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教育王國 討論區 教育講場 幫孩子打好英文基楚(下篇) - 給孩子的三張書單 ...
樓主: Y2KChild

幫孩子打好英文基楚(下篇) - 給孩子的三張書單 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-8-23 17:53 |顯示全部帖子

回復 1# Y2KChild 的帖子

Thanks for your sharing.  I think you have shared with us on the way of guiding kids to write.  I have followed it.  Although my son is still not very good, I see some progress.

Can you please pm me the book list as well.  Thanks.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-8-26 12:32 |顯示全部帖子
My target is similar to yours.

My son is now P.3, studying in a private bilingual school.  He spends 1 hour every day for reading, half hour for English and half hour for Chinese.  His teachers said he is very balanced in learning both languages, but I find that he is more interested in English.  Should I ask him to spend more time on Chinese now?

原帖由 nadal 於 10-8-26 12:12 發表
Y2KChild, 你前文的論點我完全同意.


為了防止兩種語文越拉越遠的問題,我會希望在小學時盡力保持均衡閱讀 ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-8-26 16:03 |顯示全部帖子
This is a good series to start with.  I had used books b with my son from levels 4 and upwards.  However, they were written long time ago and are quite boring.

原帖由 囝囝爸 於 10-8-26 15:30 發表

http://books.ladybird.co.uk/nf/Search/QuickSearchProc/1,,key%20words%201a,00.html?id=key words 1a

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-8-26 16:08 |顯示全部帖子
Thanks.  I said he is balanced in both languages doesn't mean that he is good in both language.  In fact, he is just achieving average grades.  

If I do not "ask" him to read Chinese books, he would never read them.  His peers are mainly reading English books.  So, we, the parents, will find good Chinese books and materials and share amongst each other.

原帖由 nadal 於 10-8-26 15:20 發表

I don't think "asking" him to do it is a good move.
No matter how you ask, he might feel that you are forcing chinese books on him.

Since obviously he is already doing pretty good in both languag ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-8-26 17:10 |顯示全部帖子
Agree.  In fact, my son writes as well.  Following Y2KChild (but using other user's name)'s advice, I ask my son to write after reading a story.  His teacher also requires him to write a few lines after reading evey night.  Now, he has the habbit to write - diary, summary of stories, message to me, small note for me when I will be away on business trip, etc.  However, he does not re-write.

I still need to work hard on this with him.

原帖由 nadal 於 10-8-26 16:53 發表

Well, if your kid loves to read then at least you are on the right track.

If you want your kid to have good grades, he has to (willingly) do 3 things:
1. Read. (Reading is only the first part and  ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-8-26 17:45 |顯示全部帖子
You are so clever.

I know the problem is his causal attitude towards the school works.  His teacher has complained that he is working too slow.  I note that he is very inconsistent.  I know I have to push him a little bit now since he is already 8.  I just worry he cannot catch up with his school work as he is now at P.3.

原帖由 nadal 於 10-8-26 17:26 發表

Give yourself and your kid a pat on the back. If your kid can keep going and keep improving, he will have absolutely no problem in that language.

The only reasons I can think of if he is doing enou ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-8-27 22:55 |顯示全部帖子

In my case, I choose books which are appropriate for my son for guided reading everyday.  In a page, there are about 10 or less difficult words or phrases.  I will ask him to read first by himself, and then read aloud together.  I will explain to him the meaning of those words and phrases.  Before the explanation, I think he can pick up about 70%-80% of the content.  He will also read other books which he likes very much.  Some of them are a bit challenging for him, I think he can pick up 70% of the content.

He never uses dictionary when he reads.  He only uses dictionary when his teacher asks him to do so.

Any sharing from other parents?

原帖由 77777 於 10-8-27 22:38 發表

我想再問一下英文閱讀係咪真係只靠上文下理而唔須要去查字典??  如果只係讀一般的普通小學, 學到的英文又真係可以靠上文下理去睇好似ROALD DAHL個D書??  咁又有幾多小朋友好樂意去查字典??  如果真係有好多字 ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-8-28 00:18 |顯示全部帖子
From my experience, I think the best teachers are the parents, especially when the kid is small.  I understand some parents may not be good at English, but why not learn together with the kid?  It is a matter of time and commitment rather than ability, particularly at the first few years.  Of course some parents may not have the time to do this.  In that case, other methods may be needed.

原帖由 77777 於 10-8-27 23:14 發表
我覺得父母可以伴讀係好好, 我個小朋友5歲時, 我都同佢一齊伴讀左幾年, 我係每一個佢唔識的字, 每一個唔識的IDIOM都去查, 一路解比佢聽, 又叫佢READ ALOUD,  同時我就係選擇左公文英文比個仔學(佢一定要查字典), 但 ...
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