My friend's daughter was born at July and start taking school bus on Sept. But she is perfectly okay. So you really have to look at your own situation, how mature is your boy, how much need you want to send him to school, etc and etc.

You can also talk with the school to see if they can give you some opinion.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-4-29 10:56 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Thank you

Dear athenak,

I know that in Fotan KCR there is a shettle bus to Ascot.  I guess it is free of charge.  You can call the school to see if they have the more details. If not, you can send me message. Perhaps I can check for you next Sat when I send my daughter to school.  Let me know if you need my help.

According your plan, your maid has to stay 3 hours in Fotan to wait for your daughter. That maybe another inconvience.

I am living in Shatin, so I have no problem.  My daughter had her nusery at Anchor before she goes to HKPS.  At that time she took school bus from Shatin to Taipo.

Every parent has different plan on their children.  My reasons to choice HKPS are :

1. I buy their concept of half Chinese and English as I still can switch between local and Int'l school. However in Anchor, I have to choose between Int'l or local.
2. Before I send my girl to this school, I purposely visited the school and interviewed the parents. The general comments are very good from them.
3. I heard from most of the parents that this school has high reputation in Shatin and have good record of admitting my famous primary school in Shatin. Like Pui Kei, LMC etc
4. In general the English ability of HKPS student is high.  Of course it is still not comparative with those pure Int's kinders.
5. The cost are more reasonable and affordable.

Recently, I was advised that this year, all the candidants to Shatin Junior are accepted.  It is very encouraging to me as I plan to send my daughter to Shatin Junior. ( I hope it is ture and happen to my daugther)

Some more information for you. Starting from K2, HKPS provides one extra hour English lesson per week. This is free of charge.

Do ask me if you need further information?  

Rank: 2

發表於 04-4-29 15:42 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Thank you

Dear hangkeelong,

Their AM class is full quickly.  Of course priority is given to the nusrey class.

My daughter is interviewed in English. However they allowed me to stay togehter with her. I suggest you to go half hour earlier, let your boy play at there and get familiar with the new environment.  It will be easier for him. The interview is not difficult, don't worry too much.

Personally I do believe English is important. Language is the key to everything.  It gives one's confidence at work.

You mentioned your boy watch TV, why not ask your Ma to give him only the English channel?  There is Sesame Street daily at Pearl. My daughter likes it very much.

Dear athenak,

I didn't stay at Anchor since :

1. Anchor has only int'l or local class.  However I want to have both.  So if my daughter is not accepted by Int'l school or I change my mind, I still have another choice.  I want my girl to be good at both Chinese and English. In case I have to apply for private school, they test Chinese.

2. I am living in Shatin, HKPS has much more reference in Shatin than Anchor.  Anchor is too new I am not sure how good is the past record in primary school.

My daugther studied at Int'l class at Anchor. Anchor is a good school. Especially the colorful and new campus.  We still miss it.  However because of very practical reasons I decided to leave. Actually I don't know HKPS before Anchor, I know HKPS in accident. Thanks God as it perfectly suit my need.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-4-30 10:10 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Thank you

Dear Hangkeelong,

Please check PM. I have sent you one.

I think normally it is not recommended to attend PM class for small kid.  I am afraid if they feel tired they will sleep in the school bus that is dangerous. But I have no real experience on it.

Maybe you should get a seat at PM and wait for AM. So if they have AM class, you get the priority.  I believe you may not need to wait for long as the turnover for nursery is normally high.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-5-19 17:55 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Thank you

Dear Hangkeelong,

I think your husband is right.  To spend 45 minutes in one trip and 1.5 hour per day in travel is not manageable by a 2 yrs old baby.  Especially in Summer time we have bad weather (you will be really worry).  Before my daughter studies at HKPS, she had studied in another Kinder at Sum Shiu PO which takes her nearly one hour per trip. That it is a great mistake and immediately I transfered her to HKPS in one month.

So it makes sense to find a Kinder close to where you live.  
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