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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 青衣學之園普英班
樓主: 榛子

青衣學之園普英班 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 07-12-11 00:16 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 Annabelle_chen 於 07-12-9 00:26 發表

我是Annabelle'媽咪,我們全家是從台灣來的,廣東話不太靈光 ,請大家多多包涵 ~也希望有機會向各位請教廣東話~


我們 ...

Hello Annabelle 媽咪

我是Charmaine (潘昱希) 媽媽, 你好! Charmaine 同 Annabelle 是好好朋友, 以前同一組(西瓜組), 你們好像是住在灝景灣, 我們住在十座, 日後多多交流.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-11 00:22 |顯示全部帖子
Hi Suzanne (Twins Ma)

I know you told story to kids today. How did they respond? By the way, thank you so much for the chocolates. Did you ask questions after the stories? Charmaine told me that she could get the chocolate because she got the answer "frog".

Vicky (Charmaine Ma)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-11 00:33 |顯示全部帖子

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-12 23:13 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 Annabelle_chen 於 07-12-11 17:50 發表

ok  ok ~我女兒很喜歡和你女兒玩~下學期有機會再請小朋友到家裡玩~

We can play together when you have time. We live so close. Charmaine always plays in the clubhouse but we never see you. Enjoy your X'mas in Taiwan. Cheers.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-12 23:26 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 SuzanneW 於 07-12-12 17:42 發表
Hi Annabelle Mami,
Welcome to join our chat room .
Basically, I found Annabelle is so smart .. I knew she was trying her best to listen my cantonese story on Monday   

Hi Vicky ( Charmai ...

Hi Suzanne

Charmaine enjoyed listening to your story so much. I think you are so good in arousing their interests and controlling the discipline as well. I will tell story on Feb 25 but still don't have any idea to which story to tell.

Hi Fonny (Ho Yiu's Ma)

I also mentioned to principal once or twice. She said there is no plan to change in the next one or two years. As Suzanne said, classroom is a problem. I fully support if the Eng/Man class can be changed to am session though Charmain used to get up at around 9am. When I decided to let Charmaine study in L.H. K1, I planned to change her to am class at K3 despite it is Eng/Can class. I think it would be better for them to get used to get up early in primary 1.

Hi all moms

Are you going to see the short X'mas performance by kids at L.H. on Dec 17 (Mon). I & my husband will take leave and go together. Though it will be short, we still enjoy seeing them doing something fun.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-20 09:25 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 christycheng 於 07-12-19 23:51 發表
Annabelle ma,
Twins ma, Ambrose ma,
Samuel ma ...

Hello Samuel Ma, Twins Ma, Nicolas Ma, Ambrose Ma

Thank you all for your thoughts, cards & gifts. Wish you have also received our card with a pack of Hello Kitty marshmellow.  Charmaine said she gave everyone in the class. I just want to check if she has really done this. We didn't write down your names on the card but just put Charmaine name sticker in the undersigned. I worried Charmaine doesn't know who to give by just recognising the names. Twins Ma is so smart by sticking the photo. Merry X'mas!

All moms

Charmaine told me that it was Ms. Kerry asked them what they liked to bring for party.  Then it was written down on the paper. Charmaine committed to make chicken. I will make chicken mcnuggets which are easier to eat by kids. It seems that there will be so much fruit. Charmaine only told me Nicolas will bring apples. Is that correct, Nicolas mom?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-30 04:09 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 MrsLaw 於 07-12-27 19:13 發表

thanks again!
Kenneth ma ...

Hi all moms

I & Charmaine are also so thankful of your cards & gifts which has lightened up our festivals. It is her first time to have received a lot from her classmates. We posted all cards on the main door of our home. She looks at them everyday. The holidays have been gone so fast. In the past week, we have been to many many places with her. Now, she said, mom why you need to work from next week? Haha. By the way, Charmaine will start her drawing class in LH from Jan 3. I think Chai Chai & Tung Tung are joining as well. I wish she will not feel sleepy in the class. Happy New Year to all!

Vicky (Charmaine's ma)

[ 本文章最後由 PVC 於 07-12-30 04:21 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-8 21:40 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 kcPooh 於 08-1-8 17:24 發表
Dear all,

I am Hazel ma... Finally i got time to finish reading all your post and noted that more mom are joining this forum. Good to keep update of all of you.

Annabella ma, thanks for your mango ...

Hi Annabelle ma

Thank you for your dried mango which is very delicious. Charmaine misses Annabelle much. Wish your family all the best in 2008!

Hi Suzanne (Twins ma)

Charmaine said that twins didn't go to school for 2 days. Is it true? I wish you are alright.

Hi Willis ma

The plant was died a few days after brought to home. I'm happy to hear that your plant is growing flowers. We met Willis and his dad in Maritime Square last week. Charmaine & Willis played inside Fortress.

Happy 2008!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-12 18:48 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 榛子 於 08-1-11 13:44 發表

其實我們沒有刻意栽種它, 只是天天澆花, 早上放在有陽光照射得到的窗台上, 它便慢慢地生長起來。不過, 若天氣寒冷,植物生長速度可能會慢一點, 不仿等多一會吧。

現在,旨竣每一天都去觀察大蠶豆的生長狀況,看看 ...

Hello Willis ma

Charmaine is also growing red and green beans. As you said the growing is rather slow in winter but it is still fun for kid to know something about life.

Hello Kenneth ma

Thank you for the home grown banana given to K1C classmates. It is very nice. We really appreciate your thought.

Hello all mom

I finally couldn't attend the talk on Wed evening. Was it useful?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-14 00:02 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 MrsLaw 於 08-1-13 09:42 發表
Charmaine ma,

仲有,星期三的講座,我有去,都幾好,總結一 ...

Kenneth Ma

Charmaine is quite fussy at eating. She is not very open on trying new food. For fruit, she only likes bananas and apples. We always encourage to try new food but she is very reluctant especially to those soft and tender food.

Yes, I agree that we being parents need to set a good example for kids to follow. Being a busy working mom like me, I find myself not enough time to teach Charmaine. I need to plan how to do better.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-19 13:24 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 fonnylee 於 08-1-14 11:35 發表
Hello, all,

Today party is celebrating Hoi-yiu's 4-yr-old bday. Time flies........

Of last Wed night talk, I've only attended for 1 hr. Mr YU is really a good speaker. His sharing most impressed me  ...

Hi Fonny (Hoi Yiu Ma)

I have heard from Charmaine that Hoi Yiu vomitted on the birthday party day then she didn't go to school for a few days. Is that right? How is she now? Charmaine has got fever yesterday and vomitted this afternoon. I hope she is getting well.

For ballet class, we are attending "Mo Mui" ballet in Kwai Fong Theatre on Sun starting from Jan 08.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-23 12:22 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 elleray 於 08-1-22 23:53 發表
Oh! Ambrose missed the story time yesterday.:cry:   I'd like to know the story too.  As Ambrose seldom shares with me his school life.

Dear all mums,
I would suggest the story parent to shar ...

Hello all moms

Thank you for your care. Charmaine had fever since last Friday and like Ambrose, she is taking anti-biotics. She is better now and may go to school today. Being parents, it is hard time for us when kids are sick.

Hello Ambrose ma
We also didn't have good sleep these days. Wish Ambrose has totally recovered. By the way, very much appreciated your initiative to make the contact list. I've sent pm to you already.

Hello Suzanne

Yes, I know that Annabelle is in the drawing class. Till now, have the twins only brought back one picture of the winter blossoms? Charmaine told me she drew the Chinese tangerine last time and it is waiting to dry in the school. I don't know how many picture they draw every time. I wish your family would like the Todai buffet which we find quite worth for money. Your kids would love the chocolate fountain and all those ice-cream, desert.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-24 15:56 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 elleray 於 08-1-24 01:18 發表
Charmaine & Samuel ma,

Received your info la!

Dear all mums,
I'm so happy that we can even share what they bring for the 'show & tell'.

Samuel ma,

it's very nice that you tell me Samuel always ta ...

Hello all moms

It is so good that we can share so many information here. As Ellen said, for those we can't bring kids to school really want to know how they are getting on. I've heard from Charmaine that Ms. Law didn't attend school yesterday and another Ms. Wu who speaks Cantonese replaced. Is that right? Charmaine brought a Mickey book yesterday. I will go to the sportsday with Charmaine's grandparents. Do you know if other LH branches also join? I have a friend's kid studying in Hunghom LH.

Hello Samuel Ma

Let me ask Charmaine why she asked Samuel not to put the rubbish into the bin. I wish she didn't act in an impolite way to Samuel.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-28 19:55 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 Annabelle_chen 於 08-1-26 00:30 發表
我可是會很傷心的 ~
下學期若還有家長講故事時間~我會主動報名~看看大家的接受度如何 ...

Hello Annabelle Ma

I think you don't need to worry in telling story in Mandarin. On the contrary, we feel 汗顏 for not being able to speak good Mandarin. As the kids are learning Madarin & English in school, we definitely want them to expose more to these two languages. So, all parents will be very delighted if you go to tell story in Mandarin then we can also know if they respond well. See if they have this chance in the second semester.

Hello Samuel Ma

Charmaine has told me why she asked Samuel not to put the rubbish in the bin was because the thing was not a rubbish and she would need it however she couldn't tell me what that is exactly. The kid's interaction is so funny.

Hello Fonny (hoi -yiu ma)

I've asked Ms. Kerry at parent's day today that they have learnt the phonics to Letter N. There will be English vocab, cards to be delivered in 2nd semester. Besides, maths like those addition & subtraction will be taught in K2.

Hello Suzanne

Did you all enjoy the buffet in Todai? Our family (incl. my parents, my two brothers and in-laws) went to Chime Long Hotel and the zoo last weekend. We were freezing there. The zoo is very nice especially the train taking us to see the wild animals in a close distance. However, Charmaine was so scared to see the circus show. She cried since the beginning and I needed to bring her outiside the show area. The sound, fire and the clowns have made her "fear".  Waht a pity!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-29 22:31 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 christycheng 於 08-1-29 21:38 發表

不過,她說Samuel值得讚賞的是,他很熱心幫助同學,今天食茶點,食香蕉,他幫Charmaine打開香蕉, ...

Hello Samuel Ma
In fact Charmaine also told my helper and me that Samuel had kindly peeled off the banana skin for her. He is such a good boy. I asked Charmaine if she did say thank you. She said "yes" to me. I think Samuel is in the same group as Charmaine now, the banana group. So don't know who will be transferred to this group.

Hello Suzanne
I wish Chai Chai has recovered. Charmaine told me he attended school today. By the way, are you aware of the the progress of the drawing class? Why so far I just see Charmaine took one picture back home? She told me all the pictures are being hanged dry in school.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-2-1 23:15 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 elleray 於 08-2-1 01:28 發表

Ambrose also told me Tung Tung & Chai Chai are absent from the school.  Hope they get well soon and enjoy a happy new year.  Add oil a!

You mentioned a sticker will be given for the best ho ...

Hello all moms
Charmaine enjoyed shopping in the New Year Market at school so much today. She bought back a lot of things. I think this kind of activities are very lively for them. Charmaine brought a toy giraffe purchased from Chime Long for show N Tell this Thur. Wish you Happy Chinese New Year!

Hi Suzanne
Charmaine has told me the twins attended school today. I hope they have recovered totally. Charmaine also didn't take back any drawings home after the drawing class y'day. I also want to call them and know about their progress.
For doing homework, eversince she was in her pre-nursery, she likes doing homework so much. She is very proactive in doing homework and even too often asks for it. That's why I need to buy some drawing or writing book from book shops for her to do.

Hi Nicolas Ma
Charmaine said Nicolas didn't go to school for many days. Is he fine now?

Hi Fonny (Helen's mom)
Charmaine said she will call her Helen from now onwards.
The name is beautiful.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-2-11 13:39 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 MrsLaw 於 08-2-5 20:26 發表
hi, fonny

hi, samuel ma,
samuel真是一個樂於助人的小朋友,因為我都記得kenneth講過,samuel曾助他貼貼紙,但進行甚麼 ...

Hello Kenneth Ma

Charmaine also enjoyed shopping in the LH Flower Market. She also bought a lot of "Fai Chun", fire cracker, "big mandarin" etc. She yelled for going to the real flower market on New Year Eve. We did go to the Tsuen Wan Flower market and bought a pot of orchid and toy "windmill". Have you brought your kids to the flower market?

Wish you all more happy returns, luck and good health in the Year of Rat!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-2-20 18:40 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 SuzanneW 於 08-2-20 16:25 發表
Hi Annabelle Ma,
Welcome back !
Twins Ma Suzanne

> Hello all moms

Both I & my husband will attend the 觀課 on Feb 29 (Fri). Who else on this day? Are we just standing at the back seeing them? Will they be distracted?

Charmaine has brought a toy flower for show and tell today.

> Hello Suzanne

I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the buffet in Todai. Yes, it is very economical that it is free for kids under 6. Any hotel we like for buffet is Prince Hotel. We may try Novotel Hotel in Tung Chung this Sunday.

For western doctor, Charmaine has been visiting Dr. Albert Law Kin Wah in Villa Esplanada Commercial Complex (Level L3) eversince she borned. He is very kind and he also gave us his mobile phone for emergency contact at night. We called him many times. The clinic number is 2149 1199. After all, doctor & patient, needs a good match.

Do you know the teacher of drawing class has been changed from Ms. Candy to Ms. Pui Sze. I called Ms. Candy a few weeks ago asking about Charmaine in the class. She said the pictures drawn in the previous classes are with them for exhibition and will be given back to us later. She told me that Charmaine does well in class but just a bit quiet.  

> Hello Annabelle mom

Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Welcome back to HK! Charmaine missed Annabelle so much.

> Hello Kenneth mom

Charmaine also did the same. Yes, very cute.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-2-20 18:43 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 fonnylee 於 08-2-20 14:05 發表
Hoi-yiu have brought a cat soft-toy for Show & tell. It's the bday gift we give her! :>

My two kids are both suffering from cough & cold. Tin-hang (my little 20m-yr-old boy) has been taking medicine  ...

Hello Helen mom

Wish Tin Han recover soon! Don't worry! Charmaine never sees Chinese practioner and so I don't have any referal. Have you tried the one in UMP at Villa Esplanada Commercial Complex?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-2-25 17:10 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 MrsLaw 於 08-2-23 22:16 發表

Hello all moms

FYI - I told story about "Donkey, Lion & Fox" today. First of all, please forgive me as I'm not a very good story teller. I think Suzanne is much much better. Willis, Ambrose, Kenneth, Nicolas were so active in answering my questions. Tung Tung & Chai Chai were a bit quiet. Samuel together with Charmaine helped me to distribute the small gifts. Charmaine reminded me to let her do this job y'day. I made a bit translations so that Chelsea to make Chelsea understand. I think telling stories in English or Mandarin is better next time.

Hello Annabelle mom

I didn't see Annabelle today. How is she? I have left a small gift to Ms. Kerry for her though she didn't attend the story telling today.

Hello Suzanne

Have you paid the fee for the drawing class in the next 2 months? I have paid today. For disneyland, we have no experience in staying the hotel but just went to Disney twice. We are planning a family trip this year. Target destinations include Japan, Australia. However, we may go to Macau with my mom in law in March.
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