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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 Good hope and St Stephen college, make a choice
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Good hope and St Stephen college, make a choice [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-9 23:56 |顯示全部帖子
You will have great difficulty finding a school bus to stanley from NT. All the school bus only cover the HKisland, the only alternative is JamXX WoXX who run private shuttle bus from Stanley to Kowloon and some part of NT. But its routing is also terrible.

If you live in Siu Lam, get prepare to move or drive your son to school everyday if you really keen about SSPC. I have also seen some parent from Kowloon drive the kids to Taikoo Shing or Wanchai to catch the school bus there, Everyday!. It is even worse when you kid is growing bigger and then full of ECA after schooldays, the school is famous for their symphonic band and choirs and other sports, that all need a lot of practise at school. The school bus is very good to send them back after ECA but if your kid need another ride it may be a problem.

原帖由 junior_pam 於 08-11-9 20:32 發表
You are right. Siu Lam is near the Gold Coast.
But St stephen is at the Stanley.
The school bus journy to Stanley is double of Good Hope School.
I know the Teacher's academic background of St stephen  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-10 23:39 |顯示全部帖子
If you know your choice is right then don't border what people said.

At least your kid know better her ability and both of you were having a good time at St. Stephen's campus.

Wish your kid get into a even better school someday.

原帖由 junior_pam 於 08-11-10 22:31 發表
You are right. thanks for your kind comment
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