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Early Reading abilities - Reading Harry Potter in P.1 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-15 18:19 |只看該作者

Early Reading abilities - Reading Harry Potter in P.1

I do not wish to sound arrogant but there is no magic in a P.1 boy being able to read Harry Potter.

I have seen 20 month old babies reading English children story books and a P.5 boy reading legal textbooks, Seventh Child and the Law, Alfred Hitchcock, Shakespear and a P.3 boy writing nice poems and enjoy reading books read by F.3 boys.

I am sure that by P.1, those 20 months old babies can read aloud Harry Potter or any other English books (to understand is a matter of logic which requires further work).

There are many methods proven effective which will give a K2 child the reading ability of a P.4 boy (English and Mandarin). It works with every child and you do not need any giftedness or special talent.

All you need is the total dedication and scarifice from parents.  You reap what you sow.

Please remember to throw away the TV set.
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