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蘇浙幼稚園 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-8-12 23:55 |顯示全部帖子
For the K1 interview, you can choose between Mandarine and English.  I have chosen Mandarine for my girl in the K1 interview. however, as I am too shame of my Mandarine, I shifted to Cantonese one minute after the interview and the teacher was fine with it.  So, the interview was basically conducted with the teacher spoke in Mandarine while we spoke in Cantonese mixed with little bit of English. My girl was admitted to KCS too though we did not speak pure Mandarine throughout the interview.

I sent the application by post and it did not affect my application.  However, my experience was already almost 2 years ago.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-8-14 00:03 |顯示全部帖子
Of course, not all the children are the same.  But for my kid's case.  She did not know a single word in Mandarine before entering KCS PN, but she did manage to survive petty well in KCS  with the teachers spoke purely in Mandarine to her (regarding Mandarine, zero input from family until now).  

There are also non-chinese students in my kid's class who do not know Chinese at all, but they can also manage to understand Mandarine after some time.  So, don't worry too much.  Have confidence in your kid, their language ability is beyond our expectation.  Medium of teaching in Mandarine nowaday is not reserved to Mandrine speaking families only.  

原帖由 ChristinaH 於 10-8-13 11:46 發表
我有個問題呀, 蘇浙係咪日常係學校生活都係講普通話架? 吾會有人講廣東話架? 其實 d 小朋友咁細, 我個仔連野都未識講, 咁佢地講普通話d小朋友咪好難明, 理解吾到咯? ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-8-15 17:14 |顯示全部帖子
Sorry, I have no information re this statistic.  I can only tell you I know 3 kids all born in late Dec and is (will be) studying in KCS KG AM class as a small B.  So, KCS KG does accept small B, but I learnt from a friend that this is not the case for KCS PN when her small B applied KCS PN (her small B will study in KCS KG in coming Sept and was born in late Dec).

原帖由 bbbingo 於 10-8-15 00:18 發表
細b會唔會全部都要讀pm class?
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