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教育王國 討論區 九龍塘學校(小學部) 【KTS】 07年9月入讀小一ge家長入黎傾
樓主: Ben2003

【KTS】 07年9月入讀小一ge家長入黎傾 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-24 19:44 |顯示全部帖子
Good guess!   環保 ma!  You can ask Jason just color the beach and add a swimming trunk and face for that match man.  Or to put a hat or sunglasses.....something like that just to make the drawing more 豐富.   Byron even put number on each yacht and there are more than 5 yachts in the sea and the yachts are in different color.   I think that's is the reason he can pass the teacher... In fact I don't think his drawing is good but for a P1 student, it's OK.   As his mother is very bad in drawing , so he won't inherited that kind of talent from me...  
原文章由 Kinma 於 07-10-23 21:12 硐表
I asked Byron he said no one in his class was being rejected for the drawing submitted.  Or he did not pay attention whether there is any.     

Rank: 4

發表於 07-11-1 18:29 |顯示全部帖子
My son told me it's optional and in fact he told me not to join la because he already got so many things to do daily.  He is such a lazy bone sometimes and not particularly  interested  in Maths.   However I am interested in 常識每日練習 as it's rather difficult to find exercise book of that kind from outside bookstore.   The memo said it takes 60 mins per week, i.e. 10 mins per day , assume Sunday off.   So it only takes the children 20 mins to finish two exercise.   I think it will benefit the children a lot if they can have that patience to finish the exercise daily.   They need to sacrifice some of their playing time.   In fact I guess they already have very little now.   Still it's optional if you don't want to join , just don't return the memo.
原文章由 chun媽 於 07-11-1 13:16 硐表


Rank: 4

發表於 07-11-5 20:59 |顯示全部帖子
so fast?   But we havn't receiveed password and website details from the teacher yet.   I supposed it will take a week at least for processing
原文章由 j2baba 於 07-11-5 16:40 硐表
Anyone who has joined "數學和常識每日1篇" can enter it? My kid told me we could log in since last Fri. But I couldn't log in since last Fri. Always "log in error".

Rank: 4

發表於 07-11-13 22:53 |顯示全部帖子

This book is with us.   They havn't used it before.
原文章由 Helen 於 07-11-13 22:35 硐表
今天1A班家課有數學"課室小學數學進階練習(一下)p.4-5...但我搵極都搵唔到,你地有無呀?? 定係老師記錯,在學校呀??


Rank: 4

發表於 07-11-14 18:15 |顯示全部帖子
Yes, I agree and I use similar method to train my son.  Actualy one thing I don't need to force him to do is to 寫字.  Especially Chinese,  he like to practice Chinese writing by himself when he has time.   So I just copy all the 詞語 from the testbook and write it on his used 生字薄 that he used in Kinder and let him do it when he has time.  He will repeat when he finish writing those that I have 起字頭.  Gradually these words are on his mind and one day when I challenge him for a  dictation.  He can dictate almost all of them.   I also teach him to do exercise that I bought from outside bookstore and copied those words that he usally encountered in his 生字薄.  So little by little he knows more words.   Asked them to write more, practise more are the only way to improve.   As expected,  most of his mistake found in his test paper is due to his carlessness.  So there is still room for improvement.....

原文章由 chun媽 於 07-11-14 14:25 硐表
對於溫習中文的方法,我很同意yanamami,課文內的詞語,我要求小兒默寫,又要他朗讀課文,或跟據課文的內容與他分析,課室補充跟他記重點,又跟據補充工作紙估計測驗的內容,如作句.擴寫.續寫.填充等題型一定會出,再給予少量 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-11-14 18:29 |顯示全部帖子
By the way,  in the Chinese Test there is a comprehension  regarding 兩姊弟找貓.  The brother and sister are discussing if they need to place an Ad in the newspaper to find the cat.   And there is a question asking if you were the brother,  what better method you can suggest to find the cat.  The answer from my son make me laugh - What he wrote is " 我找姊姊去找"  這非常附合他的個性 : 精人出口, 笨 人出手.  And the teacher give him a tick.      
原文章由 chun媽 於 07-11-14 14:25 硐表
對於溫習中文的方法,我很同意yanamami,課文內的詞語,我要求小兒默寫,又要他朗讀課文,或跟據課文的內容與他分析,課室補充跟他記重點,又跟據補充工作紙估計測驗的內容,如作句.擴寫.續寫.填充等題型一定會出,再給予少量 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-1-25 12:29 |顯示全部帖子
Will any of you go to the BBQ this Sat?
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