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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 ISF FY & G1
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ISF FY & G1 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-12-3 17:42 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:joeydesu 的帖子

This is not an international school.  It is an independent and private school.  The minority is Caucasian.  Finally, it is an academic school, so  be aware if you think the school will provide sufficient non academic opportunity to the students.  Since it is an academic school, it will be beneficial to your kid if there is someone at home to assist the homework.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-12-4 13:14 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 joeydesu 的帖子

It is not a bad school at all.  Many people are striving to get in.
Please keep in mind a good school does not mean it suits you.
But the parents have to sort out what you want for your kid.
If you are keen on academic, then this school is definitely a good choice.
If you are keen on Chinese language under non-local scheme, then this school is again a good choice.
If you want the school to provide good exposure of arts, music and sports to the kids, this school IS NOT a good choice.
If parents have flexible working hours, this school suits you.  If your working hours are fixed, there is bound to be a lot of tensions between the parents and the kid when it comes to dealing with homework and study.  Yes, you can hire tutors to do the job, which a lot of parents in this school do.  Then, you go back and ask yourself.  How come you are doing what parents with kids in local schoosl do?  What is your point of putting the kid in such high tuition school?  There seems to be a conflict, right?  You want less tension with homeworks and less tension between the kid and yourself, but yet you are getting them.  Yes, you may hear parents with kids in this school saying "I did not manage the kids' homework at all and they are doing fine".  This may be true because they hire tutors, and secondly, the workload of present FY and G1 are more than before.  Therefore parents who give you such comment probably have kids in higher grades already.
I realize many parents who choose this school has one reason only: good Chinese training in an "international school".  
As you mentioned, this is NOT an international school.  Just treat it as a school in-between local and international.
Do not be scared by my comments.  I just do not want you to choose a wrong school for your kid.  Nowadays, switching school is easy at all.
My kid is also in ISF.  I have to admit I choose my kid a wrong school from the point that I want my kid to be in a well rounded school with focuses not purely on academics.
Good luck.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-12-4 14:21 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:HKTHK 的帖子

Hi, I forgot whether you are a working parent or not.
It is really amazing that your kid has so much playing time.  No wonder you are so positive about this school.
As for IS and PIS, there is a difference in terms of students background diversity.  PIS has mainly local students while IS has mainly foreign passport holders.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-12-5 08:44 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:musicien 的帖子

As I know, there is an international school that emphasizes on music.  Go Google it.
Also, you can see in this discussion, there are die-hard fans of ISF.  It is really better off for you to hear from present parents' comments, especially parents with kids in grades closer to your kid.
May I ask if you are working parents?  That is really a concern not only in homework but also school activities are pretty well held in weekdays.  This organization is quite different from CKY, for instance, which understands there are working parents.

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