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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 入耀中係咪死硬~~~
樓主: 牛津

入耀中係咪死硬~~~ [複製鏈接]

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發表於 09-6-28 13:04 |顯示全部帖子
I have no doubt that csce's child must  be one of the best students at Yew Chung. So this kid can hardly be used as a "reference" of how good an average kid at Yew Chung is. To look at a school, I would rather look at the norm, or look at what most children can perform.
Plus, I really have doubt whether the same child would still be one of the top ones if he/she is with another IS like GSIS, HKIS or even ESF.
I am not trying to challenge csce in any way. But knowing how YC rate their students, I know that really average student can receive unrealistically impressive comments and results in their reports. So parents might need to make objective adjustments when looking at their children's acheivements at Yew Chung. A very average student (when compared to other IS) can possibly turn out to be one of the best ones at YC.
As far as I know, there are only probably 10% amongst the really best ones that would stay beyond P6 at YC. Presuming that there are 10 really good students in P6, only 1 would stay with YC. The other 9 would go to much better schools like HKIS, GSIS and ESF. And to be honest, these really top students at YC, would usually turned out to be very average with their new schools initially.
And these schools know. They know by seeing the the students at interviews and admission tests. They know that they should never trust the reports produced by YC.
And YC and YC parents are usually very proud to tell others that there is this child that was accepted by HKIS, or GSIS, etc. Or there is this child that, probably like csce's child, has all kinds of acheivements, etc.
But let me ask you, how many child at YC are that good? What about the rest?
The fact is that, most P6 children at YC is really behind when compared to other international schools. Well, may be except Chinese standard, since almost all children are local chinese (some have huge problem with taking part in a complete English conversation) and a large percentage of students are local elite school dropouts.
入耀中係咪死硬? Not if all parents want are nice impressive reports, impressive reference letters, etc. Seldom would they disappoint you. In fact, you would not notice the problem as long as you stay with Yew Chung until you need to apply for universities.
One thing that is funny, is that YC is very proud of their university admission statistics. They always tell parents that their university admission rate is 100%.
Ha! What an acheivement.
Knowing the variety of universities you can get at the US, 100% university admittance is in fact not hard to acheive. Yet they are so proud of this, they must presume that all parents are stupid.

[ 本帖最後由 nintendo 於 09-6-28 13:19 編輯 ]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 09-6-29 12:11 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 csce 於 09-6-28 13:42 發表
My child has participated in the International Talent Search administrated by the John Hopkins University and earned "High Honour" scores in both the vebral and quantitative parts of the test, and we were invited to attend an award ceremony.

If it is not already clear in my previous post, let me state it clearly that my purpose is not to boast how good my child is (there is no need for me to convince anyone about this) nor to sell/defend any particular school. Any caring parents will choose the best available school for their kids. My purpose is just to share my experience which indicates an "No" to "入耀中係咪死硬 ".

I never said that you were trying to show off or anything.
In fact, I have made it clear that I would not consider a couple of top/good students can represent the whole of Yew Chung.
Your child and foolish.mom's child were not "入耀中死硬" because they were amongst the top students.
In a class of around 20-25, there are probably one or two that are really really outstanding. Then there may be around 3-4 that are "above average" within Yew Chung (ie only very average compared to other international schools). These usually would leave soon for HKIS, GSIS, CIS, or ESF soon.
For the remaining 20 students, probably another 15 to be considered "average" within Yew Chung (ie below average compared to other international schools). These would basically fail almost all admission tests with other international schools,  and would have to stay with Yew Chung throughout secondary.
Then there is the last 5 students that are really really poor in all aspects even within Yew Chung. Most of these children have huge learning problem, eg ADHD etc. The school does not have any support for children with special needs. They do not help these children would only "suggest"  the child to repeat one year (yep, no kidding, they love asking people to repeat). The would provide no assistance to you, eg providing assistance to students with special needs like ESF does. And ESF is in fact cheaper than Yew Chung, I want to remind everyone. I do not want to argus whether Yew Chung has better Chinese program than ESF. I know a lot of kids from both schools. I would say that YC's chinese is just "average" while their English is "poor". If this is still ok, go for it.
If all I want is "average" chinese and "poor English, there are a lot of other schools around in Hong Kong charging you much less.
This is all I am going to say.
Good luck to those who are joining YC, and those who decided to stay with YC.
And "well done" for those who already got offers from other really good schools.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 09-6-29 12:13 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Williamhero2009 於 09-6-29 09:14 發表
In nutshell, YC is money minded and below average despite I graduated from there 30 yrs ago. NO more arugment as I don't want ppl think we ar e sort of smearing, stoking tension here. If ppls want to  ...

Me too.
I was a Yew Chung baby too.
I was in the kindergarten.
I have alwyas thought that it was such a good school then.
And in fact, it was still quite good a few years ago, but when they kind of expanded their primary section, everything turned really horrible.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 09-7-12 11:16 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 ShatinIvy 於 09-7-12 00:28 發表
I am just curious. My son is not in YC.

If YC is so bad, how come it has such good result in IB & GCSE?

http://www.singtao.com/yesterday/edu/0221g ...

I do not know how good is 40+. Because according to my limited knowledge 40 is already very different from 43. I would say that in most IS, we are talking about lots of students being able to get 40-42, but a lot fewer 43-45.
So which "range" are those YC students, we do not know.
One thing for sure is that, YC has never been good at university placements in their whole past. From what I remember, they have in the past posted a list on their website of universities their students have got admission to. It was an accumulative list of universities of their whole history, not a list for a specific year. But even such accumulative list was not impressive.
Having said that, I agree that if one gets 40+, he probably can get admission to many good universities. Although I would not say one fourth of 40+ is worth that much talk (sorry to be direct, but I really do not think this is something other schools would be proud of at all, this still YC;s new record. Considering their pass achievements, this is probably the best results they have ever had. This is definitely one big step forward for YC. So finally, parents have something on hand to tell people how good their school is.
Having said that, I would say that YC is still behind other IS. So may be still too early to be too proud.

[ 本帖最後由 nintendo 於 09-7-12 11:29 編輯 ]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 09-7-12 11:38 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 thankful 於 09-7-12 11:01 發表
How interesting!  

The newspaper said "耀中國際學校中學部今年亦有四十八人報考IB課程,當中有兩人取得四十三分,有九人取得四十分以上"


The result looks g ...

That makes more sense.
I know that we are talking about "outstanding" results for anything over 42.
But, yes, this is really impressive, especially for YC.
I am also interested in knowing the university placements statistics.
I have seen their list a few years back and it was totally disappointed.

One more interested thing. Singtao has always been "in good relation" with Yew Chung. You can see that YC is the only school with no full score students that has been mentioned. And coincidently YC is being "quoted" by both reports.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 09-7-12 12:30 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Cara2006 於 09-7-12 12:00 發表

Take ESF as an example. KGV probably has the most local chinese students.
We are unable to tell what background does this guy that got 45 marks has. I would not be surprised if he is from a complete ...

Welcome back.
Wonder why you have so much time spending in a place where you have no interests in.
Do you think you are wasting your valuable time talking to people like me?

By the way, may be you would also want to share your views too on why those local school top students refused to stay in local schools.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 09-7-19 13:09 |顯示全部帖子
I am certainly not surprised this topic has now branched into a discussion (or argument) whether ESF is good. ESF is a large group, and certainly it is a huge "target".

I agree that we need more data to fairly compare YC with ESF. However, if this year YC has such impressive results, I would like to know how they did it. Are there ways that other schools can learn from them, in order to "push" the results to a much higher level?

In the past, YC have never been good with IBD results and YC have never been good with university placements. However, it would appears that the results this year is so much better now. How did they do it?

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 09-7-20 09:30 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 WYmom 於 09-7-20 05:46 發表

In a few years ago, I asked Yew Chung for the average IB scores and they told me that it was 28.  So how good is Yew Chung's average IB score this year?

SC's IB average is around 34-35 in the past years, Lee Po Chung's average is around 36.

I am glad WYmom quoted some of the average scores for reference.

I am interested in knowing the average scores for YC too. The newpaper articles have quoted partial scores of the students of YC. But how about the average?

There are a couple of other things I would like to raise.

May be some parents are not aware yet, but there are students that are NOT getting an IB diploma but instead an IB certificate. Usually, students that are "not suitable" to take the diploma program would be advised or suggested to take a certificate program, which is much less demanding than a diploma program. For more information, visit the IBO website. The main difference would be that there are fewer restrictions on selecting the courses for a certificate program.

Also, even if two persons are both IB diploma students, two person having the same score may not mean they have same qualifications for top tier universities. For example, Higher Level Math and Math Studies are totally different levels of Math. Getting a 6 for the former would definitely mean more than getting a 7 for the latter.

So, we would always also look at the university placement results as reference too.

I do not have the actual data for past years. And it is probably still early to know where all the graduates would go eventually. May be we will have more accurate data after everyone settles down in September.
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