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九龍禮賢會幼稚園 vs 啟思幼稚園 (滙景分校) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-4-13 10:16 |顯示全部帖子
I am in the same situation choosing between Creative (Sceneway) & Kln Rhenish.  But I think most likely I would choose Kln Rhenish.  My daughter is currently studying in N1 (PM) in Creative and will study pm class in Kln Rhenish.  How about you?  Maybe we could talk more.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-4-20 13:53 |顯示全部帖子
My daughter is currently studying N1 in Creative (Sceneway Gdn).  As far as I notice,my daughter is learning basic skills in getting along with her classmates and ways to expressing herself - there is improvements.  I've heard that it is a school focusing on providing a happy environment for the kids rather than academic education.   If KRS can provide a rather comprehensive education to our kids and their teachers are full of care and patience (that what I heard from every corner), why don't we give it a try.  Perhaps it is better for our kids to build up their foundation.   Actually, am class was my first priority but I won't refuse if they offer me pm.

I also worried as you do that the long distance for travelling.  See if we can get a group of enough classmates so that we could liaise with a school bus company directly sending our kids to/back school/home (shorter the journey).

As I'm not good in typing Chinese, my apology.   If you like to talk, you may pm me your contact number / email for communication.
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