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bb突發皮氣,如何處理 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-5-26 11:34 |顯示全部帖子
Agree with what kerkermui said.BB 發皮氣 is unavoidable, so get used to it.

1. When it happens, stay CALM. This is easy for some parents and extremely hard for others. BB is learning how to calm down when they don't get what they want, so as parents, we must try to show a good example.
2. Distraction. This works most of the time unless they are really deep into their tantrums.
3. Preaching and 講道理 doesn't work during the tantrums. Think again, do you want to listen to "道理" when you are angry? Leave that for afterwards when BB is calm again.
4. Give them some time. When nothing works, you just have to wait it out. When they are 2 or 3, sometimes they forgot why they are angry but just angry at everything.
5. Slap their hands is no good. I don't buy teaching someone to control their emotion with physical punishment.

Kids do come in all shapes, sizes and tempers. Some will be easier/harder to calm down than others.
This BB tantrum period slowly phase out in a couple of years.
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