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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 心儀St. Cat,有冇好既interview實習班介紹
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心儀St. Cat,有冇好既interview實習班介紹 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-5-26 14:03 |顯示全部帖子

100% support you! You are what a mother paid heart to your child (readthrough a St. Cat forum one year), you know... some mother pay moneyonly!!!! ( to attend what what interview class..)

It is doubtless some interview course can help to enroll some KG. But for a child, not only a interview... includes the academic result, they needs your heart instead of money.  

原帖由 Yanamami 於 09-5-26 10:13 發表
It's quite hard to explain.  I read through a St. Cat forum one year.  There were a parent who got really angry as her daugher who can speak both English and Chinese fluently but got rejected.  She ha ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-5-27 13:13 |顯示全部帖子
From your reply that you did much for your child & you are not in lower educated. A interview is just taken for 8- 15mins. I believe you can train your child well for the interview if you spare time.

Especially St. Cat, they principal in English. I don't believe that interview class can make your son very good in English in a sudden.

YMCA has a good English playgroup that you can try, it is for long term, not for a interview.

I PM you a interview class information if you still want to take part in.

Hope you understand what i mean & my word won't make you feel bad.

P.S. If you did pay heart to your child, why do you feel bad from my word? In HK, both heart & money we have to pay for a child to have a better performance. Of course, you have your right to choose.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-5-29 10:57 |顯示全部帖子

Agree! I doing what you are talking about.
Yes, be patient!

原帖由 Kendis1 於 09-5-27 16:57 發表
1)I think that 學校会留意小朋友的認知多过學識(如有,當然最好).
做法:從小在日常生活中,我們已教授很多知 ...
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